Weist: We took a step back as an offense | The Boneyard

Weist: We took a step back as an offense

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Aug 26, 2011
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>>This game, we took a step back as an offense and from the line standpoint,” Weist said.

There will be adjustments. Weist said the staff isn’t “ignorant” of what happened and are considering changes in personnel, scheme and even coaching. Weist said he might consider relinquishing some of the play-call duties. The Huskies also aren’t going to bring in any assistant coaches and could see some staff shuffling of assignments as a result.<<


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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>>This game, we took a step back as an offense and from the line standpoint,” Weist said.

There will be adjustments. Weist said the staff isn’t “ignorant” of what happened and are considering changes in personnel, scheme and even coaching. Weist said he might consider relinquishing some of the play-call duties. The Huskies also aren’t going to bring in any assistant coaches and could see some staff shuffling of assignments as a result.<<

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I think I just read that Boyle's leash might not be as long as the Boneyard had originally thought it was, and maybe we haven't seen the last of Whitmer.

If I'm right, and I don't know that I am, I'm not sure how to feel about it. Boyle is the future, there's no doubt about that. But if Boyle is going to also throw picks and not have improved pocket presence, then I think that Whitmer is the better option today. OR....this could just be to try to light a fire under some of the players' behinds during practice...
Aug 26, 2011
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Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I think I just read that Boyle's leash might not be as long as the Boneyard had originally thought it was, and maybe we haven't seen the last of Whitmer.

If I'm right, and I don't know that I am, I'm not sure how to feel about it. Boyle is the future, there's no doubt about that. But if Boyle is going to also throw picks and not have improved pocket presence, then I think that Whitmer is the better option today. OR....this could just be to try to light a fire under some of the players' behinds during practice...

This would be f+going stupid
Sep 27, 2011
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Even though we're still losing it's nice to actually hear some accountability coming from the Coaching staff and a recognition that doing the same will not cut it.
Aug 27, 2011
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Thought it was hard to tell because the OL played so bad...but Boyle looked better throwing the ball than he did against USF when he did have the time. Not as many sailed on him this week.
Aug 29, 2011
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Even though we're still losing it's nice to actually hear some accountability coming from the Coaching staff and a recognition that doing the same will not cut it.
100% agree. Much more forthcoming than the usual, 'we'll have to watch the tape' ..
Aug 24, 2011
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I would start getting younger guys experience at the tackles. Bennett and Friend won't be here next season and we need to think about who fills those critical slots. I think McCombs won't see a 20 carry game again. As for Boyle, he's getting valuable experience under fire. That said, there's no sense in ruining his confidence are getting him all banged up, so I don't think it's out of the question that Chandler gets some snaps the rest of the way. All speculation.....


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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I would start getting younger guys experience at the tackles. Bennett and Friend won't be here next season and we need to think about who fills those critical slots. I think McCombs won't see a 20 carry game again. As for Boyle, he's getting valuable experience under fire. That said, there's no sense in ruining his confidence are getting him all banged up, so I don't think it's out of the question that Chandler gets some snaps the rest of the way. All speculation.....

I worry about Boyle getting hurt not only physically...but mentally. I hope the crappy play of his offensive line doesnt lead to bad habits, bad decisions and happy feet. I think last year's o-line didn't exactly help Whitmer's confidence.

But...I still think the upside of experience justifies playing him anyway.
Aug 26, 2011
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I worry about Boyle getting hurt not only physically...but mentally. I hope the crappy play of his offensive line doesnt lead to bad habits, bad decisions and happy feet. I think last year's o-line didn't exactly help Whitmer's confidence.

But...I still think the upside of experience justifies playing him anyway.

Guys in his second game he threw 22-39 for 310. He's doing just fine emotionally. Put him out there every game and he will continue to grow up big time.
Sep 5, 2011
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Do we loose 3 starting offensive linemen next year?

If so, if they can't do the job after 3-4-5 years in the program, personnel changes should be made. At least next year we have some players battle tested before the season starts.

I like Weist attitude. If you can't execute as a player or coach, we'll make changes to find those who can.

Orlovsky had a rough year-year and a half. And looked what developed!

Keep Boyle in the game. We all learn best when we make mistakes.
Aug 26, 2011
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I was wondering last week if the O-line really had improved or if they just looked better because USF's line was depleted with injuries. I thought that Cincinnati would be a better indicator. Needless to say I was disappointed.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I was wondering last week if the O-line really had improved or if they just looked better because USF's line was depleted with injuries. I thought that Cincinnati would be a better indicator. Needless to say I was disappointed.

I would argue that it is still unclear. I've never seen a team go completely to pass-protect for the last 20 minutes of the game without running a single run play. 6 of the 8 sacks happened during that stretch. Even TJ admitted that he should not have abandoned the run the way he did.

As this line has shown before, if they are put in a position where they aren't asked to hit someone, they aren't very good. If they are asked to hit someone, they are exponentially better. And since we were averaging over 4 yards a carry, there was no reason to completely abandon the run game...
Aug 28, 2011
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If we score 40 points, they would have scored 60. Our defense was the problem. They used the second half as a scrimmage for offensive scubs.
Aug 27, 2011
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I thought the offense looked much better than vs USF. Those INTs really were drive killers. And of course all the sacks too.
Aug 30, 2011
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So Weist is going to relinquish some play calling, very interesting.

Here is how I read that, Weist is being a good diplomat, he will relinquish some play calling and simultaneously Hank Hughes will be relinquishing some of his play calling.

UCF if the perfect game to try new things since they are likely to beat us pretty bad anyway. Our one chance is if they come out flat and we adopt a new style game plan that catches them off guard. Punch them in the face while they are sleeping.
Sep 21, 2011
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UCF if the perfect game to try new things since they are likely to beat us pretty bad anyway.
Really like your optimism. (sarcasm) :( Must be why you're metsfan2323...the next century they'll have a chance to win the world series. :D
Aug 29, 2011
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Game was just a disaster from all perspectives. Coaching was not very good, offense was bad, special teams was bad. Defense was bad, too. This was a bad match up for us anyway. And nobody played well. I really think Weist has demonstrated that he is not that good a play caller. He wants to be TDH's kind of guy without the tools. the first scoring drive was a perfect example. Drove down the field mostly with a solid running attack. We're at the 2 and Hyppolite gets hit for a 2 yard loss on 1st down. So we're at the 4, 2nd and goal. Weist panics and decides he needs to pass the football after we've just been pounding the football very effectively. Result is a procedure penalty moving the ball back to the 9 then 2 incompletions and a field goal. that was a situation that called for running the football on 2nd down (jeez, we'd just run it for 35 yards on the drive). We call run there and we likely don't get the procedure call, since Samra clearly was trying to pass block, and maybe we pound it in. Seems as long as we're gaining positive yardage he's ok running the football but with any minor setback, and a 2 yard loss is a minor setback on the goal line, he immediately panics and concludes we can't run. he did exactly the same thing last week. We're running the football pretty well, get stopped on 2 plays so give the ball to Boyle to win the game.

Finally, it 7-0, UConn is 0-5 inside the 10 with the ball. maybe we just go on 4th down. I mean really. What's the worst thing that happens? You don't get it and you lose. You got 3 and lost. Same with the missed field goal. Christen hasn't hit a 40 yarder this year. he's something like 2-10 career. You're still in the game. You're 0-5. Why not take a shot at going for it? this guy reminds me of one of those NFL coaches who kicks a field goal down 35-7 with 2 minutes left. Almost like it matters whether you lose by 20 or by 30. It would be one thing if Christen was automatic. In a way he is. Automatic miss. Just go for it. You're 0-5, on the road against a big favorite. Just go for it.
Sep 5, 2011
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Monday morning quarterbacking is fun.

I am so angry & frustrated at this point, I'm going to offer some commentary using a preposition I can't ever recall using before ....... "IF"

"IF" the players execute a given play.......they succeed

"IF" the players succeed, Uconn scores

"IF" Uconn scores, UConn has a better chance of winning

"IF" UConn wins more, UConn has a better seasonal record

"IF" UConn has better seasonal records, the perception of the program becomes better

"IF" the perception of the program becomes better, so are UConn's chances of getting a nod at any future realignment prospects

"IF" UConn gets a nod at future realignment opportunity, UConn is out of the AAC

"IF" UConn is out of the AAC, UConn plays better competition

"IF" UConn plays better competion, UConn has better recruits

"IF" UConn has better recruits, it executes better

"IF" all of the above is realized, UConn makes more money

Talent makes all of my sarcastic "prepositioned" commentary go away

........fumbles, illegal proceedures, sacks, dropped passes, giving up long plays on defence, etc., etc., ........at this point, I just don't think we have a squad of players that stacks up well against BCS competition.......

I hope the day comes in the future we don't have to hear the word "execution" in post game commentary by the coaches as often as we have heard it the last three years.......and even during the RE era......

I'm not sure a coaching change is going to solve the problem. But then again it very well may. But I fear the problem is much deeper than the coaching aspect

I won't use "IF" again.
Aug 29, 2011
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Monday morning quarterbacking is fun.

........fumbles, illegal proceedures, sacks, dropped passes, giving up long plays on defence, etc., etc., ........at this point, I just don't think we have a squad of players that stacks up well against BCS competition.......
I have to believe we have the talent to stack up against 1AA competition and MAC level competition. That we lost to Towson, Buffalo and South Florida is 100% coaching. This team is very poorly coached, especially on the offensive side of the ball. Has been for 2 1/2 years and it isn't getting fixed in 2 weeks and by playing a freshman quarterback. I could actually see UConn coming in with a good coach and finishing somewhere around 6-6 next year. I don't think the talent is that bad. Not great but not awful,either. But it has been badly coached for too long.
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