Diaco on the new tradition:
The game of football is like a fine meal that we all eat together as brothers. And before you get eat, you have to 'set the table' right? So that's what we're doing, and that's great, except that there was no table when I got here. So you are all ready to eat but there is no table. And that table is preparation, the table is hard work, the table is the love that we feel for one and other, but there is no table so what are you going to do, not eat? No, you have to eat, so we are building that table, one leg at a time and maybe its wobbly at first, right? But that doesn't mean that you throw it away. No, you work to level the table using love, and working hard and soon you have a table on which you can eat okay? Then, you can set the table and cook the meal and whatever until you get to eat. So we're hungry, right? Kevin Ollie has hungry Huskies and so do we, so we're hungry and we want to eat, so we're building that table, with love and support, one leg at a time. Oh and there's a football because that's the game we play, that's what its all about right? And its gold because gold is the most precious medal and football is precious to us and we're precious together, so yeah that's what we're doing we're building a table of love, support, and golden footballs. What could be better than that?