The Horde and CR | The Boneyard

The Horde and CR

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Aug 27, 2011
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So yesterday I was following the Cincy game on twitter...I didn't want to dare turn it on since the last few times they played and I watched them on tv it was a loss (yeah I'm superstitious). After the win I was a bit perplexed by a tweet from Dave Borges in response to Cronin's post game rant about Jalen Adams' shot:
David Borges‏@DaveBorges
@SPBowley It's whining, but it's sorta true.

It's not the first time in the past few weeks he has taken a shot at UConn athletics in some shape or form like this. My issue is has become pretty apparent that between Borges the Register's UConn men's hoops beat guy and Dom Amore the Courant's beat guy they are not behind anything that has to do with supporting CR and UConn. They are in then"bring back the old BE' crowd like Chief00. I hate to tell these 2 morons this BUT they better hope like hell UConn gets a B-12 invite if they expand. A lot of people on here slam Dez for his work but least he gets the CR thing, Borges and Amore have no clue about that and how important it is to UConn athletics!
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm sorry but I don't get your complaint. Because a sportswriter wonders if Adams could have really done what he did in 0.8 seconds means he doesn't care about conference realinment?
It's not point is this..both Amore and Borges pine for the return of the good old BE days. They have both separately questioned the value of football and CR. They both need to realize that there precious beat's depend on CR. I also know Borges is a tool and is probably the worst UConn beat writer out there. BL what I should have just put up was this..."Dave Borges with another tweet reinforcing what a tool he is."
Aug 27, 2011
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It's no secret that our local writers take the Boston/New York approach to covering our teams: skeptical, critical, appealing to base instincts of New England angst.

It's certainly in contrast to other parts of the country where their writers are often glorified cheerleaders.

This difference may be a disadvantage in terms of the perception of our program and the (un)willingness of local voices to promote UConn.
Aug 26, 2011
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So yesterday I was following the Cincy game on twitter...I didn't want to dare turn it on since the last few times they played and I watched them on tv it was a loss (yeah I'm superstitious). After the win I was a bit perplexed by a tweet from Dave Borges in response to Cronin's post game rant about Jalen Adams' shot:
David Borges‏@DaveBorges
@SPBowley It's whining, but it's sorta true.

It's not the first time in the past few weeks he has taken a shot at UConn athletics in some shape or form like this. My issue is has become pretty apparent that between Borges the Register's UConn men's hoops beat guy and Dom Amore the Courant's beat guy they are not behind anything that has to do with supporting CR and UConn. They are in then"bring back the old BE' crowd like Chief00. I hate to tell these 2 morons this BUT they better hope like hell UConn gets a B-12 invite if they expand. A lot of people on here slam Dez for his work but least he gets the CR thing, Borges and Amore have no clue about that and how important it is to UConn athletics!

It's the problem w/ an isolated 140 character tweet. Here is the follow through in his article this morning.

"Call him a sore loser, but it wasn’t much different from the type of postgame rant Jim Calhoun was famous for over the years after a loss (including that six-OT game). Or, for that matter, much different than Ollie’s postgame complaints after Cincy had topped the Huskies 58-57 on Jan. 28 in Hartford."
Aug 27, 2011
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It's the problem w/ an isolated 140 character tweet. Here is the follow through in his article this morning.

"Call him a sore loser, but it wasn’t much different from the type of postgame rant Jim Calhoun was famous for over the years after a loss (including that six-OT game). Or, for that matter, much different than Ollie’s postgame complaints after Cincy had topped the Huskies 58-57 on Jan. 28 in Hartford."

Medic to me Borges's tweets and his articles send the same message. The guy is a complete tool. I can't wait to see his "UConn is in WAY over their head" themed piece if the B-12 ends up expanding, and invites UConn.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I appreciate Jacob's efforts to tell a story if UConn remains outside of the P5, but I'm fine if local beat writers aren't out there with the pom poms on a day to day basis. That's what ADB and TUB are for.
Aug 27, 2011
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I appreciate Jacob's efforts to tell a story if UConn remains outside of the P5, but I'm fine if local beat writers aren't out there with the pom poms on a day to day basis. That's what ADB and TUB are for.
I'll agree with you on this 100%...but they can't long for the return of something that is LONG gone. And that's the problem with Borges and Amore.
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