There once was a time when we lost 7 out of 11 and then... | The Boneyard

There once was a time when we lost 7 out of 11 and then...

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Aug 12, 2014
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We won a title in 2010-11.
At the end of that year before the tournament we had won 1 out of our last 6. Yes we went 1-5 and won only 4 of the last 11 games to close the season.

History can repeat itself. Who knows during those 11 games what the team was thinking or where their minds were at, but things changed obviously and we took the whole damn thing.

So before chalking this up as a bad season, lets wait and see if we get into the dance. If we do, I wouldnt be surprised by a final 4.
Aug 17, 2011
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I am sorry but their is no kemba or Napier like players. I know I am a wet blanket


Aug 26, 2011
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I am sorry but their is no kemba or Napier like players. I know I am a wet blanket
I disagree. There is one. Those teams had two, and then some.
Feb 7, 2012
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at this point, i just hope we don't find ourselves saying we once won 4 titles in 15 years. sadly, watching how this team plays in the conference they play in feels more and more like that to me each day.


Aug 26, 2011
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at this point, i just hope we don't find ourselves saying we once won 4 titles in 15 years. sadly, watching how this team plays in the conference they play in feels more and more like that to me each day.
Yes, because it's been almost ten months since we won our last National Championship!

Whatever the opposite of "foxhole guy" is, that's what it seems most of our fans are now.
Feb 7, 2012
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Yes, because it's been almost ten months since we won our last National Championship!

Whatever the opposite of "foxhole guy" is, that's what it seems most of our fans are now.
Please stop with those comparisons. First, most of the key guys from last year's championship team started with a different coach in a different league. Without question, it was an amazing run but each year longer in the American, those type runs are less likely. Get real. UConn went from being able to lose 9 conference games and still get a bid to being in real trouble by losing 4.


Aug 26, 2011
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Please stop with those comparisons. First, most of the key guys from last year's championship team started with a different coach in a different league. Without question, it was an amazing run but each year longer in the American, those type runs are less likely. Get real.
This makes absolutely zero sense to me. If I need to "get real" to understand it, I think I'll stay where I am, thanks.
Feb 7, 2012
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This makes absolutely zero sense to me. If I need to "get real" to understand it, I think I'll stay where I am, thanks.
You need to get real by understanding where UConn resides in the college landscape. Seems to me you are content by living in the past, especially by drawing comparisons to last year's team. Its easy to point to the negativity on this board but I interpret that as the current pulse of UConn's most loyal fanbase. Keep ignoring that and see where it leads.
Aug 26, 2011
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Still drinking the kool aid. I think the guys around boatright can play much much better , they've shown little consistency to date and we are still in the hunt for a tourney bid. Hamilton for one I know who will play better , still so inexperienced
Dec 19, 2014
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Please stop with those comparisons. First, most of the key guys from last year's championship team started with a different coach in a different league. Without question, it was an amazing run but each year longer in the American, those type runs are less likely. Get real. UConn went from being able to lose 9 conference games and still get a bid to being in real trouble by losing 4.
Is this Jeff Goodman trolling us...?


Aug 26, 2011
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You need to get real by understanding where UConn resides in the college landscape. Seems to me you are content by living in the past, especially by drawing comparisons to last year's team. Its easy to point to the negativity on this board but I interpret that as the current pulse of UConn's most loyal fanbase. Keep ignoring that and see where it leads.
We reside in the same place we did the day before we lost to Tulsa, except we had won three in a row then so the boo birds didn't have as much to squawk about. And the same place we resided last season when we won the National Championship. I see that you are one of those who believe Ollie that lucked into it because he inherited Calhoun's players, and you don't have faith in him as a coach or a recruiter. That's fine. Ridiculous, but fine if you want to believe it. I know lots of people who believe that--but most of them are at least honest enough to not even pretend that they are UConn fans.

The fact that you think this board is the home of UConn's most loyal fanbase tells me everything I need to know. Once upon a time that may have been true, but that hasn't been the case for years. The vast (or least vocal) majority here now are spoiled, fair weather bandwagoners who act as though the team owes them something. This is now--by far--the most fickle, candy ass population of UConn fans there is.

Oh, but watch how you'll cheer and puff up your chests the moment we start winning again. Then you can proudly pretend that you were with us all along.

This fanbase doesn't deserve this team. I'm actually starting to root for a total crash and burn of the program so we can get all the rats off the ship. It was much more fun without them.


Artist formerly known as BUHusky10
Dec 13, 2011
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Still drinking the kool aid. I think the guys around boatright can play much much better , they've shown little consistency to date and we are still in the hunt for a tourney bid. Hamilton for one I know who will play better , still so inexperienced
I kinda have an idea what you're trying to say here, its kinda badly worded but I think its something I've been saying for a while now. Fans, especially those involved with the program, cannot become satisfied or content with what happened in the past. There is always room for improvement, and thats what separates the greats from the elites. One problem with many UConn fans is that they like to underplay someone's suggestions for improvements due to the massive amount of success weve all experienced int he last 20 years, as if it will continue on its own. Yet despite the great highs we have reached, we can not assume that things will simply continue at their current rate of 1 title per 4 years. Its an absurd belief, and the program must do everything it can to maintain its elite level of play and improve its branding nationally to remain relevant, especially in a time where conference realignment threatens to destroy the program.

As for us having lost 7-of-11 in the past and winning a championship, thats kinda what im talking about. We cant just assume it will happen again, 10-11 was magical, in terms of the entire history of the game (that big). So for us to act like this ship will turn around, and we dont need to be worried about our future recruiting is wrong, because I dont see what I saw in this team that I did in 10-11 and 13-14.
Feb 7, 2012
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We reside in the same place we did the day before we lost to Tulsa, except we had won three in a row then so the boo birds didn't have as much to squawk about. And the same place we resided last season when we won the National Championship. I see that you are one of those who believe Ollie that lucked into it because he inherited Calhoun's players, and you don't have faith in him as a coach or a recruiter. That's fine. Ridiculous, but fine if you want to believe it. I know lots of people who believe that--but most of them are at least honest enough to not even pretend that they are UConn fans.

The fact that you think this board is the home of UConn's most loyal fanbase tells me everything I need to know. Once upon a time that may have been true, but that hasn't been the case for years. The vast (or least vocal) majority here now are spoiled, fair weather bandwagoners who act as though the team owes them something. This is now--by far--the most fickle, candy ass population of UConn fans there is.

Oh, but watch how you'll cheer and puff up your chests the moment we start winning again. Then you can proudly pretend that you were with us all along.

This fanbase doesn't deserve this team. I'm actually starting to root for a total crash and burn of the program so we can get all the rats off the ship. It was much more fun without them.
Don't put words in my mouth. I don't think luck had anything to do with Ollie winning last year's title but what did I say about that roster wasn't fact? Other than that, the rest of your post doesn't even deserve a response. Crash and burn the program to get us rats of the ship? Yeah, that makes sense. Lets destroy the brand that has made UConn what it is today. I am sure that will entice the Big 10.


Artist formerly known as BUHusky10
Dec 13, 2011
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Yes, because you saw it coming in 2011 and 2014.

Sure you did.
Never said "I saw it coming". I dont get whats with you and this "me against the world" attitude you display in some threads. I said I dont see the talent and Final Four potential in this team as I did with the '11 and '14 team. Preseason '14 and all throughout the year I honestly felt in my gut that team had the pieces necessary to go to a FF. In '11, I was skeptical at first, but after what I saw Kemba do in Maui, I knew he was just on a completely different level, so I saw the potential there as well.
Aug 27, 2011
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Not really feeling that comparison. At this point in the season, the 2010-11 team had already clinched the tourney and proven it could beat good teams in Maui. This team hasn't accomplished either.

I actually like this team a lot, but it's kind of absurd to be talking about National Championships right now.


Aug 26, 2011
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Don't put words in my mouth. I don't think luck had anything to do with Ollie winning last year's title but what did I say about that roster wasn't fact? Other than that, the rest of your post doesn't even deserve a response. Crash and burn the program to get us rats of the ship? Yeah, that makes sense. Lets destroy the brand that has made UConn what it is today. I am sure that will entice the Big 10.

What did you mean to suggest by this then? What was the relevance of either of those two points to the National Championship that team won?

First, most of the key guys from last year's championship team started with a different coach in a different league.

The damage to the UConn brand was done by the former AD, who sat on his hands and failed to capitalize on that brand when anyone and everyone else who was paying attention knew that the conference landscape was changing and ate his lunch--which he basically had catered and fed to them. To suggest that Kevin Ollie is destroying the UConn brand is just mind-boggling to me, but I guess that's the norm in the "what-have-you-done-for-me-today?" world in which most of you seem to reside.

Never said "I saw it coming". I dont get whats with you and this "me against the world" attitude you display in some threads. I said I dont see the talent and Final Four potential in this team as I did with the '11 and '14 team. Preseason '14 and all throughout the year I honestly felt in my gut that team had the pieces necessary to go to a FF. In '11, I was skeptical at first, but after what I saw Kemba do in Maui, I knew he was just on a completely different level, so I saw the potential there as well.

Well, you're pretty good then. Why are you wasting your time here? You should be hitting the sports book. And you definitely shouldn't be bothering to root for or even care about a team in which you don't see talent or Final Four potential. I'd suggest you check out Kentucky.


Artist formerly known as BUHusky10
Dec 13, 2011
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Well, you're pretty good then. Why are you wasting your time here? You should be hitting the sports book. And you definitely shouldn't be bothering to root for or even care about a team in which you don't see talent or Final Four potential. I'd suggest you check out Kentucky.

The irony is that with a post like this, you essentially summed up my whole point. People like you act like your not a "true fan" if you have any form of criticism towards the program. As if telling me to go root for Kentucky is some form of an insult or is supposed to invalidate my point. You are a buffoon.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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2011-2012 was a rough year. I'd say it was rougher than this one - just because expectations were higher. Yep, those were rough times.


Former Poster
Aug 26, 2011
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This is not a great UCONN team but they should have a much better record than they do. The players will always have a home loss to Yale on their record and for any player with an ounce of pride, that is embarrassing. Now if they don't care, that says something about the toughness of these players. I'd love to be able to privately ask each player their feelings on that loss to gauge their outlooks. If they say "Yale played well and won the game" instead of "It's unacceptable and embarrassing to lose to Yale. We're UCONN" they will immediately get punched in the throat. That is all. Carry on.
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