The Inconsequential Streak | The Boneyard

The Inconsequential Streak

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Jan 5, 2016
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An interesting article that certainly deserves a BUMP!

lots of stuff, including:

Geno: "Won’t it be great to break your own record? Yeah if it got me anything, if we were in the Olympics and it got me a gold medal or you are in the world championships and you are world champion, you are called world champion because you broke your own record. If that (topping the 90-game streak) were to happen, I don’t know if it would have any significance in my life whatsoever.”

Wayland Baptist holds the pre-NCAA women's record of 135. (Those Baptists could really dunk! groan...)


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Less hoopla because it isn't some other program trying to top UConn's record and because the sports world is assuming UConn doesn't lose
Aug 15, 2014
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An interesting article that certainly deserves a BUMP!

lots of stuff, including:

Geno: "Won’t it be great to break your own record? Yeah if it got me anything, if we were in the Olympics and it got me a gold medal or you are in the world championships and you are world champion, you are called world champion because you broke your own record. If that (topping the 90-game streak) were to happen, I don’t know if it would have any significance in my life whatsoever.”

Wayland Baptist holds the pre-NCAA women's record of 135. (Those Baptists could really dunk! groan...)
Yes but UCONN has not lost in regulation 135 straight times!!
Sep 14, 2011
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Here's my takeaway.
Katie Lou Samuelson: “It was such an amazing accomplishment ...

You can tell me the streak doesn't matter all day everyday and in the most important ways you'd be right. Longevity records are difficult, if not impossible, to plan for. They happen, when they happen, when an entity does what they do plan to do over and over. Knowing how many times you can execute to plan consecutively is, if not impossible, well beyond my ability. That's why Geno doesn't attempt it. That's why "a streak" is never part of his plans, save a six game run at the end of the season. That's why the streak doesn't matter to him. Dealing with it is wasted energy. And wasting energy rather than concentrating on things you can control is a certain recipe for having it end.

But that's not the same as saying the streak doesn't matter because amazing accomplishments do matter. They matter a lot.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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Geno will, of course, say whatever he pleases, but he's just doing his job. As a fan, I will do mine.

Right now, at this moment, the five longest winning streaks in the history of wcbb are 90, 87, 70, 54, and 47. All of those streaks belong to UConn except for the 54-gamer. That includes three streaks of 70+ when no other program has even gotten that close to 60.

Remember how Britney Griner was going to give 90 a run for its money? Well, that streak ended 42.

Geno doesn't have to say he cares about this, but it's our job as fans to bask in his program's glory. He has other jobs to do. Me? I've got at least 31 flavors because I'm baskin' like Robbins.

Not to mention that getting this far this season has entailed beating highly-ranked teams like Florida State, Baylor, Ohio State, Texas, Maryland, and Notre Dame,as well as reputable programs like LSU, K-State, and Nebraska, on the road.

Maybe Geno doesn't want to toot his own horn, but he's accomplishing something unfathomable and cementing his place as the greatest HC in North American sports.

At least he smiled and acknowledged 80 in a row politely when I shouted him out for 80 in the XL Center right after the Chattanooga game...


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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Geno will, of course, say whatever he pleases, but he's just doing his job. As a fan, I will do mine.

Right now, at this moment, the five longest winning streaks in the history of wcbb are 90, 87, 70, 54, and 47. All of those streaks belong to UConn except for the 54-gamer. That includes three streaks of 70+ when no other program has even gotten that close to 60.

Remember how Britney Griner was going to give 90 a run for its money? Well, that streak ended 42.

Geno doesn't have to say he cares about this, but it's our job as fans to bask in his program's glory. He has other jobs to do. Me? I've got at least 31 flavors because I'm baskin' like Robbins.

Not to mention that getting this far this season has entailed beating highly-ranked teams like Florida State, Baylor, Ohio State, Texas, Maryland, and Notre Dame,as well as reputable programs like LSU, K-State, and Nebraska, on the road.

Maybe Geno doesn't want to toot his own horn, but he's accomplishing something unfathomable and cementing his place as the greatest HC in North American sports.

At least he smiled and acknowledged 80 in a row politely when I shouted him out for 80 in the XL Center right after the Chattanooga game...
But it is interesting comparing it to the 90 game streak in terms of fanfare. I cannot remember the exact number, but the news credentials being issued for games 80-87 just kept increasing and by the time 88 came around and then 89 the news continent had become a true horde with members from all over the country and some internationals as well.
It will be surprising if more than a couple of extra news folks show up for 88, 89, 90, and 91 - and they will likely be from regional outlets around CT.
It just isn't capturing the imagination of anyone - and for the casual viewer, it is just Uconn being Uconn. It is similar to a fairly tame response when Uconn won #70 and 71 headed for 88 - that was a new WCBB D1 record but Uconn was just pushing Uconn down into second place - nothing much to see.
Jan 5, 2016
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I agree, UcMiami. But if it continues until then, then the sports world really will tune in for the South Carolina game as UConn goes for an even 100 against an extremely difficult opponent.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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Coach asked the players if they wanted to break the 90-game record. This group, which is looking to make its own mark, answered in the affirmative.


Lone Starlet
Oct 12, 2011
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I think it had more hoopla because it was UCLA's record, which brought in all the BS arguments about MCBB vs WCBB, etc. Now it's just UConn's record, which is relaly only a few years old, and so no one cares but us.

But seriously, how spoiled are we? It's just unfathomable.
Sep 3, 2013
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I was at the Maryland game and we met their fans for 1 1/2 hour before the game and continue to have discussions with them during the game. they were very aware of Uconn accomplishments. They are hoping to become a challenger to our dynasty sooner than later. However they weren't talking the last 3 minutes or after the game. They were a good crowd with crazy fans as much as we are. It was a good experience.

Gus Mahler

Popular Composer
Mar 31, 2015
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I was at the Maryland game and we met their fans for 1 1/2 hour before the game and continue to have discussions with them during the game. they were very aware of Uconn accomplishments. They are hoping to become a challenger to our dynasty sooner than later. However they weren't talking the last 3 minutes or after the game. They were a good crowd with crazy fans as much as we are. It was a good experience.
Was it something you said? :eek: :D


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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The streak is for the fans. And also for posterity.

As for Geno, yea he's liking it but that's not his focus. He has a young team that constantly needs his guidance to keep performing and winning. Besides, he's been there and done that. I get it.

As for the team, I'm sure they are aware of the streak but not really concerned about it. They are more focused on the next game/ opponent. This team just does not like to loose.
Nov 27, 2016
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I believe Geno, but only because he wants to keep the team focused on the prize, which is the NC. I think he will be immensely proud if this team, of all teams, can do it and keep it going.
But as for the players, I suspect that most if not all, deep down, care about it very much. Of course, it would not be wise for them to say so, at least until the other day when he let them voice their opinions about it. And I suspect they were unanimous. In a subdued way, of course. He said as much.
But consider, Geno owns the 90 game streak; it is his. But this team does not. It's part of the history and folklore of the great team they play for but it's not theirs; they didn't do it. And I cannot imagine that anyone with any competitive spirit would not do almost anything to be a part of one of the most amazing achievements in sports.
If they can set the new record and add a significant number of wins on to it, they will be known as a team for the ages. And they will own it. Especially with this team, it will not only be that they did it but how they did it, in the face of what odds and obstacles.
But in terms of significance, which is the point Geno seems to be making, consider it from the point of view of the other teams that think they have any remote chance of breaking the streak. I suspect some coaches lie awake at night salivating; thinking of what it would be like to be the one who slew the biggest dragon of all time. And of course they instill that in their players as well, for motivation.
And of course there is one other group. Us, the fans. Anyone out there really not care?
Dec 18, 2015
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I can't see the word 'hoopla' anymore without it conjuring images of Tim Robbins in the Coen Bros. flick, The Hudsucker Proxy. :D



bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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I think it's great that Geno asked the players how they feel about the streak. Two comments stand out.

Pheesa indicating that they don't want the streak to end, "on our watch." I guess Pheesa signing up for another 2+ seasons (her watch)

The 2nd comment was from Gabby, evidently having the strongest feelings about the steak, indicating that the team wanted to own it.

90 & 91 will get some national press, but the big one will be #100 on national tv against the Gamecocks.
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