What to do this week to game plan for Navy | The Boneyard

What to do this week to game plan for Navy

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Feb 3, 2012
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First, regarding the Mizzou game - fantastic effort all around. Yes, Diaco blew it with the second fake field goal attempt - I would have kicked and hoped our D could make a scoring play in OT. If Diaco really didn't have faith in the FG unit, then I think it would have been better to line up the offense and go for it on 4th down. I would have gone shot gun, lined up Newsome in the backfield, and then have him split out to hopefully distract the LBs. The fake FG was never going to work.

Two other comments about the game - Sherriffs was again pretty darn good. Hopefully as he develops his decision making on when to scamper for a few rushing yards, when to throw it away and when to keep scrambling while looking to make a throw improves. Yes, is doing fine with this aspect of this game - but a little improvement would really take him to the next level.

I also thought RB and OTs played a little better on pass protection. It seemed like most of the pressure came from the interior lineman and TEs unable to stay engaged.

So for the week ahead, if you were Diaco what areas would you focus on during practice? Given this is our third game against a run-option team I would shift more time to special teams. We need to clean up our punt hikes, punt protection and obviously our control of the line scrimmage on FGs. I have not bothered to look at our personnel units - but need to to consider putting starters out there if the second string can't be coached up to play better. The penetration is crazy and intolerable.

Elsewhere I would spend more time developing plays around the shot gun and an open backfield. I would pull out this new play deck in the second half if our run game is faltering. Sherriffs looked decent with the open backfield.

I keep saying that the next game will tell us where the program is. Unfortunately I don't think the Mizzou game provided a clear answer because as awesome as it was to contain Mizzou to 9 points, Mizzou's offense was already established as mediocre. And while our offense has the pieces to be better, it still hasn't generated real points. If we can beat Navy, even as a squeaker, then I think our chances for a 6 win season improve exponentially. If we lay an egg, then questions remain -which way are we really going.
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