Time to look towards future - young players | The Boneyard

Time to look towards future - young players

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Sep 2, 2011
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QB - Boyle- I like the move that he is in there gaining valuable experience this year. I believe he is going to be a stud. The kid can make any throw, he has a great arm and seems to have a lot of composure. The one thing he didn't do this past weekend was use his feet and run. Of the 8 sacks I feel like half were on him for holding the ball too long. Either throw it away or take off running. This will come with experience. He can run and the inside handoff would be much more effective if they did have Boyle keep it every now and then and not hand it off everytime.
RB- we need to see more Delorenzo. The kid has speed and power. He drove us down the whole field down to the 2 and we pull him out? We went with a fullback which I like to see more of but Walsh just missed his block and led to a 2 yard loss then a false start and things imploded and we only get a field goal. Just should of kept Delorenzo in there and let him power it in.
WR - future is bright. Foxx rebounded well and had a really good game. The only think I didn't understand is why Phillips didn't play in the first half but came in late when it was a blowout. If he didn't play early because of his injury why did he come in at all?
OL- it's time to put in some new faces here. These guys still just aren't getting it done. You hate to do it to the Seniors but maybe time to substitute in some of the young guys for Bennett and Greene for a series or two.
DL - it seemed to me that Joseph and Willman just about played the entire game and were even still in there with 6 minutes to go. These guys are producing no pash rush. Joesph just isn't the same player since injury. Why not more Frank? Where's Battle-Santos? Why not get Norris back at DE as he is not seing any action as a TE? I think the big problem here is the scheme. We just don't blitz that much and our line just can't bring enough pressure. I think we are way too big. Need more speed on the ends.
What drives me nuts here is on several 3rd and longs we only rush 3 guys, drop 8 yet they had receivers so wide open it wasn't funny. What were we doing? That one play they had 2 receivers next to each other both wide open and not one guy on our team within 15 yards of either yet we had dropped 8 on that play.
LB- like what I see from Ashiru and Vann.
DB - we are young here as well and believe will continue to improve with experience.
K- I have seen enough of Christen, time to give Puyol a shot and see what we have for next year.

Here is a change I would like to see going into next year. Obi needs to be moved to LB as he has trouble in coverage with the quicker receivers. We have Adams and Brown for safety position already. Think Obi's size and quickness would be great at LB, especially if Smallwood leaves early.
Aug 28, 2011
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spot on Atldyka, nice job. I would leave Norris at TE and let Puyol get his shirt back (no need wasting him this year) and please lets hope Smallwood does not leave early...
Aug 29, 2011
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They are on record all over the place that Puyol is keeping the red shirt this year. I'd be shocked to see them put him in a game. Even if Christen goes down for some reason.
Sep 21, 2011
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Nothing like UConn fb 'fans' giving up on the team and the players midway thru the season. Fair weather fans are a disgrace.
Aug 28, 2011
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You can't just sit players because the season is over, if those players do no warrant being benched. For example, I thought Steve Greene played very well last week. He in no way should sit.

The O Line has been an issue. No question. Collectively they could be the worst unit in the FBS. But putting in younger guys if they aren't ready is not a good move. I am all for having a couple play a series or two to see what they bring during the game, but only if they have shown in practices they can play. Samra started the game at guard, and while I didn't see mental mistakes, I saw a player lacking technique and strength. He simply is not physically ready.

One thing I noticed in our defense is that we have one well rounded, 3 down player - Yawin Smallwood. Every other player does something really well, but not everything. For example, Ashiru struggled in coverage and rushing the passer. Wilman was a rock against the run, and generated zero pass rush. Obi struggled in pass coverage and in wrapping up and taking angles against the run. I dare anyone to show me a better D Tackle at taking up blockers than Shamar Stephen. I also dare someone to find a D Tackle worse than Shamar Stepehen at pushing the pocket during a pass play.

What is the solution? I have zero idea right now. I think running a 3-4 with Frank standing up on the outside of the tackle would be a nice choice. Or on obvious passing downs, have 2 linebackers stand up next to the 3 down lineman. We ran that package several times last year with success. Line up Smallwood and Frank as the OLB. Let Adams or Obi play MLB in that set.
Aug 26, 2011
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Let's at least get some reps for Levy, Rugg, and Bockeloh. No need to burn a redshirt. We're already the worst line in the country, why not play the youth? I'd rather make freshmen mistakes with actual freshmen, not upperclassmen.
Aug 29, 2011
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Let's at least get some reps for Levy, Rugg, and Bockeloh. No need to burn a redshirt. We're already the worst line in the country, why not play the youth? I'd rather make freshmen mistakes with actual freshmen, not upperclassmen.
I don't know that you can complain too much about younger olinemen not getting playing time. Hemingway, Samra, and Gifford have all seen significant game time. I think Paul has played some too. Mateas is a Junior so he'll be back. Cruz will be back too if he's healthy.
One huge issue I see is that the upper classmen never really bought into DeLeone's approach, and I suspect that filtered down to the rest of the group. What we're seeing now is Foley trying to patch over some of the problems from that lack of buy-in on the fly. Some of it works, some not so much.
Aug 30, 2011
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Let's at least get some reps for Levy, Rugg, and Bockeloh. No need to burn a redshirt. We're already the worst line in the country, why not play the youth? I'd rather make freshmen mistakes with actual freshmen, not upperclassmen.

Offensive line is the one area where you should always play your best. You have to protect your QB the best you can otherwise you are really negligent as a coach if that QB gets injured.
Sep 2, 2011
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Nothing like UConn fb 'fans' giving up on the team and the players midway thru the season. Fair weather fans are a disgrace.
What are you talking about, they are 0-6 for all intense and purposes the season is over, there will be no bowl game. I'm just saying let's start seeing what some of the young guys can do so we can evaluate the future and see where we need to focus recruiting. Some of the Seniors I do mention aren't getting the job done (i.e.) Joseph, Willman, Bennett, Christen. I also didn't say replace them for a full game, I just said give the younger guys a series or two so we can see what they can do.
No one is giving up on the team here, after all the younger guys are part of the team now and the future. The seniors I mention are not performing so let's evaluate others.
No fair weather fan here Kingspoint or defense! So I am not a true fan because I feel we should evaluate some of our other players?
Oct 14, 2011
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ATLDYKA- appreciate that you are a true fan. However, the coaches base the starters on how the players perform in practice. This is true of any sport.
Sep 2, 2011
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ATLDYKA- appreciate that you are a true fan. However, the coaches base the starters on how the players perform in practice. This is true of any sport.
I'm alum, of course I bleed blue and white. Well I guess we are in trouble then and better start recruiting.
Nov 21, 2012
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Nothing like UConn fb 'fans' giving up on the team and the players midway thru the season. Fair weather fans are a disgrace.

a bowl game is out of the question and the season was lost 4 weeks ago but yes lets not focus on developing young players for the future and trying to better the program for next year and beyond.

Smart move.
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