UConn Football Recruits Have A Bond (Des): | The Boneyard

UConn Football Recruits Have A Bond (Des):

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Aug 29, 2011
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Everything smells of roses in the offseason.

I'm excited for the new class of recruits. I'm glad they have positive attitudes and they are all bonding. Can only hope they are fast as they are big, because we need speed on this team above all else.

No matter how rosy things are in the offseason though, the stink of the of last season coming on the heels of the previous season isn't getting covered up though. I still smell it, and the only thing that will make it go away is winning games come September. 8 months away now.
Sep 23, 2011
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Everything smells of roses in the offseason.

I'm excited for the new class of recruits. I'm glad they have positive attitudes and they are all bonding. Can only hope they are fast as they are big, because we need speed on this team above all else.

No matter how rosy things are in the offseason though, the stink of the of last season coming on the heels of the previous season isn't getting covered up though. I still smell it, and the only thing that will make it go away is winning games come September. 8 months away now.

dido - Encouraging to know that bonds are being made. It sounds promising but not getting too excited just yet. Cautious Optimism for now. I want to see Boys 2 Men take place and Win.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Cue disgruntled poster reminding us that these recruits still aren't good enough for FBS football.

Aren't you in college in NYC? Shouldn't you have something better to do then troll us?


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Aren't you in college in NYC? Shouldn't you have something better to do then troll us?

It's a Monday night and the weather is crummy. Although if you're treating age and geographic location as the determining factor in whether or not someone can post here...
  1. I've spent more time in Storrs than most people here have or ever will.
  2. I'm not a balding 40/50 year old fan, but I will be one someday. I'm just getting a head start.
Aug 26, 2011
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Liked the article... first time I've said that about something Des has written in a while.

I'd love if there were updates every couple weeks/months about what some of our veterens are up to. Maybe interviews with the various position groups, or one of those husky all-access videos about the off-season conditioning program.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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It's a Monday night and the weather is crummy. Although if you're treating age and geographic location as the determining factor in whether or not someone can post here...
  1. I've spent more time in Storrs than most people here have or ever will.
  2. I'm not a balding 40/50 year old fan, but I will be one someday. I'm just getting a head start.

For the record - I was inferring that being in college in NYC would offer someone a wide variety of entertainment opportunities. Many which would seem preferable to sarcastically baiting thread on a message board.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
Reaction Score
For the record - I was inferring that being in college in NYC would offer someone a wide variety of entertainment opportunities. Many which would seem preferable to sarcastically baiting thread on a message board.

You know, now that you mention it -- I missed a great Clippers-Nets game that went down to the wire. I've been wary of going to Nets games all year due to how disappointing the team has been.

I choose not to go to shows/concerts during the week, and if the sports situation doesn't work out, I'm stuck here at night.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
You know, now that you mention it -- I missed a great Clippers-Nets game that went down to the wire. I've been wary of going to Nets games all year due to how disappointing the team has been.

I choose not to go to shows/concerts during the week, and if the sports situation doesn't work out, I'm stuck here at night.

Much better at the giving of the sarcastic jabs than the taking of the sarcastic jabs, IMO.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll be walking on eggshells until we beat army and nova. Get past that and I can accept the possibility of a turnaround. I spent way too much of this past season waiting for that bus that never showed.

Thought I saw it against UCF, but it was actually a fire truck heading our way.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'll be walking on eggshells until we beat army and nova. Get past that and I can accept the possibility of a turnaround. I spent way too much of this past season waiting for that bus that never showed.

Thought I saw it against UCF, but it was actually a fire truck heading our way.

I can't look that far ahead, if I do, I get nervous. I'm more concerned right now about the next OC. What's happening with this program right now, is just too much deja vu for me, with the last head coach that had a completely unproductive offense, and hired a new OC, and put the former OC in charge of the OL. Yikes. We need to get an effective coach in place for the offensive side of the ball, that can put an offensive concept and philosophy approach to the game in place that makes sense, and then develop a plan to teach it and practice it, and then get the offense working on the field.

It's mind boggling that we need to be starting from scratch again on this - it seems - because I cannot figure out how what happened last season on offense, is anything that can really be built on. I mean the basics of dead ball communication and substitutions, and getting in and out of huddle. EEEEEESH. I don't like thinking about it.

BUt reality, is that with an effective coach and and effective plan, a spring season, and a fall camp, is more than enough time to at least get that in place.

Most importantly though, and I mean this 100% and will not waiver on it - the way that this program starts to turn into a winner again, is by as close to flawless execution on special teams as we can get. This is what bothers me most about Diaco - I don't know if the guy realizes that as a head coach? I don't even know who our ST coach is. There is a reason why I was so nuts about Foxx fielding kicks last season. Why I couldn't believe some of the mistakes that happened on special teams. The offsides on the 2nd half kickoff?

With solid special teams, we win more games - it's that simple.

On kickoffs, we need somebody screaming "stay onside" prior to the kick. FWIW: There is a lot of screaming on the field, on successful teams coherent leadership and incoherent primal screaming- we need more of both.

I'm expecting Wilbert Lee to a monster on special teams, and be that leader. From my critics seat in the stand, looking down on the arena.


1972,73 & 98 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Aug 24, 2011
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For the record - I was inferring that being in college in NYC would offer someone a wide variety of entertainment opportunities. Many which would seem preferable to sarcastically baiting thread on a message board.

The guy with 13,000 post talking about mis-spending time?

Why don't you remind us how much you pay in taxes or how big your house it. Someone might have missed it the first 500 times you posted about it.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
The guy with 13,000 post talking about mis-spending time?

Why don't you remind us how much you pay in taxes or how big your house it. Someone might have missed it the first 500 times you posted about it.

Burn! I am fully aware of the time I waste. Try mixing in a sense of humor some time.
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