Verducci on Recruiting, NFL & College Experience | The Boneyard

Verducci on Recruiting, NFL & College Experience

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Aug 26, 2011
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From a Sports Illustrated Michigan article, the second half is all Frank Verducci (his brother's SI connections may not hurt with some positive PR).

"Recruiting is often seen as a sticking point for coaches jumping from the NFL to the college game. Will they want to put in the energy to court high school kids? Are they adept at evaluating talent so early in the stages of development? Coaching veteran Frank Verducci said that angle is overplayed. 'If you’re personable and you enjoy meeting people that’s half the battle in recruiting,' he said."

- much more via the link
Aug 26, 2011
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So Tom is really is Frank's brother? I thought someone was joking when they said that in response to my "I remember this guy, he used to write for SI post".

Never mind, just saw it on wikipedia.
Aug 29, 2011
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"Verducci, currently at Northern Iowa, has worked in the NFL, CFL and college football during his 30 years as a coach. In 2009, he joined the Notre Dame staff after more than a decade in the NFL. He said the biggest challenge in returning to recruiting was getting up to speed on the technology kids use to communicate. Most of Michigan’s staff has been away from the college game for less than five years and should have less of a learning curve in setting up their Instagram and Twitter feeds. "

Reading about this coach is not doing much to improve my feelings on this whole matter. We just went through an old offensive coach that had to get up to speed on technology and communication when it comes to recruiting, and recruiting based on name reputation, and previous success etc, was really the only thing I was clinging to. We just went through all of the same stuff recently. Hiring of old cronies, and name recognition and familiarity with recruiting territory. Demoting an unsuccessful OC to OL duties. I don't like these feelings of deja vu.

I hope the shuffling of the coaching staff, and this FNG in charge of the offense works out.

Nothing to do but wait and see.
Aug 29, 2011
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"Verducci, currently at Northern Iowa, has worked in the NFL, CFL and college football during his 30 years as a coach. In 2009, he joined the Notre Dame staff after more than a decade in the NFL. He said the biggest challenge in returning to recruiting was getting up to speed on the technology kids use to communicate. Most of Michigan’s staff has been away from the college game for less than five years and should have less of a learning curve in setting up their Instagram and Twitter feeds. "

Reading about this coach is not doing much to improve my feelings on this whole matter. We just went through an old offensive coach that had to get up to speed on technology and communication when it comes to recruiting, and recruiting based on name reputation, and previous success etc, was really the only thing I was clinging to. We just went through all of the same stuff recently. Hiring of old cronies, and name recognition and familiarity with recruiting territory. Demoting an unsuccessful OC to OL duties. I don't like these feelings of deja vu.

I hope the shuffling of the coaching staff, and this FNG in charge of the offense works out.

Nothing to do but wait and see.

well, that quote was about 2009 when he joined ND. Im going to assume he's figured out Twitter and Instagram at some point in the last 5 years
Aug 28, 2011
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You have to at least appreciate the irony that many of the same posters who whined about Edsall not winning more than he did are now accusing the "apologists" of whining about UConn losing more than we should.
Aug 27, 2011
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You have to at least appreciate the irony that many of the same posters who whined about Edsall not winning more than he did are now accusing the "apologists" of whining about UConn losing more than we should.

I resemble that remark.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You have to at least appreciate the irony that many of the same posters who whined about Edsall not winning more than he did are now accusing the "apologists" of whining about UConn losing more than we should.

That is why I've so enjoyed Zoo lately. At least that guy is consistent.
Aug 26, 2011
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If Verducci and UCONN achieve the desired success, some purported Huskies' fans and especially some Boneyarders may somehow still find fault. Consistent, yet similarly interesting. May the man's success far exceed most of the keyboard slayers' incessant negativity.
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Apr 25, 2013
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If we were to split the Board into 2- Negativity and Normal, wouldn't it be interesting to see how long it would take the followers of the former (Neg.) to fall into a clinical depression and become lifeless. Or, would they just consume oneanother. Or, would they not jump on the offer- showing that we are the life givers. What an unbearable heaviness. One is almost afrad of opening a post because 'They' are constantly getting their licks. Well, 'wake me up when Sept comes' or when they have taken the last train out out to be on their own.
Aug 27, 2011
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If we were to split the Board into 2- Negativity and Normal, wouldn't it be interesting to see how long it would take the followers of the former (Neg.) to fall into a clinical depression and become lifeless. Or, would they just consume oneanother. Or, would they not jump on the offer- showing that we are the life givers. What an unbearable heaviness. One is almost afrad of opening a post because 'They' are constantly getting their licks. Well, 'wake me up when Sept comes' or when they have taken the last train out out to be on their own.

I have no idea what this post is trying to convey. But please promise to stay in hibernation until Sept so we don't have to read any more of this nonsense.
Aug 26, 2011
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If we were to split the Board into 2- Negativity and Normal, wouldn't it be interesting to see how long it would take the followers of the former (Neg.) to fall into a clinical depression and become lifeless. Or, would they just consume oneanother. Or, would they not jump on the offer- showing that we are the life givers. What an unbearable heaviness. One is almost afrad of opening a post because 'They' are constantly getting their licks. Well, 'wake me up when Sept comes' or when they have taken the last train out out to be on their own.

This is what happens when you consume lots of Mucinex and post.
Aug 27, 2011
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For many, once bitten, twice shy. Any resemblance to anything PP did, thought or did not do brings on the fan equivalent of PTSD. There is a creepy parallel behavior that gives me the jimmies.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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For many, once bitten, twice shy. Any resemblance to anything PP did, thought or did not do brings on the fan equivalent of PTSD. There is a creepy parallel behavior that gives me the jimmies.

At least wait for him to show us concrete proof that he has no idea what he's doing before bashing him.
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