Univ. of Texas will be the death of the Big 12 as Sooners/Cowboys will scoot to Big 10/SEC | The Boneyard

Univ. of Texas will be the death of the Big 12 as Sooners/Cowboys will scoot to Big 10/SEC

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Jun 11, 2014
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Univ. of Texas will be the death of the Big 12 as Sooners/Cowboys will scoot to Big 10/SEC | FredSportsExtra.com

Univ. of Texas will be the death of the Big 12 as Sooners/Cowboys will scoot to Big 10/SEC
Fred Pahlke

After reading about the pressure the Univ. of Texas is putting on fellow Big 12 members Texas Christian Univ. and Texas Tech Univ., if the Oklahoma Sooners and it’s fellow state Big 12 cohort Oklahoma State bolt the league, you can have the Horns in Austin to thank. Current talk has the big school in Austin pressuring its fellow league member from approving a vote, a positive one, in increasing the membership of the Big 12 to twelve or more schools. This has been reported out of Cincinnati, where the Cincinnati Univ. presides. The Bearcats are one of a short list of schools wanting to join the Power Five conference.

According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, Texas is “believed to be influencing Texas Tech’s and Texas Christian’s decisions to also be reluctant to expansion. UT is using its pull because of the Big 12’s rules regarding expanding the conference. If the conference was to expand, there would need to be greater than 75 percent support for the idea. With 10 teams in the Big 12, that means eight yes votes would be needed and seven teams could vote yes on expansion without the three Texas schools.”

Texas and Texas Tech have been close members in the same conference since 1956 as the school in Lubbock follows the lead of the larger school. Like being the little sister in my opinion. As for TCU, the support by Texas was a primary reason that the Frogs were brought in the Big 12. They too look to Texas as a big brother. The fact that if the Big 12 stays at ten institutions and the Univ. Texas continues to hold on to their “Longhorn Network” (as the rest of the conference except the Texas and the two sibling programs) and not turn it into a Big 12 Network, the Big 12 is going to evaporate into the air as something of the past.

Will TCU and Tech find a way to travel with Texas when OU and OSU leave for greener pastures of the SEC or Big 10? How will the little programs in Lubbock and Fort.Worth like their possible destination to a conference with the likes of Rice, Houston, and/or Colorado State?

The reality of the situation is that if the Big 12 doesn’t go to twelve member and the Longhorn Network stays as is, OU and OSU will be members of a conference not with Texas.
Nov 2, 2011
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The thing I don't understand is why UT would have to pressure those schools to vote no. All UT has to say is "We're not folding the LHN into the B12N." and expansion is dead.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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The thing I don't understand is why UT would have to pressure those schools to vote no. All UT has to say is "We're not folding the LHN into the B12N." and expansion is dead.

No, I think the metrics on the CCG cause them to add two teams even with no network. That's fine for me if we are one. We'd get our T3 rights to sell ourselves, which alone are more than we get in the American.
Jun 26, 2014
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Univ. of Texas will be the death of the Big 12 as Sooners/Cowboys will scoot to Big 10/SEC | FredSportsExtra.com

Univ. of Texas will be the death of the Big 12 as Sooners/Cowboys will scoot to Big 10/SEC
Fred Pahlke

After reading about the pressure the Univ. of Texas is putting on fellow Big 12 members Texas Christian Univ. and Texas Tech Univ., if the Oklahoma Sooners and it’s fellow state Big 12 cohort Oklahoma State bolt the league, you can have the Horns in Austin to thank. Current talk has the big school in Austin pressuring its fellow league member from approving a vote, a positive one, in increasing the membership of the Big 12 to twelve or more schools. This has been reported out of Cincinnati, where the Cincinnati Univ. presides. The Bearcats are one of a short list of schools wanting to join the Power Five conference.

According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, Texas is “believed to be influencing Texas Tech’s and Texas Christian’s decisions to also be reluctant to expansion. UT is using its pull because of the Big 12’s rules regarding expanding the conference. If the conference was to expand, there would need to be greater than 75 percent support for the idea. With 10 teams in the Big 12, that means eight yes votes would be needed and seven teams could vote yes on expansion without the three Texas schools.”

Texas and Texas Tech have been close members in the same conference since 1956 as the school in Lubbock follows the lead of the larger school. Like being the little sister in my opinion. As for TCU, the support by Texas was a primary reason that the Frogs were brought in the Big 12. They too look to Texas as a big brother. The fact that if the Big 12 stays at ten institutions and the Univ. Texas continues to hold on to their “Longhorn Network” (as the rest of the conference except the Texas and the two sibling programs) and not turn it into a Big 12 Network, the Big 12 is going to evaporate into the air as something of the past.

Will TCU and Tech find a way to travel with Texas when OU and OSU leave for greener pastures of the SEC or Big 10? How will the little programs in Lubbock and Fort.Worth like their possible destination to a conference with the likes of Rice, Houston, and/or Colorado State?

The reality of the situation is that if the Big 12 doesn’t go to twelve member and the Longhorn Network stays as is, OU and OSU will be members of a conference not with Texas.

Occam's Razor says that Tech and TCU won't vote to demote their own status in the Power group. I have to think that Tech and TCU were given reassurances that they'd find a home in the P4 if Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas go elsewhere. Sure, anything is possible and nothing is certain but knowing presidents they don't want the size of the Power group pie to grow any bigger than currently and will protect as many in their membership, even if they're viewed as "little brother" by others.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I love reading articles by accredited journalists these days that scoff at the thought of UConn joining the Big 12. Then a few sentences later, they propose the most absurd of CR absurdities - the B1G10 taking Ok State, TCU or Texas Tech.

Some of these journalists have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. It's sad, but I trust the tweets in the non-key tweet thread more than the key tweet these days.


Aug 26, 2011
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I love reading articles by accredited journalists these days that scoff at the thought of UConn joining the Big 12. Then a few sentences later, they propose the most absurd of CR absurdities - the B1G10 taking Ok State, TCU or Texas Tech.

Some of these journalists have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. It's sad, but I trust the tweets in the non-key tweet thread more than the key tweet these days.
I think we are seeing more and more that these journalists are really opinion writers, and not fact reporters.
Dec 25, 2011
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I think we are seeing more and more that these journalists are really opinion writers, and not fact reporters.

Just look at the Presidential election coverage this year, journalism has been sacrificed at the altar for hits, eyeballs, etc.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I love reading articles by accredited journalists these days that scoff at the thought of UConn joining the Big 12. Then a few sentences later, they propose the most absurd of CR absurdities - the B1G10 taking Ok State, TCU or Texas Tech.

Some of these journalists have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. It's sad, but I trust the tweets in the non-key tweet thread more than the key tweet these days.
Jun 11, 2014
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If Oklahoma ends up in the B1G, you will have no complaints from me. The Sooners would help to better balance the power of the East and West Divisions.
Aug 24, 2011
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The thing I don't understand is why UT would have to pressure those schools to vote no. All UT has to say is "We're not folding the LHN into the B12N." and expansion is dead.

1, ccg

The big 12 needs to expand now so that when they get hit - and everyone knows they will - they have enough left to still be viable, otherwise they are AAC the sequel.
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