The future of women's sports | The Boneyard

The future of women's sports

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Jan 22, 2020
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On the whole women's sports are less of a draw than men's. There are exceptions, but not many. The Portland franchise for women's pro soccer draws well, but not the rest of the league. WNBA is gaining slowly but isn't compatible to the NBA. A few WCBB programs have good attendance, but again nothing like the men.

Looking into the crystal ball, do you think women's sports will be more popular in 20 or 30 years? Either way, why? Must women be the ones who bring attendance numbers up?

I suspect that women's sports, (and by sports I mean those sports that play a lot of games and the male counterparts draw well - basketball is the only sport that fits this category) will significantly lag the men for longer than I'll live. Visibility of the women's game is much better than in the past and more people will become fans, but not enough. Having more women become fans of women's sports will help but I wonder if getting large numbers of women to attend games or watch in TV is doable. I also think that the fact that the level of athletism is lower in the women's game is a limiting factor.

I'd particullarly be interested in what women's take on this is. My wife, for instance, loathes all sports. I meet some women who follow a team, but not as many as men.
Nov 30, 2015
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Based on the very limited sampling of two (my wife and daughter) they would rather play a sport than watch it. Yes, there will always be sports for women to participate in. No, women will not generate the attendance and fan base to support professional sports to the extent that men's sports are supported by fans. Consequently, women's sports will not generate the ad revenue or attract enough eyeballs to compete with men's sports either.


MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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Based on the very limited sampling of two (my wife and daughter) they would rather play a sport than watch it. Yes, there will always be sports for women to participate in. No, women will not generate the attendance and fan base to support professional sports to the extent that men's sports are supported by fans. Consequently, women's sports will not generate the ad revenue or attract enough eyeballs to compete with men's sports either.
Except for the Women's National Soccer team. Except for the World Cups, they had a higher attendance rate then the men. The friendlies outperformed the men's. The only reason the attendance rate in the World Cup is because the men's is usually played in larger stadiums.


No, not that Providence.
Feb 15, 2019
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I think one of the big reasons that professional women's sports hasn't gained a lot of traction among women is because for so long, they didn't have those sports to play. Why would a girl become invested in basketball when she couldn't play outside of PE class? If you could survey all of womankind, I think you'd see that women's sports are more popular among those who grew up post Title IX.

Additionally, for so long it wasn't considered feminine to be an athlete, but I think that the overall perception of female athletes and the femininity are being challenged. The toxic masculinity around men's sports bleeds into how many males perceive the women's game, but I do see less of that among the younger generation (although they're far from perfect).

And while I know that women's basketball has had its share of stars, those stars weren't really in the public eye. Imagine if high school aged Cheryl Miller could have put together highlight reels for YouTube or if 17-year-old DT was able to trash talk on Twitter. Until the last 10 or so years, most athletes became household names because of the team they were playing on.

Now, the team that they're playing on plays second fiddle to who they are.

^^^ This is what will turn the tides for women's sports. You'll have superstars like Sabrina and Paige who are building a huge fan base, and their interaction with that base is what keeps people coming back for more. Women's basketball will build its popularity in reverse -- teams will becomes household names because of the stars who are playing for them.
Jan 22, 2020
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Except for the Women's National Soccer team. Except for the World Cups, they had a higher attendance rate then the men. The friendlies outperformed the men's. The only reason the attendance rate in the World Cup is because the men's is usually played in larger stadiums.
I considered the WNS team, who do draw great crowds and ratings. But they play a limited number of games and the same players in league games don't draw crowds. Women's ice skating in the Olympics get high ratings, but again only every 4 years.

To be fair, most men's sports aren't a big draw. Only pro and college football, pro and college basketball, pro baseball and pro hockey are big draws.
Jul 19, 2018
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Based on the very limited sampling of two (my wife and daughter) they would rather play a sport than watch it. Yes, there will always be sports for women to participate in. No, women will not generate the attendance and fan base to support professional sports to the extent that men's sports are supported by fans. Consequently, women's sports will not generate the ad revenue or attract enough eyeballs to compete with men's sports either.
Both of my daughters played multiple varsity sports through high school and college and were quite competitive. Outside of their competitions, neither one of them ever cared about watching sports, then or now. They'll humor me and take me to local sporting events, and while they generally know the rules and whoop it up at the games, on their own they couldn't care less.
Jan 22, 2020
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Both of my daughters played multiple varsity sports through high school and college and were quite competitive. Outside of their competitions, neither one of them ever cared about watching sports, then or now. They'll humor me and take me to local sporting events, and while they generally know the rules and whoop it up at the games, on their own they couldn't care less.
I'm male and grew up playing all the normal sports, unorganized except little league. As an adult I still played pick-up bball, throw a footall around, played catch, got into tennis and mountain biking. I've always watched a lot if sports, but rarely without a rooting interest. Rarely do I watch a game if I don't care who wins. I take as much pleasure in watching women as men. In a few sports, soccer and tennis, I like watching the women more. If I could follow only one team it is UConn.

If there is a choice between playing a game or watching one, play (almost) every time.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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A real mix. I largely agree about Women's Basketball, pro and college. While it can draw well in select spots, it is virtually always 2nd fiddle regarding revenue and attendance to corresponding men's programs.

For many of the other (college) sports, in a given location a women's team may draw better than the men - in the US, college soccer, LAX, Volleyball which most colleges don't play on the men's side. But that attendance is still not comparable to men's basketball never mind the larger football arenas.

Many of the sports mentioned have a devoted following that doesn't come near to paying the bills. And there is no backlog of prospective viewers out there - as noted, many women' don't love being spectators, while many men are not entertained by the women's game, which they view as inferior to the men (in any sport).

I think most women's sports will limp forward with their fan-bases as the 2nd class citizens of the sports world and I sadly don't see that changing.
Mar 3, 2015
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Both of my daughters played multiple varsity sports through high school and college and were quite competitive. Outside of their competitions, neither one of them ever cared about watching sports, then or now. They'll humor me and take me to local sporting events, and while they generally know the rules and whoop it up at the games, on their own they couldn't care less.
Wow, that's a real interesting very personal observation, and experience. Now, going way out on a limb here, and expecting some blow back, but...
I predict the more professional athletes (men and women) tread into social and political affairs, the more turned off fans will become. Fans just want to enjoy a game, not be lectured.
Feb 7, 2019
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I mainly follow women sports, especially softball and basketball, and have coached both, though softball primarily. it won’t be until more young girls play competitively that the audience for women’s sports will grow. Young girls watch the men’s games often because boyfriends are fans. Only a few young boys go to women’s games with their girlfriends. Fast pitch softball, whether played by men or women, is vastly superior product to baseball with its endless pitching changes. I prefer women’s basketball because the men’s game features giants shooting at a basket designed for scrawny middle schoolers.


Stake in my pocket, Vlad to see you
Jan 21, 2016
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Wow, that's a real interesting very personal observation, and experience. Now, going way out on a limb here, and expecting some blow back, but...
I predict the more professional athletes (men and women) tread into social and political affairs, the more turned off fans will become. Fans just want to enjoy a game, not be lectured.
You mean viewership for women's sports will drop even more because of social activism? I'm not the first to note you can't get less than pretty much zero.
Dec 20, 2015
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Wow, that's a real interesting very personal observation, and experience. Now, going way out on a limb here, and expecting some blow back, but...
I predict the more professional athletes (men and women) tread into social and political affairs, the more turned off fans will become. Fans just want to enjoy a game, not be lectured.

100% agree
Apr 22, 2019
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Wow, that's a real interesting very personal observation, and experience. Now, going way out on a limb here, and expecting some blow back, but...
I predict the more professional athletes (men and women) tread into social and political affairs, the more turned off fans will become. Fans just want to enjoy a game, not be lectured.

Very well said, I feel the exact same way! In fact we are already seeing this, the viewership numbers for EVERY league are down at a time when they should be setting record highs due to partial lock-downs. There is only so much people are willing to take before they say enough is enough.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Except perhaps Women's tennis, all women's professional sports will be at best fill a niche sector and will always be fighting to stay afloat. My experience with family and friends when I profess my love for women's basketball basically falls into

1) Why? So boring
2) and if I say UConn, why watch a blowout?
and that is the nicer stuff
3) You are only interested in watching girls.
Nov 6, 2012
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I don't know this as fact, but women's ice skating, gymnastics and soccer seem to be more popular in the U.S. than the men's teams in the same sports.
Jan 22, 2020
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Except perhaps Women's tennis, all women's professional sports will be at best fill a niche sector and will always be fighting to stay afloat. My experience with family and friends when I profess my love for women's basketball basically falls into

1) Why? So boring
2) and if I say UConn, why watch a blowout?
and that is the nicer stuff
3) You are only interested in watching girls.
Boring: I don't understand the boring issue. The guy I hit a tennis ball with hates women's tennis. Says it is too slow and any decent men's player could beat them. I don't engage with him on the issue anymore. I like the women's game because it is less power and more tactical and is more relatable to how well I could play. Federer et al are a different species. I enjoy their matches but can relate to their skill sets. If the highest possible level of skill and athletism were the only criteria for what makes a sport enjoyable to watch, no one would watch anything but men pros, which isn't the case.

Another blow out: beats losing!

Just watching the girls: I'm sure that lots of people watch sports that include whatever gender they find sexually attractive. For most that would not be the main attraction - there are many better modes and means to get sexual gratification - but it is a factor to some degree. Sports do capitalize on this as much as they can decently get away with.
I'd be the last one to advocate the Puritanization of sports or life in general.
Apr 29, 2015
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Wow, that's a real interesting very personal observation, and experience. Now, going way out on a limb here, and expecting some blow back, but...
I predict the more professional athletes (men and women) tread into social and political affairs, the more turned off fans will become. Fans just want to enjoy a game, not be lectured.
I already have stopped watching the NBA & WNBA because of the social & political protest the players are doing. I just want to watch basketball. Big East teams will be wearing a BLM patch on there uniforms this year. When they would wear a United States Flag on it. If that's the case the Mens Team has lost a 50 year fan and the women will lose a 33 year fan. Family and Friends have died for that Flag! So out of Respect for them and the rest of the Men and Women who have served, fought and died to give us our Freedoms! If one player kneels or walks off the court because of the anthem or Flag it's wrong! I think the teams should be neutral but if they aren't both teams lost a fan!


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Boring: I don't understand the boring issue. The guy I hit a tennis ball with hates women's tennis. Says it is too slow and any decent men's player could beat them. I don't engage with him on the issue anymore. I like the women's game because it is less power and more tactical and is more relatable to how well I could play. Federer et al are a different species. I enjoy their matches but can relate to their skill sets. If the highest possible level of skill and athletism were the only criteria for what makes a sport enjoyable to watch, no one would watch anything but men pros, which isn't the case.

Another blow out: beats losing!

Just watching the girls: I'm sure that lots of people watch sports that include whatever gender they find sexually attractive. For most that would not be the main attraction - there are many better modes and means to get sexual gratification - but it is a factor to some degree. Sports do capitalize on this as much as they can decently get away with.
I'd be the last one to advocate the Puritanization of sports or life in general.

Since my personal circle has no time for such detailed analysis, I gave them up for the BY anyway. :rolleyes:
Mar 3, 2015
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I already have stopped watching the NBA & WNBA because of the social & political protest the players are doing. I just want to watch basketball. Big East teams will be wearing a BLM patch on there uniforms this year. When they would wear a United States Flag on it. If that's the case the Mens Team has lost a 50 year fan and the women will lose a 33 year fan. Family and Friends have died for that Flag! So out of Respect for them and the rest of the Men and Women who have served, fought and died to give us our Freedoms! If one player kneels or walks off the court because of the anthem or Flag it's wrong! I think the teams should be neutral but if they aren't both teams lost a fan!
I must say I am pleasantly surprised by the number of "likes" and supportive replies of my original post on this subject. I was beginning to think I was in very small company, and would feel the written wrath of the social justice warriors. Good omen!
Jan 22, 2020
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I started this thread to solicit conversation on what the future holds for women's sports. As usual, it has morphed elsewhere. OK.

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. ~Frederick Douglass

If you think that all of American history is goodness and light, that all actions taken under the auspices of the American flag have been righteous, that people who are different by reason of race, ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation have been treated lawfully and with respect, that people who have in the past and currently are discriminated against should remain silent as it would be unpatriotic to speak, then you are willfully and dangerously ignorant of the country you profess a love for.


MSG, US Army Retired
Dec 16, 2017
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I started this thread to solicit conversation on what the future holds for women's sports. As usual, it has morphed elsewhere. OK.

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. ~Frederick Douglass

If you think that all of American history is goodness and light, that all actions taken under the auspices of the American flag have been righteous, that people who are different by reason of race, ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation have been treated lawfully and with respect, that people who have in the past and currently are discriminated against should remain silent as it would be unpatriotic to speak, then you are willfully and dangerously ignorant of the country you profess a love for.
I take America as a Country that you can do or be what ever you want. That we are the land of the free and home of the brave. Do we have problems, yes we do, from all walks of life. But tell me what other Country in the world does what America does. We are the Country that ended two World Wars, and rebuilt Europe after WWII, have kept the peace the majority of the time. We are a Country that takes in immigrants from all over the world. I'll take America warts and all over any other Country in the World. I spent 24 years in the Army and 17 of those overseas. Traveled through all of Europe, Korea, and some of Iraq, the majority of the people where thankful for the USA, with many wishing that they could come here. Is there things that we can do to make it better, yes, but we don't have to tear down the system, destroy cities and people's businesses, or even erase history. I believe in the good of all people, until they prove me wrong on that belief.
Mar 3, 2017
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I think all sports are in trouble. I don't know what the actual ratings are, but in my house they are down across the board. That is really bad news for women's sports. My entire family are huge sports fans, but I'm the only one that watches UConn (or any women's team) play. There is just no interest.

IMO basketball has become too commercial and too political. I don't think there should be company logos on the uniforms or "movements" on the basketball court. Whether you agree or not, it does put some people off.
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