UConn ranked #80 in last 4 years of recruiting.... | The Boneyard

UConn ranked #80 in last 4 years of recruiting....

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Oct 9, 2012
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If it makes anyone feel better, BC is the lowest ranked P5 school coming in at #68.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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So under performing with the talent on hand. Tell us something we don't know.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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If it makes anyone feel better, BC is the lowest ranked P5 school coming in at #68.
How is this a possible with all the CT Kids they have 'poached' to go to BC instead of UConn?

Someone remind me why it is important to keep the instate kids 'home'?? I must be still confused on this - is it because their friends and family will fill the Rent??



predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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How is this a possible with all the CT Kids they have 'poached' to go to BC instead of UConn?

Someone remind me why it is important to keep the instate kids 'home'?? I must be still confused on this - is it because their friends and family will fill the Rent??


So you think it's fine if our state's top players go elsewhere???

I'm not sure what your point is. BC having better recruiting classes than us should no longer be a "given", since nobody in New England seems to give a damn about them (if you believe the "fan maps"). The fact that they are consistently able to poach at least 2 or 3 of our top10 kids every year, as well as a couple of our existing rostered players, irritates the hell out of me. And their ability to poach CT's top talent is due in large part to Addazio's CT ties.

But hey...if you don't mind, then... :confused:


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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How is this a possible with all the CT Kids they have 'poached' to go to BC instead of UConn?

Someone remind me why it is important to keep the instate kids 'home'?? I must be still confused on this - is it because their friends and family will fill the Rent??


Bonehead if you can't recruit kids from Connecticut... where the hell can you recruit from?

If the program isn't compelling enough for people that live here to play here what does that say about the long term viability?

Is this another situation where college football needs to be reinvented? Only every other school in the country tries to keep local kids.

You don't want Connecticut kids for the sake of being from Connecticut - but the kids that can play why is the hell wouldn't you want them? If Syracuse or Penn State or BC wants them - why wouldn't we?

Those three schools plus Duke took 10 players from CT this year - now some are prep school kids and might not be from Connecticut but I'd take every single one of them given the opportunity.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Bonehead if you can't recruit kids from Connecticut... where the hell can you recruit from?

If the program isn't compelling enough for people that live here to play here what does that say about the long term viability?

Is this another situation where college football needs to be reinvented? Only every other school in the country tries to keep local kids.

You don't want Connecticut kids for the sake of being from Connecticut - but the kids that can play why is the hell wouldn't you want them? If Syracuse or Penn State or BC wants them - why wouldn't we?

Those three schools plus Duke took 10 players from CT this year - now some are prep school kids and might not be from Connecticut but I'd take every single one of them given the opportunity.

Especially since the 10 players that they took happened to be the top 10, and since they took the #61 OT in the nation (Palazzolo). But hey...who needs them, am I right? :confused:

Aug 26, 2011
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How is this a possible with all the CT Kids they have 'poached' to go to BC instead of UConn?

Someone remind me why it is important to keep the instate kids 'home'?? I must be still confused on this - is it because their friends and family will fill the Rent??

I don't get this. In one breath you're upset BC flipped Zach Allen and Diaco couldnt, in the other you could care less if we land any CT kids?
Aug 24, 2011
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Our classes are just about always ranked around 80 or so and always near the bottom of the conference - even back when we were winning. Granted, given the abysmal performance over the last several seasons and being in the AAC, recruiting has gotten tougher, but we've never had high ranking classes by the recruiting sites.

We'll know in a couple-three of years whether Diaco can assess and develop talent. Given what I am seeing the last couple of years I don't think P was all that good.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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I don't get this. In one breath you're upset BC flipped Zach Allen and Diaco couldnt, in the other you could care less if we land any CT kids?
Not in same breath -



'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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I'll try to explain. The 'posters' who believe recruiting the CT kids will bring success in FB team had said Allen was solid in his NW commitment - once it was found out he was flippable that is failure if you let him flip to BC and couldn't get him to stay in state.

In the other breathe in another post BC is lowest ranked P5 team recruiting wise with a bunch of CT commits - ISO CT kids didn't make them or help them get to second to last among P5 - they are still last. Maybe if they took the 42nd best recruit from PA, OH or NJ they might have been third to last.

I have said all along I will take the leftovers from fla,NJ and PA. They are coached much better and play against better competition and are more ready, as a whole.
Sep 12, 2011
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How is this a possible with all the CT Kids they have 'poached' to go to BC instead of UConn?

Someone remind me why it is important to keep the instate kids 'home'?? I must be still confused on this - is it because their friends and family will fill the Rent??

No bone of contention here bone but I have watched this argument go on for years. Personally I feel any recruit we lose to BC we get lateral quality from somewhere else. We have had some pretty good kids from Mass here over the years.
I think the point that always gets lost is trying to keep a couple of the kids from CT that go to the schools we are trying to catch up to. Just two a year like a Christian Wilkins on either side of the ball would have us on another level in no time.


We all had hope that Dan O had opened the door but Randy was never able to keep it open. We know without repeating what came next! Bob is going to have to get this ship in shape fast and show the top recruits you can still get to the NFL from here. That and remind others this program has put two walk- ons in the league.
Here's hoping Davis and Jones have a good show at the combine, it can only help, and yes one is from instate.
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