i dont think u cn judge warde on how much he cares by going to germany. its a 1 off thing thats extremely special to uconnin more ways then just goign then and all that jazz. its all KOs first game and while fball will one day drive the bus here hoepfully in a big boy conf, our bball was what got us here. i am fine with warde going. but and i say buy, for warde to be 100% comfortable doing this, he must already have his mind made up fball wise on if move is going to happen or not. if he wa still thinking about it evaluting P in any way, then hes at the fball game figuring it out still. so in my mind he has his made up. this scares the out of me. the decision can be 4 different ones. fire p and d now. fire them later. fire d now only and keep p or leave everything as is for year 3 which is what some beat writers are claiming. the fact tht 2 of the 4 are out of the picuture only leave either year 3 of p and d or they are goners in my book. when i see him in germany i dont fault him at all for that trip, but it scare me that hes made his mind up and hes going with p for year 3. see what the drinking has done to me?