Thanks, Bobby Red Pants | The Boneyard

Thanks, Bobby Red Pants

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Aug 24, 2011
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Good job burning Williams' redshirt in a desperation move to salvage a horrendous season. Especially putting the kid in against a Temple D that we were ridiculously overmatched by.

You're a defensive coach and the defense has plain sucked. Bend & break is now broken.

You've lost the fans. Sitting in that half-empty stadium last night it was obvious people had checked out after the 1st qtr. Apathy is back and has set up shop.

Instead of looking forward to a long awaited matchup between the school that's been enemy no. 1 on this board, you'll now have people bailing on that game to save themselves the embarrassment of another s**tshow.
Can't wait for the Tulane game - it has SMU 2014 written all over it.

So done with this clown and all the "love & brotherhood" crap and all the other wacky metaphors. Look at the reality for once and see that you're being outcoached and your team is getting beaten soundly where & when it matters every game. Gave him a chance since his hiring but now we're back to laughingstock status. Games are unwatchable again. The faster he's gone the better for the program's sake.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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I'm curious and I mean this all the people saying there's no way UConn buys out Diaco after this season still stand by that?

There were a few and @zls44 was one of the louder ones who firmly believed it wasn't happening. Do you still believe that? (Don't mean to be calling you out but you were the one I remember responding to a lot of posts about this).

I'm not trying to point fingers or say you're a moron if you still believe it's true. I'm just curious if people still believe UConn won't find the cash or swallow the deficit it'll put them in to can Diaco and move on? I just can't see any other outcome at this point.


Won't happy this year - January 2017 maybe, January 2018 definitely


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Won't happy this year - January 2017 maybe, January 2018 definitely
Sorry I should clarified. I meant by Jan 1 when the buy out drops. However, at the rate this ship is sinking I wouldn't be shocked if they Can him right after the final whistle of the Tulane game.
Jan 12, 2013
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My stages of greif:

1. Drank the Koolaide
2. Believed in the tear down
3. Saw coaching issues, thought they would improve
4. Last year, saw improvement, believed more, still coaching issues
5. Maine?
6. Blew games to both Navy and Syracuse
7. Line sucks, defense is bad
8. Fans started to turn, but kids played hard. Diaco would have next year.
9. ECU,final straw for me, kids quit.Get rid of him ASAP
10. Temple: Desperation has set in, Burning red shirts, changing OC. Shutout at home, secondary torched. Half empty stadium. Apathy has set in. The sooner Diaco goes, the better this program will be.

Last comment: How could an FBS program have an OC with absolutely NO experience at doing the job? HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?


As you know - I was never a Diaco fan - since he showed up at a Gampel basketball game after being hired - promised to buy everyone pizza - and attempted to try to upstage a hall of fame MBB coach (Not Successfully) He looked exactly like a used car salesmen then - and that did not change. I thought at least maybe he could recruit and not overly impressed with that either. For some reason kids do like him - I have a few theories on that but there just theories.
Sep 30, 2011
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Good job burning Williams' redshirt in a desperation move to salvage a horrendous season. Especially putting the kid in against a Temple D that we were ridiculously overmatched by.

You're a defensive coach and the defense has plain sucked. Bend & break is now broken.

You've lost the fans. Sitting in that half-empty stadium last night it was obvious people had checked out after the 1st qtr. Apathy is back and has set up shop.

Instead of looking forward to a long awaited matchup between the school that's been enemy no. 1 on this board, you'll now have people bailing on that game to save themselves the embarrassment of another s**tshow.
Can't wait for the Tulane game - it has SMU 2014 written all over it.

So done with this clown and all the "love & brotherhood" crap and all the other wacky metaphors. Look at the reality for once and see that you're being outcoached and your team is getting beaten soundly where & when it matters every game. Gave him a chance since his hiring but now we're back to laughingstock status. Games are unwatchable again. The faster he's gone the better for the program's sake.

Diaco did what almost half the boneyard wanted him to do. To play Donovan. I don't get how you can burn a redshirt this late in the year. Especially with an offensive line like we have on a TRUE Freshman. But the Boneyard knows best and its obviously BD reads this forum 24/7 and took the word of the true coaches here. SMH.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Can we make a market on Diaco's buyout? +225? and dropping?
Aug 24, 2011
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Diaco did what almost half the boneyard wanted him to do. To play Donovan. I don't get how you can burn a redshirt this late in the year. Especially with an offensive line like we have on a TRUE Freshman. But the Boneyard knows best and its obviously BD reads this forum 24/7 and took the word of the true coaches here. SMH.

Half the Boneyard doesn't mean everyone here. People brought it up but it wasn't a huge consensus. This was a desperation move on his part. 10th game of the year and he burns his redshirt?
Oct 12, 2013
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I was one of a handful of people in the rent an hour before the game. Watched Williams working with the 3rd string so I was surprised to see number 15 trot out on the first series. Have to say that gave me something to get excited about. Kind of like the Yankees this year. Unwatchable until they started bringing the young guys up.

I have no issue with burning the red shirt. I only wish it could have happened earlier. DW is going to get some great experience this year and will be the main reason to keep watching. He is now the man. We can't hold him back until BD is gone.

Skill players don't need the extra year to physically mature unlike linemen. The most encouraging thing I saw is when he got flushed he kept his eyes looking downfield.

All the other points about BD being an idiot are right on.
Jan 22, 2012
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Good job burning Williams' redshirt in a desperation move to salvage a horrendous season. Especially putting the kid in against a Temple D that we were ridiculously overmatched by.

You're a defensive coach and the defense has plain sucked. Bend & break is now broken.

You've lost the fans. Sitting in that half-empty stadium last night it was obvious people had checked out after the 1st qtr. Apathy is back and has set up shop.

Instead of looking forward to a long awaited matchup between the school that's been enemy no. 1 on this board, you'll now have people bailing on that game to save themselves the embarrassment of another s**tshow.
Can't wait for the Tulane game - it has SMU 2014 written all over it.

So done with this clown and all the "love & brotherhood" crap and all the other wacky metaphors. Look at the reality for once and see that you're being outcoached and your team is getting beaten soundly where & when it matters every game. Gave him a chance since his hiring but now we're back to laughingstock status. Games are unwatchable again. The faster he's gone the better for the program's sake.
Well said


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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I'm curious and I mean this all the people saying there's no way UConn buys out Diaco after this season still stand by that?

There were a few and @zls44 was one of the louder ones who firmly believed it wasn't happening. Do you still believe that? (Don't mean to be calling you out but you were the one I remember responding to a lot of posts about this).

I'm not trying to point fingers or say you're a moron if you still believe it's true. I'm just curious if people still believe UConn won't find the cash or swallow the deficit it'll put them in to can Diaco and move on? I just can't see any other outcome at this point.

You can point a finger at me because I say NO WAY do they can him until 01/02/17 and then I still think they wait until after next season
It's the money - plain and simple
He will not last past next year even if they get to a bowl in 2017 - he's become a jerk and I am quite sure AD Benedict sees that
Remember - this is a state funded school and the state is governed by an equally befouled idiot and assembly who have screwed up the budget


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm curious and I mean this all the people saying there's no way UConn buys out Diaco after this season still stand by that?

There were a few and @zls44 was one of the louder ones who firmly believed it wasn't happening. Do you still believe that? (Don't mean to be calling you out but you were the one I remember responding to a lot of posts about this).

I'm not trying to point fingers or say you're a moron if you still believe it's true. I'm just curious if people still believe UConn won't find the cash or swallow the deficit it'll put them in to can Diaco and move on? I just can't see any other outcome at this point.

Sorry. Was a long week.

I still doubt they do it, but less-so now. I think its partially the money, partially the message. Hard to get a good coach to wanna come here when you've fired the last 2 real quickly, even if it was the right call.
Aug 22, 2016
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I lean towards they won't fire him. Wouldn't be surprised though. If it does happen this year DB will have his guy before the firing. If it happens next year, they can/may go thru the search firm process.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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getting the kid experience can help him next year, might be better for the program for him to have some experience

that's all I got

at least a lot of teams suck this year, we have company :confused:
Aug 29, 2016
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Half the Boneyard doesn't mean everyone here. People brought it up but it wasn't a huge consensus. This was a desperation move on his part. 10th game of the year and he burns his redshirt?
If folks will recall, the speculation before Temple centered on whether BS or Garrett Anderson would get the start or whether BS would start but get a short leash with Anderson waiting in the wings. You can look it up if you care that much (I don't happen to) but I do not recall a hue and cry to start Williams. In fact, we were blown away when it happened. I was not expecting that it was even an option.
Aug 29, 2016
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Sorry. Was a long week.

I still doubt they do it, but less-so now. I think its partially the money, partially the message. Hard to get a good coach to wanna come here when you've fired the last 2 real quickly, even if it was the right call.
Three years is not really quickly in the world of football, is it? Just sayin ....
Aug 26, 2011
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If they beat BC then at least there is that to tide everyone over til next season but this recruiting class signing in February must be above satisfactory. I couple surprises to give the fans something to look forward to kind of recruiting class. Also on the redshirt burning of Williams, it might be that Sherriffs told Diaco that he won't be returning next season as his life is taking a dramatic turn with a baby on the way and all so Diaco figures he better get Williams as prepped for taking over as possible.
Aug 21, 2011
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There is no way this team beats BC. So sad given how ripe the Thunder Chickens are for the picking
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