I too have nailed Tenn for not developing players and they for the most part haven't. Every once in a while somebody get better but as a team the LVs don't. They continue to struggle and make the same mistakes. You cant keep putting bandaids on the mistakes. Its like a tire. You get a hole in it and patch it up ,then another hole someplace else and patch it up and then another hole and patch it up. Eventually you need a new tire.
Part of the many problems at Tenn was no point guard. It took years of trying to make somebody a point guard until Pat finally recruited one. Massengale is beginning to look like shes turning the corner. Izzy too. What about everybody else? What about continuing to make a lot of turnovers. I think the LVs have their sights set to high. Some of the posts I've read like Russell will turn the program around and when Massengale game we finally have a great point guard and if we get Wilson we can win a NC. That's the wrong thinking. Its not about certain players its about the team. Tenn has always had the talent they just don't play as a team. Remember the Wizard of OZ. If I only had a heart, if I only had a brain, if I only had courage. What we found out in the movie is that had it they just didn't realize it. Well that's Tenn. They have the talent they just cant put it together. This has been going on for quite a few years. All this talk about I wish Pat was back. Pat was great in her era. Her idea was to get all the top players, and rebound rebound rebound. It worked and she could out talent her opponets. Today there are a lot of great players and parity in the game so that doesn't hold true anymore. The game has changed and Pat is retired. Move forward stop living in the past .
If Tenn stopped worrying about winning NCs and getting to because their fans want it and made a total commitment to start over and take a few steps back and rebuild they might be ok. That means discipline and working the kids and if they don't do what their coach wants them to do then sit them. I believe Tenn is afraid to sit star players for making mistakes because they are to worried about losing and to worried about pleasing their fans. You have to get worse before you can get better therefore every time you want to get better, you have to be willing to change. When your constantly making the same mistakes you have to learn what to do to correct it and then work it to death til it becomes reflexive and automatic. If you don't you will continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. For Example
All the complaints and nit picking about the loss to LSU and blaming the refs and wanting to get rid of Holly. Tenn made 20 turnovers and they did it again the other night. So what was the problem that they made 20 turnovers. Bad decisions, poor passes whatever. Fix it in practice. Drill and drill and drill the kids til they get it and if they do it in a game pull them and sit them. Until Tenn decides to make the necessary changes to get better, they will never get better.
Excellent post, Tony.
I agree with you about UTenn's need to reset it's goals and very much agree with your point that resetting the larger goals to ones that offer accomplish-able goals is a matter of discipline that must be found within the coaching staff. Making this change means fully supporting a new player/team development strategy with a set of supportive tactics. Watching UTenn's games makes clear that they need something more than just a piece of the puzzle that can be filled in by recruitment, they need to revamp their whole approach to the game unless, of course, they are content to be just one of those dangerous hurdles that other teams must overcome to reach excellence.
The player issue is a non-starter for me in this case as they do have the players... they've nearly always had the players... the PG issue you mentioned is a perfect example of how a coaches approach to recruiting affects the level of independence a team can be allowed to have on the floor. In another thread, some noted that the Memphis coach, Harry and others are on their feet for 40 minutes micro-managing their team. If UTenn wants to bask in future glory as well as in past glory they need an approach that will lead them to an intelligent team that can think and react swiftly-decisively in a principled way to the dynamics of game situations. The truly great teams have been allowed to learn how to figure out each game for themselves. When a player has to step up to turn the tide what we are actually seeing is a failure to coalesce as an intelligent team. Given that we are all human and that we all come with human frailties, these moments of breakdown are inevitable... so it's not that they happen that's the issue, it's the frequency with which they occur that matters and how we react to them when they do occur... does the team give way to it's star or does it find it's way to it's trust in teammate & fundamentals of team play.
Keeping in mind that the hallmark of the great ones is that they met the requirements and needs of the times they lived in. PHS's coaching style reflected the times she was in; fewer truly elite players and a much more primitive game. By today's standards of excellence, the "recruit a star and pound the boards" approach is downright neolithic. We saw in the Dunn & Lobo thread, one of the questions of today concerns the gap between the few top teams(teams coached by Geno) and the rest of the pack. The "is it good for the game" question isn't really an issue of Geno/Uconn... it's an issue for those programs that are not competitive with UConn. UTenn and PHS are just the most prominent example of failing to adjust to higher standards of play.
As most of you will remember, some years back OC suggested that the game may have been passing PHS by... This notion set our orange friend's hair ablaze... and then came CP and the fire was more smoke than flame. The question became:: was this CP revitalized UTenn team truly a better team and a validation of PHS's approach to coaching or was this just the late gasps of a dying approach to the game... some thought OC pronounced too soon... others, like myself, believed that the coaching game had changed so significantly(as led by Geno) that the CP led UTenn teams were indeed a bit of late heroics that were soon to be unrepeatable. In those days of yore, the PHS/UTenn approach led to #1 rankings and NC's... these days it leads to a top 10 ranking and elite 8 showings... in the next decade that approach will lead to top 25 rankings and it's not hard to envision where that trend leaves a team. Will there be exceptions to the rule? Of course... a game changing player like BG can come along and win a program a dazzling one NC... So UTenn has a choice to make... they can stick with what used to work and hope for the next BG to pick them... or.... they can join us in this century.
Enjoyed the OZ reference and especially loved the paragraphs.
Your Ol' Pal Boo