UConn quarterback Jack Zergiotis trying to ‘play smart’ as he adjusts to college game (Putterman) | The Boneyard

UConn quarterback Jack Zergiotis trying to ‘play smart’ as he adjusts to college game (Putterman)

Aug 26, 2011
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The Day version:

>>"There was a few instances where I kind of panicked a little bit and I wasn't poised, like when they had seven guys on the line," Zergiotis said. "I kind of expected them all to come and they ended up dropping like two of them. So it's just a matter of staying poised in moments like that."

Edsall said Zergiotis has to work on correcting some flaws in his delivery and be more focused on fundamentals and technique. The more Zergiotis plays to his strengths, the better off he'll be.

"He's not superman," Edsall said. "He's not going to beat you with his legs. He's got to use his brain and use his arm and he's got enough mobility to move around. But he's got to learn to play within himself and not try to get outside of things that he's not capable of doing or try to create something that's not there. That's one of the things that's hard for him right now.

"He'll compete. He's just got to learn to manage the game, take what's there and make quick decisive reads. There's times he does it well during the game and then, all of a sudden, one series he doesn't. That's what you get with inexperience."<<

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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I’d like to see some draws for him. Not saying run him like Pindell but he’s decently quick enough to 5 yards when things open up a few times a game. I think it was the Navy game where he took off out of nowhere and I was like “wow that could be useful every few possessions.” I feel like he doesn’t look/think to run at all. A lot of times he has a decently running lane and could get chunk yardage when no one’s open but he throws it or into trouble.
Dec 18, 2017
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I’d like to see some draws for him. Not saying run him like Pindell but he’s decently quick enough to 5 yards when things open up a few times a game. I think it was the Navy game where he took off out of nowhere and I was like “wow that could be useful every few possessions.” I feel like he doesn’t look/think to run at all. A lot of times he has a decently running lane and could get chunk yardage when no one’s open but he throws it or into trouble.
I kinda wondered what we’d look like this year if we had Pindell and these receivers and Mensah running the way he is?

Pindell could throw the ball only we didn’t have many receivers that could get open


Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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I kinda wondered what we’d look like this year if we had Pindell and these receivers and Mensah running the way he is?

Pindell could throw the ball only we didn’t have many receivers that could get open

No question we’d be a pretty dynamic/effective offense. What Mensah has done this year is nothing short of remarkable. If you give Pindell a chance to throw to Ross, Brown, Thompkins, Jeffries... we’d move the ball very well.

Alas, mere speculation at this point.
Dec 20, 2013
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Jack Zergiotis is not DanO. Not even close.
No he is not. Different. He is definitely better than most would have thought when he came here. Pretty sure nobody expected him to play this year. Has potential to be decent.
Aug 26, 2011
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He has to change his throwing motion. He started throwing the ball so side armed in the second half of the Navy game that he looked like he was skimming rocks. Without that motion fixed, he'll never be accurate.

Changing a throwing motion is much more difficult than rebuilding a basketball player's jump shot and as most people know, it is much more common for a bad shooter to remain bad than it is for one to fix it.

I think he has potential but he's got an issue to fix that is a 50/50 shot at best.
Aug 28, 2011
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So neither of them had Freshman growing pains?
As a freshman DanO was far beyond Jack Zergiotis. Danny was six five and could see the field easily. Even as a freshman, he was very poised and did a good job reading defenses. I'm sure there were things Danny had to learn but changing his throwing motion was not one of them. He wasn't perfect but I would take freshman Danny back in a minute. Nothing against Jack Zergiotis, I wasn't the one making the comparison.
Dec 20, 2013
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Since DanO, which true freshman for UConn has performed better than Jack Zergiotis? I hope he improves.
Sep 1, 2011
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I’d like to see some draws for him. Not saying run him like Pindell but he’s decently quick enough to 5 yards when things open up a few times a game. I think it was the Navy game where he took off out of nowhere and I was like “wow that could be useful every few possessions.” I feel like he doesn’t look/think to run at all. A lot of times he has a decently running lane and could get chunk yardage when no one’s open but he throws it or into trouble.
Nice idea but can he protect the football?


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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He is so far outside the bell curve on accuracy right now, it doesn't make any sense to talk about anything else. You can live with the occasional brain cramp or bad decision from a true freshman on a 2-7 team. He needs to hit the guys who are wide open. Do that and winning becomes a bona fide possibility.
Oct 30, 2017
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Since DanO, which true freshman for UConn has performed better than Jack Zergiotis? I hope he improves.
Unfortunately, Randy never gave Steven Krajewski a chance his first year. There were many opportunities to let him play but, just like this year, he made a huge mistake. We don’t know what Pindell would do this year and we will never know what Krajewski would’ve done last year. They are both moot points. We just need to move forward and hope for the best.
Sep 1, 2011
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Unfortunately, Randy never gave Steven Krajewski a chance his first year. There were many opportunities to let him play but, just like this year, he made a huge mistake. We don’t know what Pindell would do this year and we will never know what Krajewski would’ve done last year. They are both moot points. We just need to move forward and hope for the best.
Or hope for no more huge mistakes.
Nov 30, 2013
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His downfield accuracy and touch need work which is correctable. But during the game its hurt us. We have play makers at TE, WR and RB, get the ball in their hands on screens, slants and dump offs and let then make something happen while Jack Zergiotis works on his mechanics
Aug 26, 2011
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His downfield accuracy and touch need work which is correctable. But during the game its hurt us. We have play makers at TE, WR and RB, get the ball in their hands on screens, slants and dump offs and let then make something happen while Jack Zergiotis works on his mechanics
His accuracy is not good. Nothing else matters. Take away the dumb plays and you have Bones at best as QB. Guys who get to college as QB's do not all of a sudden lose accuracy, they never had it. If you never had it, what's the chances of developing it at the D1 level, not good.
Aug 30, 2011
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So neither of them had Freshman growing pains?
DanO threw for140yds/g. Under 50% completions and had 11 interceptions with 9 tds in 10 games. Not the greatest of freshman years.
Aug 27, 2011
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His accuracy is not good. Nothing else matters.
Are you concluding that he can't improve? He's very self-aware for a true freshman and with each game it appears he learns more. Let's see how he does vs Cincy. I expect he'll be better on Saturday.
Nov 30, 2013
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Are you concluding that he can't improve? He's very self-aware for a true freshman and with each game it appears he learns more. Let's see how he does vs Cincy. I expect he'll be better on Saturday.
Agreed, but the play calling doesn't help either. They need to play to call plays thatll give him some confidence and move the offense down field. Running game is strong and we can continue that, but we need to get the ball out quickly and into playmakers hands like Ross, Thompkins, Rose and Drayton. Dink and dunk them all day because out receivers have consistently been getting open.

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