Texas Should Join The Big Ten | The Boneyard

Texas Should Join The Big Ten

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Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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Texas Should Join The Big Ten

"We’ve seen Big 12 expansion options proposed. Texas, the only voice that matters, is reportedly against the idea altogether. That’s not an optimistic sign for the Big 12’s future. Should the Longhorns consider their options, once the grant of rights deal expires, there is a clear, compelling option: joining the Big Ten. Here’s why.

Every Big 12 Expansion Option Stinks

The Big 12 could expand in multiple directions. None are compelling. Recently mooted candidates include Houston, Colorado State, Memphis, and UCF. The second biggest program in Colorado. Feel the excitement.

None of those schools make the conference stable. None add competitive weight. None make it more marketable for TV. They would be placeholders to get to 12 teams and a title game. They would be two more schools to worry about during the next realignment round.

Imagine pitching a conference with those additions during the next round of TV negotiations. Remember that’s with 12 teams. Projectinginto the 16-team super-conference era gets terrifying. Remember that Kansas State, Baylor, and TCU may not have all-time great coaches when that happens."
Mar 10, 2016
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Everybody (including the author of the referenced piece) are still quoting that Cincinnati Enquirer article where the "reporter" stated "It is believed" Texas against expansion.

The Cincinnati Enquirer guy didn't quote anyone. He didn't outline any logical progression of thought based on facts. He just threw out conjecture he had probably gotten from a phone conversation with some lousy sports op-ed writer in the Big 12 footprint. Like Kirk Bohl's.

People should put more stock in actual quotes. Like Trotter does in this article:

Could a league network save the Big 12?

Where he says (in part, of course, fishy):

It remains unclear whether Texas would be willing to fold its lucrative tier 3 agreement with ESPN into a Big 12 network, or whether ESPN would even be open to the same. Officials around the league have indicated that new Texas president Greg Fenves has continued to stay tight-lipped on the issues of expansion and a conference network, and new athletic director Mike Perrin gave a cryptic answer when asked during meetings in Phoenix: "I can't say I've got an open mind on any of these issues. ... I can say I've got an open mind for receiving data."

Still, unlike the previous regime in Austin, the new one has at least agreed to listen.

"We can't do a network without Texas raising its hand and saying, 'We're willing to roll it in,'" commissioner Bob Bowlsby told CBS Sports two months ago during the Big 12 basketball tournament. "We've had those conversations [and] they haven't raised their hand. But they also haven't said, 'Stop right now. We're not willing to talk about it.'"

So it sounds like Texas is still mulling it over and is hardly the adamant opposition they're made out to be.
Mar 10, 2016
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As I've said, I think Texas should appease OU, work to save the Big 12 and support expansion, a network, etc. I think all of that could best serve Texas in the long run.

But if everything does go to hell in a hand basket, the B1G probably would be Texas' best option.

Going independent isn't a viable option. The ACC and Pac-12 have revenue problems too. And I doubt Texas and the SEC want anything to do with each other.

The only problem with going to the B1G would be having to deal with Husker fans again.

Not the sharpest hammers in the bag. (Mixed metaphor intended).
Jun 11, 2014
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If Texas were willing to be an EQUAL partner, I would love for Texas to join the B1G. However, Texas does not have a history of wanting to be an equal partner with its current and past conferences.

Texas was the reason Arkansas left the SWC years ago. Texas was the reason that Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri and Texas A&M left the Big 12. Texas is a major reason the former SWC and current Big 12 had internal conference conflict. The B1G doesn't need that type of drama.

On the plus side, Texas is an AAU member and would fit the mold well academically for the B1G. Also, it would bring lots of eyeballs and $$$ to the B1G and the B1G would provide the same to Texas. Not to mention a growing state with fertile recruiting territory. Texas in the B1G could counterbalance A&M being in the SEC.
Aug 24, 2011
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There are 2 reasons to switch conferences.
1) You are unhappy where you are.
2) You are offered a spot that might not be available later.

Texas is content where it is, so #1 is not valid.
And #2 will never ever never ever never ever apply to Texas. There will ALWAYS be room at the table for the Horns. (Why is that so hard to understand?)

TX is going to wait for the house to burn down around them, then they will get airlifted out to the conference of their choice.
Mar 29, 2014
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If Texas were willing to be an EQUAL partner.

I could see Texas getting vested immediately in BTN. Nice thing about having an asset like BTN is that the conference can make Texas a special deal without it being a cash deal.
Sep 10, 2011
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There are 2 reasons to switch conferences.
1) You are unhappy where you are.
2) You are offered a spot that might not be available later.

Texas is content where it is, so #1 is not valid.
And #2 will never ever never ever never ever apply to Texas. There will ALWAYS be room at the table for the Horns. (Why is that so hard to understand?)

TX is going to wait for the house to burn down around them, then they will get airlifted out to the conference of their choice.


One Texas isn't going to the BIG. They believe they are bigger than any conference and I don't think the members of the B1G want to deal with that and I don't think Texas could handle being in a conference controlled by OSU and Michigan. The PAC is a far likelier place for them.

There is a worst case scenario for UCONN and that would be the Big 12 folding and the 10 member schools being absorbed by the Big 10, SEC and Pac 10. 2 to the SEC (OK and OK State), 2 to the BIG (Kansas and Iowa State), 2 to the ACC (WVU and K State) and the remaining 4 (Texas, Texas Tech, Baylor and TCU) to the PAC.

All it would take is Oklahoma saying ** Texas and the dominos would fall....ultimately creating four 16 team super conferences.

We can only hope that the ACC is smart enough to know that we offer more than Iowa State or K State.
Nov 10, 2014
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I am pretty sure the worst case scenario is a radioactive meteor hits Storrs and destroys UConn. Interestingly this is just about as likely as Iowa State going to the BIG or Kansas St. in the ACC.
Mar 10, 2016
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If Texas were willing to be an EQUAL partner, I would love for Texas to join the B1G. However, Texas does not have a history of wanting to be an equal partner with its current and past conferences.

Texas was the reason Arkansas left the SWC years ago. Texas was the reason that Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri and Texas A&M left the Big 12. Texas is a major reason the former SWC and current Big 12 had internal conference conflict. The B1G doesn't need that type of drama.

On the plus side, Texas is an AAU member and would fit the mold well academically for the B1G. Also, it would bring lots of eyeballs and $$$ to the B1G and the B1G would provide the same to Texas. Not to mention a growing state with fertile recruiting territory. Texas in the B1G could counterbalance A&M being in the SEC.

Would you care to back any of that up with sources other than football forum posters?

Did you know that the Big 12 was never able to get the votes to share Tier 1 and Tier 2 revenue until after Nebraska and Texas A&M both left because as members of the Big 12 they were both adamantly against it?

Did you know that the SEC and Arkansas actually wanted Texas to accompany Arkansas but politically Texas was unable to disentangle itself from the SWC so the SEC had to settle for South Carolina, much to the disappointment of Arkansas who really no intention of severing their rivalry or relationship with Texas?

Did you know Nebraska left the Big 12 because they believed Texas, OU, Tech, oSu, A&M and Colorado were imminently bound for the Pac-10 and they didn't want to be left holding the bag in a lame duck conference?

Did you know that ESPN agreeing to over pay for the LHN was a bribe to keep Texas and five other schools out of the Pac-10 where ESPN would no longer own their content?

Did you know OU's flirting with the Pac-10 was what scared Missouri into accepting the SEC's invitation?

Did you know the because OU and some other school (Clemson or Auburn it might have been) sued the NCAA for the right of individual teams to own their television rights, geographically limited conferences like the SWC lost their viability?

Did you know that the SWC was hampered by small private schools with small enrollments and small fan bases?

Did you know the SWC was mired in scandal and that SMU even received the death penalty?

Did you know that the SWC died when three other schools in addition to Texas joined the Big 8?

Did you know the current drama in the Big 12 is being driven by OU's desire for more revenue and their threat to leave if changes aren't made to ensure it?

All of these things I just told you, I can back up with online articles where the actual players, like school presidents, conference commissioners ad network executives went on record.

Texas isn't perfect and Texas will always have its haters. Most especially among butt hurt Husker fans who went like 1-9 versus Texas during the Big 12 years and butt hurt Aggies who have gone like 37-76 against Texas all time. They parrot BS because it makes them feel a little better when gullible souls swallow it hook line and sinker.
Mar 10, 2016
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PS - I forgot about Colorado. They jumped to the Pac-10 when they did because they feared Baylor would muster the legislative pull in Texas to force Texas, Texas Tech and Texas A&M to take them and that the Pac-10 really wanting Texas would acquiesce to that absurd demand and thus Baylor would usurp Colorado.

All this stuff was in the news at the time. Should be common knowledge.

I guess it's easier just to blame Texas for everything.
Sep 10, 2011
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I am pretty sure the worst case scenario is a radioactive meteor hits Storrs and destroys UConn. Interestingly this is just about as likely as Iowa State going to the BIG or Kansas St. in the ACC.

Or about as likely as Maryland and Rutgers in the Big or Louisville in the ACC or WVU in the Big 12 or Texas A&M in the SEC? Or the ACC choosing 3 regional private schools over UCONN? You're not serious are you? Sure Iowa State in the Big 10 is impossible. They took Louisville, you're telling me they wouldn't take K State?
Nov 10, 2014
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Or about as likely as Maryland and Rutgers in the Big or Louisville in the ACC or WVU in the Big 12 or Texas A&M in the SEC? Or the ACC choosing 3 regional private schools over UCONN? You're not serious are you? Sure Iowa State in the Big 10 is impossible. They took Louisville, you're telling me they wouldn't take K State?

Yes I am serious that I do not believe the BIG is interested in the second place team in Iowa, Iowa State, when the Big already has the flagship program, University of Iowa, and Iowa a less populated state.

If/when the BIG expands it now has the market power and financial separation to select a much stronger/more valuable program than Iowa State.

Kansas St. to the ACC is slightly more possible but still seems very improbable. KSU is the #2 program in Kansas. It would not help the ACC build a network, it is not in a populated area, and it is geographic outlier.

UConn has been screwed over in conference realignment before so I know it easy to identify ways UConn could lose out again. But conference realignment generally follows the money.

Using your examples above with an eye on revenue, Rutgers/Maryland to the Big made perfect sense, TA&M to the SEC made perfect sense, WVU to the Big12 was an add born out of desperation but made sense based on the options. As for the ACC none of their adds have made financial sense. That is why the ACC is where it is out now which is without a network and scrambling to remain financially competitive. If the ACC expands again it will not follow the "vote for your favorite program/take the team who had the best football record last year" standard they have previously used. It's about markets and fan bases...the ACC was just late realizing that.

Anyways I am not trying to insult you and my initial comment was not meant to be flippant. All I'm saying is we should not completely suspend the market forces in conference realignment to dream up ways UConn could lose. It's been a rough few years for us UConn fans...the last thing I want to do is offend a fellow Husky, we need to stick together.


It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
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Or about as likely as Maryland and Rutgers in the Big or Louisville in the ACC or WVU in the Big 12 or Texas A&M in the SEC? Or the ACC choosing 3 regional private schools over UCONN? You're not serious are you? Sure Iowa State in the Big 10 is impossible. They took Louisville, you're telling me they wouldn't take K State?

The only way the Big10 takes ISU is if it's in a deal that gets them Texas or as part of a reorganization into a new college football organization. Otherwise, ISU does absolutely nothing for the conference.
Aug 29, 2011
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Ask the Big 12 schools to dump Texas altogether so they can go Independent. Then ask the remaining schools to form a new 16 team conference by adding members of the AMERICAN.

West Division

1) Kansas
2) Kansas State
3) Oklahoma
4) Oklahoma State
5) Texas Tech
6) TCU
7) Baylor
8) Houston

East Division

1) West Virgina
2) Iowa State
3) Cincinnati
4) Connecticut
5) Temple
6) Memphis
7) UCF
8) Tulane over USF - I love New Orleans

The remaining Big 12 teams are all included and major markets are added with the inclusion of the American members. Now lets get a TV deal.


Feb 19, 2013
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Ask the Big 12 schools to dump Texas altogether so they can go Independent. Then ask the remaining schools to form a new 16 team conference by adding members of the AMERICAN.

West Division

1) Kansas
2) Kansas State
3) Oklahoma
4) Oklahoma State
5) Texas Tech
6) TCU
7) Baylor
8) Houston

East Division

1) West Virgina
2) Iowa State
3) Cincinnati
4) Connecticut
5) Temple
6) Memphis
7) UCF
8) Tulane over USF - I love New Orleans

The remaining Big 12 teams are all included and major markets are added with the inclusion of the American members. Now lets get a TV deal.
The B12 schools wouldn't even say "bye" before hanging up on that deal. Let's drop Texas and add schools that don't come close to UT revenue, great idea!
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