Today is 9-11 | The Boneyard

Today is 9-11

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Aug 26, 2011
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Today we honor all those who are either currently or have served in the U.S. military, all first responders, & all who volunteered to ease the suffering of the survivors & the families of the lost.
Today is also the birthday of my family's "twin towers" (my mother-in-law & her identical twin sister) the matriarchs of my wife's side of the family. Happy Birthday to two incredible ladies!
Tomorrow is Military Appreciation Day at the RENT. WE give our undying gratitude to those who protect this nation & its inhabitants.

Then our football team kicks the crap out of the cadets from West Point!
Aug 27, 2011
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I'll never forget. The night of 9/10 I flew the red eye on AA from San Fran to Boston after watching Giants-Broncos Monday night football in Airport bar. When I landed at Logan around 6:30am I walked into airport and glanced right to see a line of folks starting to board Flight 11 to LA. Chilling.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I happened to see this giant flag they were setting this morning at half mast and found it especially American next to a shop.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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I happened to see this giant flag they were setting this morning at half mast and found it especially American next to a smut shop. View attachment 10478
You park across the street for 'safety' purposes?

Serious note - sad day in American history. Proud day as well although that sounds akward. Proud of the those American men and women ran into those buildings to help; Proud of the way the country came together; Proud to be an American.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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A day I can never forget. I was teaching middle school with a first period prep. Went into the media room and saw the news of a plane crshing into the twin towers. A few moments later, I saw on the screen the second plane fly into the other tower. The first words out of my mouth were "oh my God, we've been hit!"

When the second tower collapsed, I was on the stage with a band class. The PA in the auditorium didn't work. The orchestra director came in and told me the towers had collapsed. Right after that, I remember clearly a student asking me if I was okay. Obviously I wasn't.

Several minutes later the principal came over the PA to announce what had happened. With no PA on stage, it was my duty to tell my band class what had happened.

After school was done, many of us stayed very late making sure all walkers were picked up by a family member. Some of us rode the buses to make sure someone was at home when the kids got off the bus.
Aug 28, 2011
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I can believe it's 14 years.. I watched my little girl turn 1 years old on that dreadful day... Now she's 15 today... almost fully grown (almost)... God bless those that went thru that moment.. God bless my kid... God Bless America...
Aug 26, 2011
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No one ever forgets where they were that day. I still remember what I was wearing and still have the shirt.
Aug 26, 2011
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I was at work. The radio in the background was tuned to Mike & Mike on ESPN radio (1410 at the time). Greenberg shouted..OMG CNN is showing video of a plane crashing into one of the towers of the World Trade Center in New York. I called my wife at home who was tending to my then 10 year old, who was home from school, as he was sick from severe seasonal allergies. They tuned in CNN just in time to see the 2nd plane crash. Chilling.
May 27, 2014
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I was in 4th grade and remember my teacher saying "there was a problem in NY" then we left school early without knowing much of anything. Today, 14 years later, I taught a lesson in my Social Studies class about 9/11. I was talking with students who were 3-4 years old and still had vivid memories of that day. Everyone has their stories. We're all united on this date.
Dec 25, 2011
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Somber day, especially walking through WTC on my way to work today especially as my current employer lost 176 employees that day and my prior employer lost 295. I was not with either company 14 years ago and was in Boston at the time; but, there are reminders all around the office. Humbling.
Aug 26, 2011
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The calendar slip of that date has been on the door of my locker at the firehouse since that morning. My late brother-in-law's business card I still have. It was a great loss to his children, his wife and our family. So many leaving so many too soon.

I can't thank those who tried to help enough. For some it was their calling, for others just an ordinary day that presented a risk they decided to accept. A sacrifice they were willing to make. God bless them all.
Dec 25, 2011
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I'll never forget. The night of 9/10 I flew the red eye on AA from San Fran to Boston after watching Giants-Broncos Monday night football in Airport bar. When I landed at Logan around 6:30am I walked into airport and glanced right to see a line of folks starting to board Flight 11 to LA. Chilling.

I was getting my MBA part-time from Boston U at time. The Thursday after, my professor walks into the classroom and apologizes for not being himself and then puts a piece of paper on one of those old overhead projectors. It was his flight ticket on United 175 from Boston to LA. He was supposed to go to a conference in Sydney that week; but, had to cancel due to a family emergency. His dad's illness (heart attack I believe) saved his life.
Dec 25, 2011
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I was at work. The radio in the background was tuned to Mike & Mike on ESPN radio (1410 at the time). Greenberg shouted..OMG CNN is showing video of a plane crashing into one of the towers of the World Trade Center in New York. I called my wife at home who was tending to my then 10 year old, who was home from school, as he was sick from severe seasonal allergies. They tuned in CNN just in time to see the 2nd plane crash. Chilling.

When the first plane hit, my entire office thought 'what idiot flew a Cesna onto WTC?' Quickly we realized that it was not a Cesna. When the second plane it, we saw it on TV as the internet by that time has basically crashed, we all realized that we were working in the tallest building in Boston just 3 miles from the airport. We all bolted. I walked down to Northeastern where my wife was working and told her we were going home. She did not want to leave work; but, then the plane hit the Pentagon and we grabbed a train home with most of the city. Spent a good part of that ride consoling a college girl whose brother worked somewhere in NYC.

My company had people stranded all over the place after US airspace was closed. To this day, I am amazed how fast it was shut down and that there were no accidents. But, I still wonder if that action stopped other hijackings.
Aug 24, 2011
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Beyond all the memories and heroism at the time, in 14 years we have not had another attack on American soil of anything near that magnitude. My congratulations and thanks to our governments at all three levels, as well as the men and women in law enforcement and the military who have kept us safe.
Aug 26, 2011
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Talked to a Mom and Dad this am who lost a son, a good friend of my oldest daughter. The mom noted what a beautiful day it is, and all I could think of what how similar it was to 14 years ago.

I mentioned that I presumed they had come from church and they said they had. I replied I understood and thought I would have done the same.

Say a prayer for all those we lost and their families.
Dec 25, 2011
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My company had people stranded all over the place after US airspace was closed. To this day, I am amazed how fast it was shut down and that there were no accidents. But, I still wonder if that action stopped other hijackings.

Story and video clip from the local paper how the tiny town of Gander, Newfoundland, in Canada handled hosting 38 passenger jets and 6,700 passengers for a few days right after 9/11 when US airspace was closed. The town's population is just 11,000. The scumbags using their perverted view of religion showed the world the worst that people can do while this community showed everyone the best that people can do on 9/11.


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Aug 25, 2011
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No one ever forgets where they were that day. I still remember what I was wearing and still have the shirt.
That's for sure. I remember all kinds of crazy stuff. Watching the second plane hit in real time and thinking it was a television replay. Getting emails from my friends in downtown Boston who were being evacuated from their buildings. Having one of my employees ask me if everyone was going home because "America was under attack". Eternal sadness and prayers for the lives lost and their families. Gratefulness and respect for the heroes. Never forget.
Jan 13, 2014
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Was driving into work noticing how beautiful and clear the the sky was that day. I was listening to CBS radio and they were talking about smoke coming out of the World Trade Center. I thought it was just recalling the bombing a few years earlier.

After a few minutes the pieces started coming together. Once I got to work we rolled out a big tv and people stood around in shock watching the events tragically unfold.

At some point we realized that two of our colleagues were in the air flying from JFK to Minneapolis. A few hours later we found out they were safe. No one one their plane knew what was going on only that the pilots were ordered to land the plane in Interlochen, MI.
Aug 26, 2011
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That's for sure. I remember all kinds of crazy stuff. Watching the second plane hit in real time and thinking it was a television replay. Getting emails from my friends in downtown Boston who were being evacuated from their buildings. Having one of my employees ask me if everyone was going home because "America was under attack". Eternal sadness and prayers for the lives lost and their families. Gratefulness and respect for the heroes. Never forget.
I agree. It's the closes thing I think I have ever felt to an out of body experience. I was working at a youth facility and we had the TV on in the day room. It felt like I could see myself staring up at the TV. Its the only way I could describe it.
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