We need a Husky Dog statue at the RENT.. | The Boneyard

We need a Husky Dog statue at the RENT..

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Aug 28, 2013
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I appreciate everyone talking about a statue for Jazz, but I think we need a statue of the Husky Dog like they
have on the campus. It would great to have the players during the husky walk to stop and pay homage to the dog before going in and maybe the having a Dog somewhere else and it becomes our symbol to touch before a game. Imagine when we are on a primetime game they show the players and fans going over to pay homage to the Husky Dog. Remember everyone says we have no tradition in football..Lets start one


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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We also need a live husky to run on the field and hang out. Get him/her a nice space heater for cold games and a nice cool fan for warmer games. If it needs to take a dump, lead him/her over to the visitor's sidelines. :)


Aug 2, 2012
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No offense but statues are meant to honor tradition, not build it.


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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No offense but statues are meant to honor tradition, not build it.
I don't really agree with this. We're still relatively new to big time football and don't have many/any traditions. What's wrong with building one.
I like the idea of a statue. I'm just not sure where it should go. I like Dooley's idea of a live dog even better. He could run from corner to corner after every score, maybe even lead the team out.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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a pack of huskies.
Aug 28, 2011
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A replica of the one outside Gampel would be great. The live Jonathan has been at the games, but I don't think he could handle the crowd. IIRC The new Jonathan is being groomed to be at games, they picked him up last fall as a puppy.

I don't think a trophy, or a husky walk, or the players entering through the student section builds tradition. Winning lots of games for a long time is what will build tradition. That other stuff is irrelevant without the winning, but don't get me wrong, I fully support both ideas.
Sep 20, 2011
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I appreciate everyone talking about a statue for Jazz, but I think we need a statue of the Husky Dog like they
have on the campus. It would great to have the players during the husky walk to stop and pay homage to the dog before going in and maybe the having a Dog somewhere else and it becomes our symbol to touch before a game. Imagine when we are on a primetime game they show the players and fans going over to pay homage to the Husky Dog. Remember everyone says we have no tradition in football..Lets start one

I'd say the stadium needs both a husky statue and a statue for Jazz. Great post, though. Great idea.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'd rather remember Jazz through his words, his play, and the support following his death. A statue of a kid who died young and tragically might be a bit morbid for a FB stadium, but then I'm not a fan of roadside shrines, either.

I think a more fitting and inspiring tribute would be to publicly display his quote in the stadium as a sort of team motto.
Aug 26, 2011
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a pack of huskies.
I've posted before & I'll post it again: UConn should contact the local sled dog racing association & have a sled dog racing team lead the football team out onto the field a la the Boomer Sooner. Don't understand the Athletic Department's reluctance to do this. It reeks of small time mentality.
Aug 28, 2013
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I've said the same thing for years. Have Johnathan the mascot being pulled onto the field by a bunch of huskies ahead of the team through a blizzard of Blue & White confetti (using one of those handheld machines like they do for the super bowls) and having pyrotechnics go off from on top of the scoreboard. My idea was to have the statue of the dog in a sunken three step courtyard of around 15' in diameter. It would be a great photo op for fans when they visit the rent and also for TV when we're on in primetime. I'm thinking of maybe doing a Kickstarter campaign like they're doing in Penn State. I'll keep you guys posted.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I've posted before & I'll post it again: UConn should contact the local sled dog racing association & have a sled dog racing team lead the football team out onto the field a la the Boomer Sooner. Don't understand the Athletic Department's reluctance to do this. It reeks of small time mentality.
It might be small time mentality, and I'm sure HFD and others would agree with you. But let's just acknowledge the possibility that maybe --- just maybe -- it's kind of difficult to find a pack of Huskies in the region who have been trained to pull a sled, and can do it in front of a loud packed stadium with music BLARING while being able to hear the commands of the person on the sled so as not to run into the cameraman. It's not like we're in Alaska or... Yukon, where there are actual teams of sled racing dogs.

Oh, and they only have to run 100 yards, and then be able to stop / turn on a dime, and also not get trampled by the football players who are running onto the field at the same time. It might be a little harder than having a horse, who is trained to respond to a rider holding the reins.

This idea sounds great and even obvious on paper, but we've been talking about it ever since the Rent opened, so I have to think that if if were possible it would have happened by now. But maybe my concerns are just a product of my "small-time mentality".


Aug 2, 2012
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It might be small time mentality, and I'm sure HFD and others would agree with you. But let's just acknowledge the possibility that maybe --- just maybe -- it's kind of difficult to find a pack of Huskies in the region who have been trained to pull a sled, and can do it in front of a loud packed stadium with music BLARING while being able to hear the commands of the person on the sled so as not to run into the cameraman. Oh, and they only have to run 100 yards, and then be able to stop / turn on a dime, and also not get trampled by the football players who are running onto the field at the same time. It might be a little harder than having a horse, who is trained to respond to a rider holding the reigns.

This idea sounds great and even obvious on paper, but we've been talking about it ever since the Rent opened, so I have to think that if if were possible it would have happened by now. But maybe my concerns are just a product of my "small-time mentality".

We've been talking about a "Husky Howl" blared into the parking lots a half hour before kick-off to rally the fans into their seats WAY before the sled dogs.

That takes nothing more than a recording of a husky howling and a volume knob. And yet nothing.
Sep 2, 2011
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We've been talking about a "Husky Howl" blared into the parking lots a half hour before kick-off to rally the fans into their seats WAY before the sled dogs.

That takes nothing more than a recording of a husky howling and a volume knob. And yet nothing.
I think the problem is that there are no speakers in the lots currently. Now that's an easy fix but will have some install cost so it isn't as simple as just playing a mp3.
Last edited:
Aug 26, 2011
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junglehusky said:
This idea sounds great and even obvious on paper, but we've been talking about it ever since the Rent opened, so I have to think that if if were possible it would have happened by now. But maybe my concerns are just a product of my "small-time mentality".

There has to be a way to achieve this idea using just humans. Have the male cheerleaders pull the cart made up to look like a sled with Suit Jonathan on it.
Sep 20, 2011
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We've been talking about a "Husky Howl" blared into the parking lots a half hour before kick-off to rally the fans into their seats WAY before the sled dogs.

That takes nothing more than a recording of a husky howling and a volume knob. And yet nothing.

The band already goes out into the parking lot and starts playing, which I have for years been calling the "time to get your asses in the seats alarm", and it doesn't seem to have much of an impact.
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