Verducci Having a Smooth Transition at UConn | The Boneyard

Verducci Having a Smooth Transition at UConn

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Nov 30, 2013
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I'm really liking what Verducci is saying. He expressed out loud a lot of what we here have been saying we need as an OC
Aug 26, 2011
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"I tell the players this all the time, it’s not the plays, it’s the players. If you wanted the whole dictionary of what this offense will look like, it would be volumes, but the biggest thing that I have to get in spring ball is to identify what the individual strengths are, what guys cannot do, eliminate that type of offensive play, scheme, whatever you want to call it and accentuate the things that are going to play to our talent level.”

I like this quote. We had Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee-Leone talking about having so many plays they could wall paper a house with them, and how we would confuse the defense by having so many sets/plays/ to run they wouldn't know what to prepare for. Only thing he did was confuse our own players. I would love to see us find out what we can do well, what we can't and just run what we can run effectively and consistently. Do it so well that even if the D knows what's coming they can't stop it b/c we are out-executing (a nod to our boy Randy) them. We can run it better than they can defend it. If that means we have 6 plays we run over and over, and we can possess and move the ball doing that, I'm all for it. If it means we have 30 plays we can run well and we have the D-Coordinaotrs scratching their heads not knowing what we will do next...I'm all for that. Don't care about the system (run and pass, pass and run, run only, pass only), just about whether it's producing yards and points (and not turnovers or sh1tty field position for our D).


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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His thoughts on a two quarterback system: "I don't think that's ideal."

Thank God!!! Like Money said, some common sense is finally re-entering the building. Let the winter's snow melt away...
Aug 26, 2011
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"it's not plays, it's players", am I misremembering or did Deleone say the exact same thing. I like that Verducci is allowing for flexibility in tailoring his game plans for the players here, but I swear I heard that said before at UConn.


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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"it's not plays, it's players", am I misremembering or did Deleone say the exact same thing. I like that Verducci is allowing for flexibility in tailoring his game plans for the players here, but I swear I heard that said before at UConn.
I had the same thought but the whole Jimmys (Jimmies?) and Joes vs. X's and O's quote has been thrown around here a lot so I can't remember if it actually came from one of the coaches or if it was just a random cliche.
Aug 27, 2011
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Sounds good and all but until I see it on the field I'm not impressed.

I'm not impressed either. I'm hopeful. Anyone who is impressed with anything in March...
Aug 26, 2011
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Hard to believe we've done a better job at covering UConn sports than the much better paid journalists at newspapers.

Incredible work, Matt.


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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Hard to believe we've done a better job at covering UConn sports than the much better paid journalists at newspapers.

Incredible work, Matt.
LOL, sadly, not that hard.

A few reads through this mass of crud that is the 'yard and you can get a few hot topics to reach out and write about.

We have a guy that just seems to actually do it.
Aug 30, 2011
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"it's not plays, it's players", am I misremembering or did Deleone say the exact same thing. I like that Verducci is allowing for flexibility in tailoring his game plans for the players here, but I swear I heard that said before at UConn.

Me too! Didn't PP (GDL used unintelligible grunts to communicate) say something like "It's not X's and O's, it's Jimmy's and Joe's.?" More than once?

I'm still favoring Diaco, but "tailoring to talent" is just coach-speak.
Aug 26, 2011
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"it's not plays, it's players", am I misremembering or did Deleone say the exact same thing. I like that Verducci is allowing for flexibility in tailoring his game plans for the players here, but I swear I heard that said before at UConn.

I had the same thought but the whole Jimmys (Jimmies?) and Joes vs. X's and O's quote has been thrown around here a lot so I can't remember if it actually came from one of the coaches or if it was just a random cliche.

It's all cliché coach-speak. More than one coach currently employed has utter those lines at some point in their career when talking to fans and media.
Sep 12, 2011
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"it's not plays, it's players", am I misremembering or did Deleone say the exact same thing. I like that Verducci is allowing for flexibility in tailoring his game plans for the players here, but I swear I heard that said before at UConn.
You may have thought you heard it but actually saw it. The Randy years, remember?
I am as guilty as many others here but I wonder how many would admit to missing ole coach Vanilla...Love him or hate him that is how he operated and got the best out of the talent he was able to recruit.
I hope this new staff can gel and take the recruiting to the next level which takes coaching to the next level.
Aug 27, 2011
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It doesn't have to be vanilla. We can play to our strengths, run the ball a lot, and NOT be boring and predictable.

That's all most of us want.
Aug 26, 2011
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When you have Johnson, Newsome and Marriner, you can win a lot of football games and have the fans jumping out of their seats all game long. I am shocked by the talent we have in the backfield. Johnson is already a stud, Arkeel just needs to be taught how to hold the ball and he'll be a stud and Marriner is maybe one small tick behind Arkeel. Between running them and all the short passes that they could be receiving, a good offensive coach will have us rolling. I am very excited about them and where they can take this team the next few years.

It is up to the coaches to game plan and find the right QB but I just can't see a great offensive coach not having a field day with those three kids on his roster. We need to use them early and often and start mowing down the AAC. They are a blessing and God help us if the staff doesn't find a way to play all of them.

The grounded and clear message that our new OC is communicating to us is a major breath of fresh air. Assess our weapons and then use them properly. No ridiculous quotes or vague insinuations about lack of talent or a treasure trove of plays in his head. This guy might be the best communicator we've ever had on staff. That has nothing to do with his brilliance, just the ineptitude we've seen for a long time at communicating, let alone coaching the offense.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's all cliché coach-speak. More than one coach currently employed has utter those lines at some point in their career when talking to fans and media.

Yup. Guess who said something similar in March 2011:

"I don't care where you are or what you've done, your offense has to revolve around what your people do best. We have to figure that out. I understand what the coaches have described to me; I want to see it on the field with my own eyes. That's number one -- what can this group do well? We have to figure that out. Then, number two, what is needed to attack our opponents? I have a lot of plays -- I can wallpaper your home with the plays I've run. But the important thing is, what fits with the people . . ."
Aug 26, 2011
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The big difference there is GDL hasn't been able to figure anything out since the mid 90's.
Nov 30, 2013
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Sadly, Warde needed to execute.

And did.

I may just be a blind optimist, but I think that Verducci is going to have more success than GDL. Verducci doesn't have a history (from what I can tell) of being bullheadedly stubborn and he also didn't ruin a very good Syracuse team from the 90's. Dooch seems to be successful where ever he goes and I think here will be no different. Do I think it's going to be instant? Not in the slightest, but I think we'll see a vast improvement by the end of the year.


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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I may just be a blind optimist, but I think that Verducci is going to have more success than GDL. Verducci doesn't have a history (from what I can tell) of being bullheadedly stubborn and he also didn't ruin a very good Syracuse team from the 90's. Dooch seems to be successful where ever he goes and I think here will be no different. Do I think it's going to be instant? Not in the slightest, but I think we'll see a vast improvement by the end of the year.
I'm a sighted optimist and like the public face of the staff so far.

Granted, not everyone likes the staff but they are not there for popularity. They are there to deliver.

Year 2, time to see that growth.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll be excited the when we can consistently run the ball in obvious running situations and pass the ball in obvious passing situations.
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