What if the pixie dust falls just right? (M. DiMauro) | The Boneyard

What if the pixie dust falls just right? (M. DiMauro)

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Aug 26, 2011
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>>The stadium should be rocking. This is important. Don't complain about UConn's conference affiliation if you don't support football. It's "not in the culture?" Change the culture. Now. Said it before, say it again: UConn fans can beat their chests about being the home office for college basketball. That and five dollars will get you four cents change at Starbucks. Football here must succeed. And it must get into our hearts.<<
Aug 29, 2011
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DARE TO DREAM!!!! UConn FB is following the JC BB program rise!!!!
Aug 26, 2011
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I love basketball, I love the mens' and women's teams, but since 2004 I have really been into football. We go to the bb games now and then as my son has a night job, so we really have to plann ahead . I don't understand why we don't get more cross over fans? People must understand that football success is bb success because, hopefully, it gets us out of this conference.


The CT-TX-US Connection: Historic, Alive and Well
Aug 26, 2011
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Great article. Sums things up pretty well, as of this moment in time.
Aug 26, 2011
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In other words, UConn has to do what Syracuse, BC and Pitt couldn't, and that's win a big number of football games to be promoted.
Aug 29, 2011
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And I quote:

"UConn is a sleeping giant."
"Build it and they will come"
Aug 29, 2014
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BYU fan here. Not psycho like the some of the other ones that posted earlier. I am normal, drink beer occasionally and don't throw a book of Mormon at every attractive woman I see.

I am almost inclined to say no no pixie dust. BYU often hangs with talented teams, Oklahoma, Texas, the Pac 12 teams they have occasionally (but not always) walloped in the Vegas bowl. The problem with BYU is not talent it is coaching and that is why I am hesitant to predict a BYU win over any team with talent.

Bronco Mendenhall is one of the best defensive minds in the game. His teams have shut down high powered running attacks left and right in the past 8 years. Occasionally they have their blunders but for the most part BYU is hard to run against. There is a new coach calling the defensive plays this year so no BYU fan or anyone else really knows how the defense will perform. They have the talent to shut down running games, but the defensive coach is unproven. If Bronco was calling the plays it would be hard for UConn to score. That is not the case so I see Pixie dust potential.

The real problem is Robert Anae and the offense. He instituted a new scheme last year that is called Go Fast, Go hard. In reality it should be called Go Fast, Don't Score. The offense has not proven it can beat a team with good coaches and talent. Texas had talent but the coach was a joke. Even if the offense has proven that, with Anae calling the plays it is impossible to predict one over the other. Potential Pixie dust here.

Anae is terrible at play calling. Watch how many times in this game he will run it up the gut. Anae believes that you have to make something that doesn't work, work, in order to win. He could pass all day and night on you, but if you shut down the run, he will immediately switch to the run game to prove that he can run. It doesn't matter if you have the girl scouts playing corner and safety, if you can stop the run or the pass, that is the exact place Anae will try to attack you. There will be at least four 3rd and a mile and he will try to run it up the middle. Guaranteed Pixie dust here.

I don't see the BYU Offense scoring much besides field goals. I may be wrong but I wouldn't be the only one. I do see the Defense stepping up. BYU won't cover the spread and UConn keeps it close. 16-13


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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"Hit 'em in the mouth early."
Apparently Mike is a UConnDan97 fan...

I will be expecting his royalty check in the mail any day now...


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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BYU fan here. Not psycho like the some of the other ones that posted earlier. I am normal, drink beer occasionally and don't throw a book of Mormon at every attractive woman I see.

I am almost inclined to say no no pixie dust. BYU often hangs with talented teams, Oklahoma, Texas, the Pac 12 teams they have occasionally (but not always) walloped in the Vegas bowl. The problem with BYU is not talent it is coaching and that is why I am hesitant to predict a BYU win over any team with talent.

Bronco Mendenhall is one of the best defensive minds in the game. His teams have shut down high powered running attacks left and right in the past 8 years. Occasionally they have their blunders but for the most part BYU is hard to run against. There is a new coach calling the defensive plays this year so no BYU fan or anyone else really knows how the defense will perform. They have the talent to shut down running games, but the defensive coach is unproven. If Bronco was calling the plays it would be hard for UConn to score. That is not the case so I see Pixie dust potential.

The real problem is Robert Anae and the offense. He instituted a new scheme last year that is called Go Fast, Go hard. In reality it should be called Go Fast, Don't Score. The offense has not proven it can beat a team with good coaches and talent. Texas had talent but the coach was a joke. Even if the offense has proven that, with Anae calling the plays it is impossible to predict one over the other. Potential Pixie dust here.

Anae is terrible at play calling. Watch how many times in this game he will run it up the gut. Anae believes that you have to make something that doesn't work, work, in order to win. He could pass all day and night on you, but if you shut down the run, he will immediately switch to the run game to prove that he can run. It doesn't matter if you have the girl scouts playing corner and safety, if you can stop the run or the pass, that is the exact place Anae will try to attack you. There will be at least four 3rd and a mile and he will try to run it up the middle. Guaranteed Pixie dust here.

I don't see the BYU Offense scoring much besides field goals. I may be wrong but I wouldn't be the only one. I do see the Defense stepping up. BYU won't cover the spread and UConn keeps it close. 16-13
I love our BYU guests. They seem to have their verision of "We're Doooomed" where they come over and explain why they shouldn't be expected to win. Between injuries, scheme issue and suspensions, it seems clear to me that these guys won't win a game all year. [end sarcasm] That said, except for the pre-teens that popped up over the last day or so, I kind of like these guys. They are polite, have some decent observations and are just tongue-in-cheek enough to be interesting. We've seen worse.
Aug 29, 2014
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Nah I don't think we are doomed. I don't know what to expect. I know what expect from the coaches because it has been the same for years. Bronco - Good, Anae - Tool! If it makes you feel better I could give in depth analysis of matchups but really... I don't know anything about UConn. I can't give you reasons why BYU should win when I don't know any reasons why UConn should lose.
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