The View From Section 241 -- Opening Day | The Boneyard

The View From Section 241 -- Opening Day

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Aug 24, 2011
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There are some things that we can't get back quickly. Even adjusting for a game against an FCS opponent, the juice won't be in the building that used to be. It can't be if the building is only half full, and even those there can't realistically be as enthusiastic as we were in the past. The conference situation will also -- pray to God -- be improved when it is improved, and other than long term, low individual impact activities like buying more tickets, making bigger donations and spreading the gospel of UConn football more, there is little we can do to rush or fix it. So all that there really is to root for is for the program and the football to get better. So what does that tell us about opening day?

1. Under FHCRE, we were never really given a game by a FCS opponent. We lost to a really good one two years ago, and were taken to the wire by a really mediocre one last year. It will be beyond depressing losing to 'Nova, or even being given a game, given how far ahead of their program our program was. That having been said, this 'Nova team is probably a better team than a few of the teams we lost to last year, and playing o.k. and being beaten will not mean that this UConn team still can't be better than last year. It will be depressing to see us lose, but if you accept how bad we've been for two years it really doesn't change anything. I fear this program was destroyed more than those like Muntz want to accept, and it is not a short or easy road back.

2. There is no reason to be optimistic about the offense. We have beyond sucked forever, and we lost much of the "talent" we had last year. Does that mean you can't be optimistic? No, it doesn't. Our QB got snaps as a true frosh at NC State, and the fact that they wanted to go in a different direction at QB doesn't mean he can't be lightyears ahead of Whitmer and Boyle. On the OL, we return both OTs, the more important positions, and they were showing improvement as the season wore on. I do think our TBs are more than competent. And we have some continuity in the staff. So maybe we'll be surprised, although I fear being "good" will take a few years before we have an OL that reminds us of an Edsall/Foley OL.

3. The D could be good, at least at the crappy level of football that our league now has us in. I worry about the pass rush, but I see competence -- with some hope for good -- all over the two deep there. And I think we should be really, really good at stopping the run.

4. Special teams is kickers -- where we are competent -- and attitude, where maybe HCBD will now have this team playing. I still believe the turnaround in '10 started with the opening kickoff against WVU, where you could just look in the eyes of Shumate and Trevardo and others and see they were going to play every special teams snap as if their lives depended on it. And then did.

So I am hopefully optimistic tonight. I am not expecting miracles, and even getting to 7-5 eventuallly (which won't happen this year) in this AAC will leave us far short of where we were with our 7-5 regular seasons in '08 and '09. But I need to see enough improvement to know that we are going in the right direction. And improvement needs to include beating 'Nova and Army at home to start the year. Frankly, I think this is our more difficult of the two games, and I'll take a win of any sort tonight, while against Army I will be looking for more than that. But none of us can do it. Only the players -- with help from the staff -- can do it.



Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Should be titled "The Pre-View from Section 241"

I also want to see improvement, and while I hope to see that reflected in the play tonight, i think more important would be to have what we didn't have last year - overall improvement over the course of the season. I want the team to be better in Nov/Dec than it is now. Folks like whaler will say that's pure blind faith and... regardless of the outcome vs. Nova, they'll be right. But that's what I want.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Should be titled "The Pre-View from Section 241"

I also want to see improvement, and while I hope to see that reflected in the play tonight, i think more important would be to have what we didn't have last year - overall improvement over the course of the season. I want the team to be better in Nov/Dec than it is now. Folks like whaler will say that's pure blind faith and... regardless of the outcome vs. Nova, they'll be right. But that's what I want.

Wanting the team to be better in Nov/Dec isn't blind faith. Expecting the team to be better in Nov/Dec isn't blind faith.

It's blind faith when one guarantees that x and y is going to happen with no admission that they might either not happen or may take longer than expected.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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My initial ask is for the team to not turn the ball over during their 1st possession. That's all. Let's do that and go from there. And my tongue is not in my cheek when I write this.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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My initial ask is for the team to not turn the ball over during their 1st possession. That's all. Let's do that and go from there. And my tongue is not in my cheek when I write this.
Totally agree. Small steps, and this happened SO MANY TIMES LAST YEAR that it drove us all nuts. I'll even live with a 3 and out!
Aug 28, 2011
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3. The D could be good, at least at the crappy level of football that our league now has us in. I worry about the pass rush, but I see competence -- with some hope for good -- all over the two deep there. And I think we should be really, really good at stopping the run. GO HUSKIES!

This (the pass rush)... we gotta put some pressure on the opposing team's QB.. We've got a few more horses in the stable on the edges this year, with pretty decent size to boot.. My hope is that now we're bigger and stronger, the guy(s) that are supposed to get to the QB consistently, end up doing so.. right now, IMO, those guys are Ormsby, Adeyemi, Carrezola, Stewart, & Diggs... We start making some noise here I say we go bowling... no matter if our offense improved just a little bit (which I don't think can't get any worse)...
Aug 26, 2011
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Well call it blind faith or just a gut feeling I believe the team will go at least .500 THIS YEAR. From Arkeel being more confident, to Andreas being more experienced at his new post, to the tremendous improvements from Jamar and Obi I believe less mistakes in conjunction with a bigger, faster, more in tuned with what's going on football team will turn the close losses into close victories. Add a couple lucky breaks and you can chock up at least one upset. The ball can't bounce the wrong way for these guys forever. The turn around starts tonight.

GOooooo Huskies!!



Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Wanting the team to be better in Nov/Dec isn't blind faith. Expecting the team to be better in Nov/Dec isn't blind faith.

It's blind faith when one guarantees that x and y is going to happen with no admission that they might either not happen or may take longer than expected.
Okay. But have any of the optimists ever guaranteed anything? I don't think I have. And for the record, I'm more or less in line with your preseason expectations (4-ish wins).


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Okay. But have any of the optimists ever guaranteed anything? I don't think I have.

I think whalers use of the word "guaranteed" here was hyperbole. But before every season, no matter what team of mine, my mind starts to hope and develop best case scenarios. This morning I'm sitting on the throne without anything to read, alone with my thoughts. And I start thinking, what if we get off to a crisp start? We head to Mizzou 2-0 and the Tigers wheels fall off. A few good returns for us, a bunch of TO's from them...

Of course it will never happen, unless it does (see 2013 Sox, 2014 UConn men).
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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Okay. But have any of the optimists ever guaranteed anything? I don't think I have. And for the record, I'm more or less in line with your preseason expectations (4-ish wins).

Um yes there are some that have guaranteed wins tonight, guaranteed the offense will be better and I believe even a bowl game has been guaranteed by at least one person.

There is a wide array of possible outcomes - guaranteeing any of them is foolishness.
Aug 5, 2013
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Teams at this level are so bad that a big improvement year over year is not out of the question.

Yep. See Memphis, University of. We weren't good last year, but there were so many correctable mistakes that made it difficult to tell whether we were terrible, really bad, bad or just below-average. Correcting those could have put two more wins on the board and then we'd be talking about improvements upon a 4-8 vs. coming back from the dead at 2-10.
Sep 18, 2011
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Teams at this level are so bad that a big improvement year over year is not out of the question.

I don't agree. Obviously, the AAC is not the SEC or Big 10, but I think the AAC schools are investing in football and are improving. I think the biggest issue for AAC schools is year to year consistency and there is no one or two consistently good school like a Boise St.

As for tonight and this season, I think we have to be realistic. Will UConn be better than last year? Most likely as this is year 2 of Diaco and it seems to be more of a team now and we can't be worse than last year. (At least I don't think we can be!) But, we have no idea what we will see from the offense this year and this season and that has to scare everyone.

I think 2016 is going to be better than 2015 and I just hope to see progress on the field this year.
Aug 27, 2011
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Sorry, but but all those analytics can't disclose the reality that this team is vastly superior in many areas to those of the last few years--yes even with C Cochran. Plus, they have a commitment to win unlike any prior UConn team. We will crush Vilkanova tonight, beat Army and give Mizzou a run for their life. Then we can talk some more.
Aug 28, 2011
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we have 4 very tough road games, 2 winnable road games, and 6 winnable home games. We can go 5-3 or 4-4 in the winnable games and maybe pull off one upset in the 4 tough road games. 5-7 is realistic.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Nice to see you back posting your view from 241 again, BL. I hope we can get a W tonight so that your post-game recap will be as enjoyable for your to write as it is for us to read.
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