Waiting game..eventually someone has to force ND | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Waiting game..eventually someone has to force ND

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Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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Listen, I'm just a boy that you've never seen before, but I'm telling you ND does nothing. They will do nothing to impact conference realignment.
Sep 17, 2011
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If this is for real, and that's a big if, then it would be obvious that RU and UConn were having a portfolio prepared explaining the benefits (and I suspect the north and south of the NY market will figure prominently) of bringing both schools to either the ACC or B1G. There is a logic, if a conference thinks that it can capture the NY market, no one team can do it. Notre Dame is the leading team in NY but beyond that, to get real share of NY eyeballs, you would need both RU and UConn.
Now I would never claim to be the best read or most intelligent guy on the planet, but some of you make me seem almost brilliant. Or maybe there is some value to having a useless Liberal Arts degree after all since my course work exposed me to some things which continue to give me a clue. Please use the interweb. Google the name of the firm and then maybe you will get it.
Sep 2, 2011
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Coming back to nonfiction for a moment, the article has made quite a splash on twitter. As is customary, met with derision.

Apparently there does exist some source credible enough to fool "real" journalists. If you recall Jon Wilner wrote the same thing over the holidays. No equivocation, hedging, just that ACC is going to 16 preferably with ND.

Of course, like conception and Johnny Carson, timing is everything. A year? Decade? With so much flux with the BCS and bowls, and ND's tenacity to independence, what would be the catalyst?


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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What a thread! Folks are throwing HAYMAKERS with the quality of these references.
Aug 26, 2011
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My source who has been 100% accurate says that the University of Connecticut and Rutgers University have both put out to bid and selected an agency for a new, dual marketing plan that does not mention the Big East. Coincidence? Maybe. Now it could be conference realignment related, as it's as good as time as ever to do it. Since everyone is skeptical of these mercurial sources, I'm going to just going to throw caution to the wind and tell you his name is Beckett. Sam Beckett. And the ad agency is the Estragon and Vladimir Group.

Look ... some laughed a few months ago ... I stated that WE should form a bilateral agreement with Rutgers (like BYU's; maybe somewhat like Texas) & have a "Network". Work with existing SNY or YES or NESN & just download all kind of sports in the Metro NY. Content for the heavy eyeballs. There is NO way that BC 0r SU has the fans NOR the reach that our combined schools could have. We are nowhere near our potential in sports marketing.


Hey there
Aug 26, 2011
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If we were to get in the ACC, would they put UConn in the Atlantic Division with Syracuse and BC and put Rutgers in the Coastal Division with Pitt, Duke and UNC or would they do a North and South if they went to 16 teams? Man I can't wait to get out of the Big East.

Optimistic, aren't we? I agree with ZLS; this is a classic thread. I especially adore the one-upping.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Now I would never claim to be the best read or most intelligent guy on the planet, but some of you make me seem almost brilliant. Or maybe there is some value to having a useless Liberal Arts degree after all since my course work exposed me to some things which continue to give me a clue. Please use the interweb. Google the name of the firm and then maybe you will get it.

At work no time to chase down such things. Some of us have jobs.
Ugh....but I guess some quick searching is worth the time.
Sep 22, 2011
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that's consistent with what I've heard from ND friends too, though some older guys put Michigan State equal to michigan since that rivarly goes back to the earliest days of Irish football while Michigan goes back to 1980 or so. What I have heard about Navy, and nobody seems to know exactly why, is that Notre Dame made a committment back around 1945 that they would always play Navy as long as the Middies wanted the game. That committment was renewed in the 1970s when Navy was going through a major down period, and again a few years ago. I've heard this from Navy folks and from ND folks. Though nobody seems to completely know the origins of the agreement.

As far as UCONN's situation, I have this feeling that UCONN is in a situation somehting like where Syracuse found itself in 2004. More or less biding its time until the ACC comes calling. I think it took longer than they had hoped but it came.

The origin of that commitment is that the Navy saved Notre Dame during World War II. ND was an all male school until 1972. During the war, many of its students were drafted or volunteered for the military. ND was running out of money and in danger of closing down.

The Navy saved ND by agreeing to set up an officer training school there. They shipped hundreds of guys there and paid ND to house and provide the facilities for the training.

In gratitude, ND committed to playing Navy every year until Navy decides to end the series. That commitment is very strong and ND will not break it.
Aug 29, 2011
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Look ... some laughed a few months ago ... I stated that WE should form a bilateral agreement with Rutgers (like BYU's; maybe somewhat like Texas) & have a "Network". Work with existing SNY or YES or NESN & just download all kind of sports in the Metro NY. Content for the heavy eyeballs. There is NO way that BC 0r SU has the fans NOR the reach that our combined schools could have. We are nowhere near our potential in sports marketing.

This. New York City. It's not a big college football city currently, only because for a couple decades, nobody's worked to make it a college football city. Yankees management and Giants management are now, once again, intersted in college football in the city, and so far, it's working. As for basketball, nothign to be said. NYC is the mecca of basketball.
Sep 3, 2011
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The Big East could have done something about ND years ago. When they first balked at joining for all sports, the BE should have kick them out. No other conference (at least BCS) would have put up with the nonsense of independent football and therefore ND would have had no place to park their other sports. This would have created a hardship for them and might have forced their hand.
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