THere isn't a single UCONN fan that is happy with what this current regime has done to UCONN football. We all understand where we were and what's happened since. I've admitted I was wrong in my hopes for what could be achieved. I'm ready to move on. BUT>>>> What the Paul Pasqualoni regime has done to this program cannot erase what was accomplished before though, and will only soil his own legacy irreparably, until such time that things turn around now, or remain sullied forever. Paul Pasqualoni will not destroy this program.
What we've got right now, is the foundation that was built before to build on, and the fanbase isn't gone, they just want a winner. You don't honor somebody like a murdered Jasper Howard, or the players and coaches that built the foundation the program sits on now, or the players in recent years that had to learn about the harsh realities of life, funerals, getting back to work, etc. at too young an age, and lived it through football, or especially the players that take the field now, this year, tomorrow don't honor them all, and recognized the strength of what those people built and are trying to do now, by blubbering around now.
Save your tears. Go out and cheer like hell for our players. Somebody somewhere wrote somethign very true yesterday, and if I could remember who it was or where, I'd cite it properly, but I don't so to whomever I'm paraphrasing - thanks.
All these players can do, is run the game plan, and play as hard as they possibly can. There is nothign else they can do. I will be there cheering, and I won't be crying, because I don't believe that people that came before, and those that have left, would want me crying.
So suck it up, it's almost game time.
It's football, and it matters to me, and I haven't lost one single bit of emotional attachment. I don't understand how you say you have, if you're sitting in front of computer crying.
Nostalgia and crying for the past, is not my kind of display of emotion, but it's still attachment.
So again, suck it up. It's nearly game time. Michigan.