UConn Opens Spring Practice As Juco QB Watches | The Boneyard

UConn Opens Spring Practice As Juco QB Watches

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Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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"It's still too early for that, to tell you the truth," Verducci said. "I would try to make this point that the system we're running is flexible enough that it's going to accentuate the talents of the individuals. I tell the players this all the time: It's not the plays, it's the players. If you wanted the whole dictionary of what this offense would look like it would be volumes. The biggest thing I have to get in spring ball is to identify what the individual strengths are, what guys cannot do."

The anti-wallpaper approach. Early point to the Dooch.
Aug 28, 2011
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SubbaBub said:
"It's still too early for that, to tell you the truth," Verducci said. "I would try to make this point that the system we're running is flexible enough that it's going to accentuate the talents of the individuals. I tell the players this all the time: It's not the plays, it's the players. If you wanted the whole dictionary of what this offense would look like it would be volumes. The biggest thing I have to get in spring ball is to identify what the individual strengths are, what guys cannot do."

The anti-wallpaper approach. Early point to the Dooch.

I was just complaining about Crazy Coach Diaco sound bytes, and then I read this awesome one from Coach Verducci.

Cater the offense to the players strengths. Simple, yet we haven't seen it in action since Coach Edsall left. I think i like this hire alot.
Sep 22, 2012
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Sounds like this guy can move the chains. Lets cheer him on. The new guys need to hear all the positives they can get. I'm a big believer in Enthusiasm with a capital E and it sounds like Garret has it.
Nov 30, 2013
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Why am I not as excited for Clusterf**k II: The Sequel as you are? Let's enjoy a summer first. I still have a foot of snow on the lawn.

I'm excited because basketball bores me to death. I'll pay attention to Uconn hoops' scores but I refuse to watch. And for me this team can go 0-12 every single year and I'd still be just as excited. It also helps that I'll get to take my nephew to his first game this year and I can't wait to share that with him.
Feb 4, 2012
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I'm excited because basketball bores me to death. I'll pay attention to Uconn hoops' scores but I refuse to watch. And for me this team can go 0-12 every single year and I'd still be just as excited. It also helps that I'll get to take my nephew to his first game this year and I can't wait to share that with him.

be careful there. In some States it's considered child abuse to subject a child to the type of football we've been seeing ....
Nov 30, 2013
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be careful there. In some States it's considered child abuse to subject a child to the type of football we've been seeing ....

Touche. But my sister is excited about it. My brother in law not so much seeing as he's from Boston.
Oct 2, 2013
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Why is it not September yet?
Careful what you wish for....we won 2 games last year...this year a 100% improvement would be four games and that is no bowl! So, as much as I look forward to seeing this team play, I don't look forward to what our wins versus losses at the end of the season will be. Am I a downer...NO, I expect improvement but I am a realist, and right now, I want to focus on what the team is currently doing, practicing...and not on what anyone is saying or not saying! My expectations are for the 2016-2017 season. I want to see improvement this year in the wins column! Last year we should have won four, this year I am waiting to see how the product on the field is prepared. And what Diaco is predicting.... I want to know what he thinks we have and how close the outcome is to his prediction. This is how I want to measure UConn football...to me its all about the coach. He picks the players, the staff, etc. If he tries to sell BS as premium pie and its BS...then he is BS...if he sell premium pie as BS, then those who bite are pleasantly surprised but he'll likely be shewed out for his lack of emotionally hand codling of his athletes. If he sell premium pie and we get premium pie....he will have demonstrated what most of us here wanted. Remember this is the first year that he has his investments being initiated. Those investments are limited, he still has three years of PP investments to contend with. This is why next year and not this year is much more important to me. ...and he will/should be our coach starting in 2016!
Nov 30, 2013
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Careful what you wish for....we won 2 games last year...this year a 100% improvement would be four games and that is no bowl! So, as much as I look forward to seeing this team play, I don't look forward to what our wins versus losses at the end of the season will be. Am I a downer...NO, I expect improvement but I am a realist, and right now, I want to focus on what the team is currently doing, practicing...and not on what anyone is saying or not saying! My expectations are for the 2016-2017 season. I want to see improvement this year in the wins column! Last year we should have won four, this year I am waiting to see how the product on the field is prepared. And what Diaco is predicting.... I want to know what he thinks we have and how close the outcome is to his prediction. This is how I want to measure UConn football...to me its all about the coach. He picks the players, the staff, etc. If he tries to sell BS as premium pie and its BS...then he is BS...if he sell premium pie as BS, then those who bite are pleasantly surprised but he'll likely be shewed out for his lack of emotionally hand codling of his athletes. If he sell premium pie and we get premium pie....he will have demonstrated what most of us here wanted. Remember this is the first year that he has his investments being initiated. Those investments are limited, he still has three years of PP investments to contend with. This is why next year and not this year is much more important to me. ...and he will/should be our coach starting in 2016!

So because you're a realist I have to temper my excitement? For the record in excited every year. Even during the PP years. The team can be 0-12 the last 4 seasons and I'd still be looking forward to the next season in March. Once my tax return comes in I'm buying my season tickets as well since this is the first year in 5 I'm but working 2 jobs and have the time to go.
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