THE AGITATOR - Jeff Jacobs 2016 | The Boneyard

THE AGITATOR - Jeff Jacobs 2016

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Tailgating Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2014
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No Excuses - If UConn can't get into Power 5 Conference, I want to know why!

UConn's ticket to Power 5 Conference goes through New York

There's been a little chatter on this in the Conference Realignment forum but I usually stick to the football side so I wanted to post here... Jeff Jacobs has taken on UConn's case to be in a Power 5 Conference for his New Year's resolution. This is a fantastic move. I'm especially eager to hear what types of feedback he gets as to why UConn is on the outside looking in. He promised to agitate those folks, forcing the conversation about UConn's worthiness can only help. Susan and Warde have been hard at work for years now, positioning UConn for the next round of realignment. If the Big12 is to expand, Jacobs's public push couldn't come at a better time! We need to support The Agitator's cause (especially after the tip-of-the-cap he threw the Boneyard by quoting Dooley). Here's to 2016!
Jan 13, 2014
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Need to be careful with this. Embarrassing people who have already made decisions to pass us over would be the worst thing. Do not bruise egos Jeff!

As he said, it is about the money. He needs to make the clear case that each school will get more $ with UConn in their league than they make now or they would get by brining in any other school (I don't have that info). Those are the misconceptions to clear up.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Need to be careful with this. Embarrassing people who have already made decisions to pass us over would be the worst thing. Do not bruise egos Jeff!

As he said, it is about the money. He needs to make the clear case that each school will get more $ with UConn in their league than they make now or they would get by brining in any other school (I don't have that info). Those are the misconceptions to clear up.

I agree with the sentiment, but at the end of the day I don't think anyone important is going to make decisions based on being swayed one way or the other by Jeff Jacobs
Aug 27, 2011
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Need to be careful with this. Embarrassing people who have already made decisions to pass us over would be the worst thing. Do not bruise egos Jeff!

As he said, it is about the money. He needs to make the clear case that each school will get more $ with UConn in their league than they make now or they would get by brining in any other school (I don't have that info). Those are the misconceptions to clear up.

I think his intent is to push those who he can influence - namely CT leaders and politicians who cant get out of their own way in seeing UConn sports is an economic engine that creates more $$ in a P5. The full state apparatus has to be fully engaged and it just can't be Warde having a few beers with ADs and talking unicorns and rainbows. With Gov. Malloy liked about as much as a case of herpes these days, he needs to make some news for the state and get something positive done.
Aug 26, 2011
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It doesn't matter what Jeff Jacobs or anyone else says or who they try and agitate. UConn isn't going anywhere til they can fill a 50,000 seat stadium a minimum of 6 times a year and bring 7-10,000 fans on the road with them. If they seriously want to be in a power 5 conference then they have to represent like the average power 5 conference. They have the basketball side of things solved. Now they have to work on the football side. And....remember just about every power 5 school has half a century or better head start on them.
Oct 28, 2014
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Yeah..Blumenthal's tactics are the example of what NOT to do!

While this is true, we have to keep in mind that Blumie is now a U.S. Senator (even if he acts like he is still the CT AG). Utah, West Virginia and Louisville all had help from their U.S. Senators in getting into the P5. Who knows what was said behind closed doors? A threat of anti-trust legislation? I have no problem if Blumie & Murphy get involved as long as they don't grandstand, but the problem with that is they don't seem to know how breathe without grandstanding.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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How sad is it that a reporter for a mainstream newspaper uses a Boneyard poster's research to augment his argument?

BZ Dooley.
Disagree. I'm sure he confirmed it. Dooley's aggregation of it was just an idea, that he ran with. By the way by citing Dooley, he energizes the BY to click on the article. Smart.

I agree with the sentiment, but at the end of the day I don't think anyone important is going to make decisions based on being swayed one way or the other by Jeff Jacobs

What Jacobs can do effectively, is change the UConn narrative. We know our strengths well, but most fans of other programs do not. It appears to me that Jacobs is using his bully pulpit to get make those strengths known more generally. It is exactly the kind of opinion shaping that columnist ought to do. His first column starts to do that in a very intelligent way.

Jeff is discussing an issue that is topical and hugely important to the state and it's economy. It is the kind of thing that you would expect a columnist to do. The fact that the discussion is also helpful to UConn, a school that has many passionate fans, with long memories, and that he is going generate a whole lot of traffic to the Courant site, while he will likely will become a subject of other columnists nationally is just a a happy coincidence for him.
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Bringing back the basics
Oct 30, 2014
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A vote for 31 GuardTrap as Connecticut US Senator in 2016 is a Vote for UConn into the P-5 for 2018.
I will make it happen and will clean up some other "stuff" along the way.
31GuardTrap-----"Protecting Our State"


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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A vote for 31 GuardTrap as Connecticut US Senator in 2016 is a Vote for UConn into the P-5 for 2018.
I will make it happen and will clean up some other "stuff" along the way.
31GuardTrap-----"Protecting Our State"
Better football for UConn
A better country for
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn isn't going anywhere til they can fill a 50,000 seat stadium a minimum of 6 times a year and bring 7-10,000 fans on the road with them. If they seriously want to be in a power 5 conference then they have to represent like the average power 5 conference.

Where'd ya pull that number from?


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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It doesn't matter what Jeff Jacobs or anyone else says or who they try and agitate. UConn isn't going anywhere til they can fill a 50,000 seat stadium a minimum of 6 times a year and bring 7-10,000 fans on the road with them. If they seriously want to be in a power 5 conference then they have to represent like the average power 5 conference. They have the basketball side of things solved. Now they have to work on the football side. And....remember just about every power 5 school has half a century or better head start on them.

Still wondering why you post here since UConn seems so small time to you. Are you sure your not Waylon in disguise
Aug 26, 2011
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Where'd ya pull that number from?
How many fans did Michigan bring to the Rent? How many fans did Penn St bring to the Temple game this year?
Still wondering why you post here since UConn seems so small time to you. Are you sure your not Waylon in disguise
Hey man I've been a UConn fan longer than a lot of you have been alive so don't question my loyalties. I just have a problem with this entitlement attitude some in here have just because the Huskies have a successful basketball program. "IT IS NOT ABOUT BASKETBALL!!" It's about football and so far the only thing the Huskies can hang their hat on is a three way tie that bought them a beating at the Fiesta Bowl. Oh... and beating a weak Notre Dame team.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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How many fans did Michigan bring to the Rent? How many fans did Penn St bring to the Temple game this year?

Hey man I've been a UConn fan longer than a lot of you have been alive so don't question my loyalties. I just have a problem with this entitlement attitude some in here have just because the Huskies have a successful basketball program. "IT IS NOT ABOUT BASKETBALL!!" It's about football and so far the only thing the Huskies can hang their hat on is a three way tie that bought them a beating at the Fiesta Bowl. Oh... and beating a weak Notre Dame team.

For the umpteenth time, if football was what determined CR then Rutgers would be in the CAA.
Feb 22, 2014
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How many fans did Michigan bring to the Rent? How many fans did Penn St bring to the Temple game this year?

Hey man I've been a UConn fan longer than a lot of you have been alive so don't question my loyalties. I just have a problem with this entitlement attitude some in here have just because the Huskies have a successful basketball program. "IT IS NOT ABOUT BASKETBALL!!" It's about football and so far the only thing the Huskies can hang their hat on is a three way tie that bought them a beating at the Fiesta Bowl. Oh... and beating a weak Notre Dame team.

Using Michigan at Uconn or PSU at Temple as examples is no way indicative of how all P5 Teams' Fans should travel. Uconn was an opportunity for Northeast Wolverine Fans to see their team, so of course they were going to show up. As for PSU in Philly? Come on man. I go to as many PSU Home Games as I can, and outside of Nebraska, OSU, and Alabama nobody is bringing 10,000 fans to our games. The only thing that truly matters is dollars. If a conference's TV Deal will be more valuable with a particular team included then that team has a shot.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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I didn't think Michigan fans were all that impressive at The Rent. I think the huge crowd was more about the non-hardcore locals coming to an Event. If we make it to a better league, a big chunk of that group will become part of our base.
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