UConn will be ok | The Boneyard

UConn will be ok

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Nov 28, 2012
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Ok, I know nerves are a bit raw here right now, but I'm a Syracuse fan here to tell our true BE bretheren that, while today sucks, there is no way you don't end up with a life boat unless the ACC implodes and its carcass is what feeds the B1G, Big12, and SEC.
Expansion is not done. There are four possible ways this goes from an ACC point of view. 1. It implodes, then yes you're screwed, we're probably right there with you. Two teams go to the B1G, two to SEC, as many as six to Big12. 2. A couple teams leave before the ACC stabalizes, you'd be invited immediately. 3. The ACC is stable and ND stays independant, then the B1G or Big12 even will need to look elsewhere to expand and you're still the best available choice with your academics, athletics, and market position for NYC and Boston access. 4. The ACC is stable and ND eventually has to join, then you would be their partner coming in.
To explain today from a cuse perspective. FSU and the football schools have a gun to the heads of the rest of the conf. They didn't want another yankee BBall school and threatened to leave if a more southern football school didn't come in. If they go it kicks off scenerio 1, and theres no conf to invite you to. Syracuse endorsing LVille doesn't mean they DIDN'T also endorse UConn. It just means we know we're one southern temper tantrum from being right beside you playing Tulane. This was a different expansion from all the previous expansions. This wasn't an aggressive move to expand, this was a defensive move to survive. All other times you are a far better fit than LVille with your academics and location. But at the moment the football schools had to be appeased. If the ACC stays together the next expansion would either involve multiple replacements being needed, guarenteeing you a spot if you're not somewhere even better already, or involve ND, stabalizing things and ensuring Academics and market are again important considerations.
Today sucks I know... but keep your heads above water, there will be a lifeboat coming back before long.
Sep 16, 2011
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Thanks Syracuse friend, I would like to think we aren't completely ducked but it sure isn't looking good. This has me so upset, I wouldn't wish our situation on my worst enemy.


Aug 24, 2011
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its going to be fun to watch the media when strong leaves for a sec school this winter.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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There will be a better day for us.
Nov 28, 2012
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Thanks Syracuse friend, I would like to think we aren't completely ducked but it sure isn't looking good. This has me so upset, I wouldn't wish our situation on my worst enemy.
I know... looking at it from a cuse perspective, similar Academics, similar athletics, similar market... I have to think "There but for the grace of God go we". But you have friends. And theres no way expansion ends with LVille, Maryland, and Rutgirls. As long as the ACC doesn't implode shrinking the table... you WILL eventually get a seat at that table. And we'll be playing again either in conference or in the B1G/ACC challenge lol.
Mar 30, 2012
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I certainly don't believe Syracuse betrayed Uconn by endorsing Louisville. You dance to the tune of the beat when its the only music playing. We all should understand that. I'm going to be devastated when next year's basketball schedule comes out and our two most passionate rivals are playing in the ACC, however. I have relished hating the Panthers and the Orange growing up. It was what made college sports special to me, and I hope you can say the same about us. I will miss that. Playing Memphis and Temple are not horrible substitute, good programs in their own right, but the genuine passion for those games will never be there.

The University of Connecticut made it's rise to prominence on the back of strong basketball programs in the premier basketball conference in the country. The potential remains for the football program (albiet probably not consistent title contender) to rise in a new conference with access to better recruits and increased funding. To see the opportunity denied yet again (for how long, no one can even guess anymore), and being condemned to sharing a conference with SMU, Tulane, and Memphis just feels insulting to us. The conference is a mockery and a sick joke that none of us want anything to do with anymore. Can you imagine an opening round Big East Tournament game Villanova vs. Tulane at the Garden? Ugh.

It is very disturbing to see the ACC (a conference that enjoys being haughty about its academic reputation) absolutely abandon its core value of academics to placate FSU and Clemson (two of the least reputable academic institutions in the conference, especially Free Shoe University). Other moves for expansion have been to increase footprint or defensive, but core values have yet to be sincerely ignored by a conference with a real identity amongst its members.

The argument to counter this of course is Nebraska to the Big Ten, but in fairness to them they were technically an AAU school, and their academic rank is within range of the other schools in the conference. That was a home run addition, all things considered. But this? A northern Kentucky commuter school now shares a conference with Duke, UNC, UVA, BC, and Wake Forest. How angry must those schools be today that they were basically dragged kicking and screaming into this? The UNC president struggled to say anything complimentary about the academic reputation of Louisville. Imagine what that politically correct prepared statement devolved into once he was behind closed doors.

Nonetheless, I have to remain hopeful that conference re-alignment is still going to continue. There (finally) is no other reasonable "free agent" out there other than Uconn. I hope anyway, because the clear schism between the "football first" schools and the "basketball schools" now appearantly developing in the ACC feels eerily similar from the outside looking in. If the ACC blows up, we are all sunk, so let's all cross our fingers and pray it does not happen. I just pray that when the liftraft does show up were not floating upside down and blue. Until then, I'm preparing for the Dogpound to white-out the Mustangs! A good time will be had by none.
Aug 26, 2011
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The problem is if it doesn't happen soon, thing change. As time passes, other schools will be on the rise and we will start to decline (farther). So, we better hope that this process plays itself out fairly quickly. If FSU does bolt and USF becomes a BE power (definitely has potential), we could be on the outside looking in.
Nov 28, 2012
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I certainly don't believe Syracuse betrayed Uconn by endorsing Louisville. You dance to the tune of the beat when its the only music playing. We all should understand that. I'm going to be devastated when next year's basketball schedule comes out and our two most passionate rivals are playing in the ACC, however. I have relished hating the Panthers and the Orange growing up. It was what made college sports special to me, and I hope you can say the same about us. I will miss that. Playing Memphis and Temple are not horrible substitute, good programs in their own right, but the genuine passion for those games will never be there.

The University of Connecticut made it's rise to prominence on the back of strong basketball programs in the premier basketball conference in the country. The potential remains for the football program (albiet probably not consistent title contender) to rise in a new conference with access to better recruits and increased funding. To see the opportunity denied yet again (for how long, no one can even guess anymore), and being condemned to sharing a conference with SMU, Tulane, and Memphis just feels insulting to us. The conference is a mockery and a sick joke that none of us want anything to do with anymore. Can you imagine an opening round Big East Tournament game Villanova vs. Tulane at the Garden? Ugh.

It is very disturbing to see the ACC (a conference that enjoys being haughty about its academic reputation) absolutely abandon its core value of academics to placate FSU and Clemson (two of the least reputable academic institutions in the conference, especially Free Shoe University). Other moves for expansion have been to increase footprint or defensive, but core values have yet to be sincerely ignored by a conference with a real identity amongst its members.

The argument to counter this of course is Nebraska to the Big Ten, but in fairness to them they were technically an AAU school, and their academic rank is within range of the other schools in the conference. That was a home run addition, all things considered. But this? A northern Kentucky commuter school now shares a conference with Duke, UNC, UVA, BC, and Wake Forest. How angry must those schools be today that they were basically dragged kicking and screaming into this? The UNC president struggled to say anything complimentary about the academic reputation of Louisville. Imagine what that politically correct prepared statement devolved into once he was behind closed doors.

Nonetheless, I have to remain hopeful that conference re-alignment is still going to continue. There (finally) is no other reasonable "free agent" out there other than Uconn. I hope anyway, because the clear schism between the "football first" schools and the "basketball schools" now appearantly developing in the ACC feels eerily similar from the outside looking in. If the ACC blows up, we are all sunk, so let's all cross our fingers and pray it does not happen. I just pray that when the liftraft does show up were not floating upside down and blue. Until then, I'm preparing for the Dogpound to white-out the Mustangs! A good time will be had by none.
I certainly don't believe Syracuse betrayed Uconn by endorsing Louisville.
I appreciate that, like I said, we kind of have to play ball with those that can begin the Big Easting of the ACC until things are stable or power shifts.
It is very disturbing to see the ACC (a conference that enjoys being haughty about its academic reputation) absolutely abandon its core value of academics to placate FSU and Clemson.
I think this shows you where things stand right now, I do believe the ACC will survive and thrive. But there are some dangerous waters ahead to be navagated. If LVille will quiet down the FSU BOT until things stabalize than we have to eat one community college in the ranks. In ten years I hope we're all in a lucrative ACC together picking on LVille fans for being the one ACC school to hand out degrees in crayon. No offense to at least UNC and UVA, but its easy to stay super principled about academics when you know if FSU blows up the ACC you're the first name on the B1G speed dial.
I just pray that when the liftraft does show up were not floating upside down and blue.
You don't have to be great when the next round comes, UM and Rutgirls prove that, you just have to have a pulse and the promise to get better. Good luck guys.
Aug 26, 2011
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The problem is if it doesn't happen soon, thing change. As time passes, other schools will be on the rise and we will start to decline (farther). So, we better hope that this process plays itself out fairly quickly. If FSU does bolt and USF becomes a BE power (definitely has potential), we could be on the outside looking in.

This is a good point. However, our decline is not certain. We can simply make the choice to hire the right people and invest in our programs. Success is a choice.

There are coaches available that can virtually guarantee wins, hire them. Continue building facilities and hire a marketing and PR guru.
Nov 28, 2012
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The problem is if it doesn't happen soon, thing change. As time passes, other schools will be on the rise and we will start to decline (farther). So, we better hope that this process plays itself out fairly quickly. If FSU does bolt and USF becomes a BE power (definitely has potential), we could be on the outside looking in.
No way FSU goes alone though. FSU leaving either blows the whole thing up... then we're all screwed, or they taked 1-3 teams with them. USF may get their spot, but UConn would take Clemson's or whoever.
Aug 26, 2011
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No way FSU goes alone though. FSU leaving either blows the whole thing up... then we're all screwed, or they taked 1-3 teams with them. USF may get their spot, but UConn would take Clemson's or whoever.

watch Memphis be the second choice. The we can all shoot ourselves.
Feb 7, 2012
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Just saw an article on espn with the title UConn Snubbed. Really? Is that necessary? Is it me or is UConn garnering a ton of attention for a school the ACC likes to portray as irrelevant? Of note, no such story on Fosxports. Also of note, the lack of attention Louisville and the ACC are getting on that same website.
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn will be ok when its announced were going into the one of the Power 5 conferences. Not a moment before then.
Nov 28, 2012
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watch Memphis be the second choice. The we can all shoot ourselves.
lol... ok if Memphis does jump you in line... then yes, at that point you just need to accept that God hates you and to repent. Short of that maybe USF for the Florida market if its FSU leaving (still only maybe there if Miami is still in ACC), but no way two schools are ahead of you.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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Just saw an article on espn with the title UConn Snubbed. Really? Is that necessary? Is it me or is UConn garnering a ton of attention for a school the ACC likes to portray as irrelevant? Of note, no such story on Fosxports. Also of note, the lack of attention Louisville and the ACC are getting on that same website.
UCONN did get snubbed.
Aug 29, 2011
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UConn needs to make people want UConn. Not due to geography or proximity to NYC, but for the same reasons the ACC opted for Louisville and the B-12 opted for WVU. UConn needs to continue the phenominal hoops for both men and women, they have to keep funding and demanding the best possible olympic sports. UConn needs to continue on Herbst's path to making it a top national university, but most improtantly UConn has to take off the training wheels on the football program. Hire the coach that will keep UConn on the map. Make the Rent into a demanded Saturday desitnation (improve the stadium experience, top quality video boards ect...) and most importantly a quality coach that will excite the casual fan and draw the new fans. UConn needs to have a drawing of the 50-60K Rent in every football coaches and athletic department employees office and put a huge photo in the trophy/entrance of the training facility. Show everybody what UConn football will become. Make the B1G or the ACC want UConn and not just be a wallflower waiting for an invite.
Mar 30, 2012
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In ten years I hope we're all in a lucrative ACC together picking on LVille fans for being the one ACC school to hand out degrees in crayon. quote]

Well said my friend. I'm toasting to that day (hopefully in the near future).
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