The Day's Mike DiMauro Defends Edsall | The Boneyard

The Day's Mike DiMauro Defends Edsall

Jan 21, 2016
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Columnist Mike DiMauro has offered a defense for Randy Edsall in the light of recent criticism from fans. It says in part, "Randy Edsall is not to blame for the disaster that has become UConn football. He was handed a grenade, whose pin was finally pulled in the summer when his leadership — again — set the program up to fail. This is the second such time Edsall's leadership has betrayed him at UConn.

The trumpeted move to the Big East to save basketball is killing football. We're seeing it every Saturday. It won't get better. Difference makers aren't coming to play football here inside an empty stadium 20 miles from campus playing an Independent schedule with no bowl tie-in. The program is dead."

Back in 2011, Randy questioned tighter admissions standards -- and believed that "his commitment to academic achievement should have earned him the benefit of the doubt with admissions and he simply wanted his boss there with him for support. He got neither."

Aug 27, 2011
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The ongoing lack of support from Hathaway for Edsall’s concerns is well known and factually correct. (Hathaway also roiled Calhoun). But once Prez SH rightfully canned Hathaway, we didn’t capitalize and blew the next two football hires. So here we are. Demauro’s right that we’re not going FCS. But he’s wrong about football being dead. Don't forget it was Benedict who drove the Big East bus. It was his idea. He had to get buy in from both SH and our future Prez in waiting. It wouldn’t have happened when it did without full accord and agreement from the soon to be new President Tom Katsalouas. Coming from UVA, TK wants UConn to step up and become a leading research university. TK also wants a thriving football program. That’s what all big state flagship research universities have. Being independent is a challenge but DB is working on a future schedule that will be more attractive than many currently presume. Don’t forget, this is Benedict’s brainchild. He can’t let it fail and TK won’t let him.
Aug 28, 2011
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I think the administration really halted the upward trajectory of the program and I completely understand why Edsall was frustrated. From not lowering academic standards to the embarrassing assistant coaching salary pool. Don’t blame him at all for leaving.

However, it’s important to separate that period of time from this period of time. I think people are fed up with Edsall because of his archaic coaching philosophy and what appears to be a severe regression in talent evaluation.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is not the end. It unfortunately isn't even the end of the beginning because we keep hitting reset.

2011 Reset with PP
2012 Reset with AAC
2014 Reset with Diaco
2017 Reset with Edsall
2019 Reset as an Independent
2020 Reset with a terrible schedule
202? Reset with a new TV deal and a workable schedule.
2022 Reset with whoever replaces Edsall because we aren't likely to be good next year either, though a schedule of juco's, high schools, and girl scout troops might pad the record enough to keep him around.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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Columnist Mike DiMauro has offered a defense for Randy Edsall in the light of recent criticism from fans. It says in part, "Randy Edsall is not to blame for the disaster that has become UConn football. He was handed a grenade, whose pin was finally pulled in the summer when his leadership — again — set the program up to fail. This is the second such time Edsall's leadership has betrayed him at UConn.

The trumpeted move to the Big East to save basketball is killing football. We're seeing it every Saturday. It won't get better. Difference makers aren't coming to play football here inside an empty stadium 20 miles from campus playing an Independent schedule with no bowl tie-in. The program is dead."

Back in 2011, Randy questioned tighter admissions standards -- and believed that "his commitment to academic achievement should have earned him the benefit of the doubt with admissions and he simply wanted his boss there with him for support. He got neither."

This article is much more about denigrating UConn football, to DiMauro's alma mater's benefit, than it is about defending Edsall.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Yes - the athletic department has been a real crap show with Hathaway and DB the db at the helm
The administration has been a crap show with Suzy Q and now the new snowflake
The football leadership has been a crap show with PP and red pants
However, RE also needs to look in the mirror and question his play calling resulting in a brand of football that at the present time is unwatchable. While I believe his recent recruitment has shown a return to more size and physicality, it will it be much harder as an indy with no bowl connections
The move to the NBE is a huge blow to football and some other sports at UConn - no doubt. Time will tell if it was for the best but right now it only seems to benefit Mens basketball and the soccer programs.
Aug 29, 2015
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The ongoing lack of support from Hathaway for Edsall’s concerns is well known and factually correct. (Hathaway also roiled Calhoun). But once Prez SH rightfully canned Hathaway, we didn’t capitalize and blew the next two football hires. So here we are. Demauro’s right that we’re not going FCS. But he’s wrong about football being dead. Don't forget it was Benedict who drove the Big East bus. It was his idea. He had to get buy in from both SH and our future Prez in waiting. It wouldn’t have happened when it did without full accord and agreement from the soon to be new President Tom Katsalouas. Coming from UVA, TK wants UConn to step up and become a leading research university. TK also wants a thriving football program. That’s what all big state flagship research universities have. Being independent is a challenge but DB is working on a future schedule that will be more attractive than many currently presume. Don’t forget, this is Benedict’s brainchild. He can’t let it fail and TK won’t let him.
You said that Herbst cared about football too. Everyone with a brain knew that wasn't true so I'm not sure why anyone would listen to you now
Aug 26, 2011
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So if we never announced going back to the Big East this team would be playing better now?

That's what it sounds like he is saying. Does he think big impact players would suddenly start to come here because UConn could have the chance to play in a bowl game? After what, 7-8 years of being in the AAC and being an awful program, did he think we needed to just suck it up and continue to go down that path? I thought the big east decision was also in part because of the tv deals we were starting to get for basketball games as well and the fact that very few of us even care to watch most of these AAC teams play?
Sep 11, 2011
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If the new Prez is serious about having a respectable FBS program, he will get admissions standards lowered significantly for at least 5 years. There is a big difference between saying you would like to have a successful football program and doing what it takes to have one.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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The ongoing lack of support from Hathaway for Edsall’s concerns is well known and factually correct. (Hathaway also roiled Calhoun). But once Prez SH rightfully canned Hathaway, we didn’t capitalize and blew the next two football hires. So here we are. Demauro’s right that we’re not going FCS. But he’s wrong about football being dead. Don't forget it was Benedict who drove the Big East bus. It was his idea. He had to get buy in from both SH and our future Prez in waiting. It wouldn’t have happened when it did without full accord and agreement from the soon to be new President Tom Katsalouas. Coming from UVA, TK wants UConn to step up and become a leading research university. TK also wants a thriving football program. That’s what all big state flagship research universities have. Being independent is a challenge but DB is working on a future schedule that will be more attractive than many currently presume. Don’t forget, this is Benedict’s brainchild. He can’t let it fail and TK won’t let him.

Have you been accurate about anything football in the last 36 months??

If #HalfPipeTommy wants a thriving football program he should go throw money at Bret Bielema and get serious about this bullspit.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Maybe we will find out what "serious" means on 12/2.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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This is not the end. It unfortunately isn't even the end of the beginning because we keep hitting reset.

As big a suck fest as this season is we have to REv2 more time. Hitting restart yet again keep us in the same holding pattern. Hopefully, we can start showing some cohesiveness and competitiveness during this season to give us a sign that Randy is on the right track.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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The remaining 6 games here in 2019 are very meaningful. Randy just needs to show something. However if the season continues a series of lopsided losses to schools as lowly as UMass and ECU well then....

We desperately need some games where we score at least three TDs and make the opposition play their starters for all four damn quarters. We need some sort of progress.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's not much of a consolation, but I think the team is better than last season. The defense isn't giving up TD's at will, even though some of the scores suggest otherwise. The O is worse due to the loss of Pindell, the one guy who could make chicken salad out of the busted schemes.

Last year other teams were rotating in the 2nd/3rd string in the first half. At least, they waiting until the 2nd half now.

Opponents can still target the weak parts of the roster. It's the leaky boat effect. Until you sufficiently plug every hole you are still going to sink. We still have too many holes to hold up against any competent team for 4 quarters.
Aug 5, 2017
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Have you been accurate about anything football in the last 36 months??

If #HalfPipeTommy wants a thriving football program he should go throw money at Bret Bielema and get serious about this bullspit.

Now, there's a coach who could wear short sleeves on cold days.
Aug 27, 2011
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You said that Herbst cared about football too. Why would anyone would listen to you now

Have you been accurate about anything football in the last 36 months??

It’s your prerogative not to listen but caring (like accuracy) is a matter of degree. SH cared about football but wasn’t a wild fan of the sport. She fired Hathaway then hired Warde Manuel from Buffalo— mainly as an antidote for our NCAA academic issues. He made the hiring decision on Diaco. A lot of folks were fooled on that one. Meanwhile, while not quite the rock star she thought he was, Warde was good enough to be hired by Michigan. She then hired Benedict. For me he’s an upgrade. Time will tell with TK but early impressions are positive. He wants a vibrant FBS program and bowl games for the fans. I like what I’m hearing about his vision but once again it’s a matter of degree. If I’m wrong I’m sure you’ll let me know.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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It’s your prerogative not to listen but caring (like accuracy) is a matter of degree. SH cared about football but wasn’t a wild fan of the sport. She fired Hathaway then hired Warde Manuel from Buffalo— mainly as an antidote for our NCAA academic issues. He made the hiring decision on Diaco. A lot of folks were fooled on that one. Meanwhile, while not quite the rock star she thought he was, Warde was good enough to be hired by Michigan. She then hired Benedict. For me he’s an upgrade. Time will tell with TK but early impressions are positive. He wants a vibrant FBS program and bowl games for the fans. I like what I’m hearing about his vision but once again it’s a matter of degree. If I’m wrong I’m sure you’ll let me know.

You are going to have a lot of gambling money next year with the lack of road games to attend.
Aug 27, 2011
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As big a suck fest as this season is we have to REv2 more time. Hitting restart yet again keep us in the same holding pattern. Hopefully, we can start showing some cohesiveness and competitiveness during this season to give us a sign that Randy is on the right track.
Eye test, dude. Eye test. Year 3 is a cluster except for 2 quarters against Indiana. Otherwise getting shellacked at embarrassing levels. He has 6 weeks to figure out how to turn a pile of crap into a glimmer of hope. 3 recruiting cycles and still can’t tackle, OL is going backwards, special teams sucks, defensive backs and LBs suck, and he’s playing field position stall ball as if he’s down by 3. Bums me out, but his day passed the minute Maryland figured out he’s not taking anybody anywhere.


I misunderstood when I thought he said he was leaving for his “Dream Job”.
Although, Chief 100% agrees with him about admissions.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's really two cycles which under normalncircumstances his first class would be getting reps on Special Teams as RS Freshmen. Instead they have about 10 starts apiece.

CFB rosters just can't be turned over like that unless you have a lot of faith in Diaco's last class and a half.

I wish we had Larry Taylor on this team ton steal a win or a local QB destined for the NFL or a couple of rocks on D that won't take losing lying down. But we don't.

REv1 took from 1999 until 2002 to win any game of insignificance and 2004 to field a competent team. Excepting this to happen faster under the current environment isn't being realistic.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Eye test, dude. Eye test. Year 3 is a cluster except for 2 quarters against Indiana. Otherwise getting shellacked at embarrassing levels. He has 6 weeks to figure out how to turn a pile of crap into a glimmer of hope. 3 recruiting cycles and still can’t tackle, OL is going backwards, special teams sucks, defensive backs and LBs suck, and he’s playing field position stall ball as if he’s down by 3. Bums me out, but his day passed the minute Maryland figured out he’s not taking anybody anywhere.
Somewhat agree. I'm hoping that next year we see a jump as less of kids are underclassman. I don't think Randy is opposed to an uptempo offense as much as he doesn't feel like he has the guns for one. If he wasn't open to it, why hire Lashee? (Losing Lashee was huge and a part of the reason we seem so inept.) Still think he gets another year though.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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More fun to gnaw on.....Randy is now the current active leader in total career FBS losses and #20 all time.

Should he finish out his five year contract there is a solid chance he squeaks into the top 10. Actually, he could tie for fourth all time with just 24 more losses. Getting into the top 3 fortunately seems out of reach under any scenario.

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