Texas A&M's Blair - Football Holding Back UCONN | The Boneyard

Texas A&M's Blair - Football Holding Back UCONN

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Aug 27, 2011
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Usual load of cr@p from a self important program. There is a constant mantra that UConn football is not good enough. Look at our history and we are plenty good enough (other than the PP era debacle). We heard the same garbage from SEC goons before we played SC and we thrashed their a$$es.


Tailgating Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2014
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That double header at MSG would be great, maybe ND for the ladies and Syracuse for the men. Make Uconn-Syracuse an annual rivalry game in NYC! Would be good to keep that alive, especially in such a high profile location.
Aug 29, 2011
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There is no one to blame for the national perception of UCONN football but the University and it's representatives themselves - and Randy Edsall. It is what it is. Football - the long term perception of a program - is integral to media coverage and exposure. It's like no other sport on the globe. Times have changed where print is no longer what it was importance wise as little as 30 years ago, but exposure, coverage - through modern media - is just as important - if not MORE important - as it's instantaneous these days.

We rode several years of sustained success, albeit mid-level road success, with bowl victories and NFL players galore to the Fiesta Bowl. THe only thing I will never forgive Randy Edsall for, is for not pushing the successes of the program and what had been done day in and day out in interviews for that entire month (he clearly was already elsewhere) but to have let the program be covered the way it was negatively - never forgive him. It started there.

THe second thing was the local media - who follow this website for their storylines and info. Some people, like me, were all over the structure of the BCS and how it sucks, and yapping about ticket sales and trying to get people to buy up tickets,etc. (because the school was doing nothing)....that comes next.....but the local writers picked up on it. Wrote about it. The national press picked up on it....etc.....and even though the school only sold 2800 or something tickets through the school - we had a lot more than that in ARizona.....but the local media.....I've said my piece about their understanding of what football is, and specifically the lack of knowledge of what an adversarial, damaging relationship between media and football programs does...... So - that was #2 - the local media doing absolutely nothing to push all the good things about the program that we all know.

#3, was the complete failure of the athletic director, the athletic marketing department, and the athletic ticket office to have any understanding of football, and try to move 17,000 tickets and hotel rooms with the same model they use for basketball. On top of that, was their complete failure to monitor and influence anythign in #1 and #2.

Lastly - was the hiring of Pasqualoni in the wake of Edsall spooking out in the middle of the night. Edsall's failure to promote the program and then leave on the night of the bowl game - was a terrible public perception hit. Pasqualoni - I supported the hire - very much. He was a head coach, that I, among many others once highly respected, and was expecting him to be able to reproduce similar results to what he had done in the past - successful similar results. Didn't happen, and the guy has lost any respect whatsoever he had as a head coach.

THe losing that followed in the past 3 seasons, has made any sort of public perception recovery, irrelevant and impossible.

What we need to do is win, and I'm more than confident that we have replaced the people that are #1 and #3 in what I laid out. Remains to be seen on the local media handle any sort of UCONN success. The MO historically has been adversarial for men's hoops and football. That needs to change - but the school has no control over that.

We've changed what we can, now we need our program's coaches and players to change it back to winning on the field.

When we get back to the bowl games on the big stages, things will be different, I'm sure.

Until then, all I can do, is ignore the media idiots that don't know what the reality is about UCONN football, b/c unfortunately, perception is reality.
Aug 21, 2011
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This is on Hathaway. We would have killed Edsall even more if he left before the bowl game. He left because of his relationship with Hathaway pure and simple. IT took Herbst but a few months on the job to can Hathaway. Turns out Edsall and Calhoun were right about lil Jeffie all along.

Secondary blame - all the turnover at the President level Austin, Hogan, Austin which allowed Jeffie to continue his ways.
Aug 29, 2011
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This is on Hathaway. We would have killed Edsall even more if he left before the bowl game. He left because of his relationship with Hathaway pure and simple. IT took Herbst but a few months on the job to can Hathaway. Turns out Edsall and Calhoun were right about lil Jeffie all along.

Secondary blame - all the turnover at the President level Austin, Hogan, Austin which allowed Jeffie to continue his ways.

I agree, but Edsall was in position, to be able to change all the public perception nationwide, in a single month from December 2010 - January 2011. And still have planned to leave the night of the bowl game.

He knows enough about football to know it, and the fact that he did not push the achievements of the program relentlessly in the press for that entire month, and all the good things about UCONN, says more about his character than any other actions or words - or failure to use words.

Winning covers up a lot of problems, and Edsall won enough to cover up his own problems - as well as cover up the other problems.
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Aug 29, 2011
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A women's basketball coach? Puh-leeze.

If football success was the only key driver, Rutgers and Maryland would have never received invites.

I didn't even read the article - it's the TAM women's hoops coach talking? I guess so. I do know that there is a public perception problem that exists for UCONN football nationwide in 2014, and if it's the women's hoops coach that is talking about UConn football at TAM, it just proves my point about it. I took a few paragraphs to explain my opinion why it exists. It all comes down to a single month b/w December 2010 and January 2011. It can only be cured in one way. Getting back to where we were 3 years and 3 months ago, and handling it much better this time.
Aug 31, 2011
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Well, the TAM women's hoop coach is probably more educated about the current game of football than Pasqualoni is.

But to all this I say: Steve Kragthorpe. Uconn was never as bad as Louisville was under Krags.
Aug 28, 2011
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can't focus on the past any longer fellas... time to start anew.. HCBD has re-energized this football program.. now we need to do what we should be doing in this conference so we can unalienate our entire program and get the respect it deserves...
Jul 25, 2012
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What school had a better football program taking into account the past 10 years than UCONN?

West Virginia
South Florida

I could argue and be right that only West Virginia and Cincy had a better track record than UCONN during those 10 years.

2 conference titles - check
1 BCS Bowl appearance - check

This perception thing is ridiculous. Syracuse was HORRID before they got the nod to the ACC. Louisville, prior to the past 2 years was equally as bad. Rutgers has been meh and brings NOTHING in any other sport. Pitt football has been bad. UCONN really was the 3rd best Big East team out of the group.


Aug 26, 2011
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What school had a better football program taking into account the past 10 years than UCONN?

West Virginia
South Florida

I could argue and be right that only West Virginia and Cincy had a better track record than UCONN during those 10 years.

2 conference titles - check
1 BCS Bowl appearance - check

This perception thing is ridiculous. Syracuse was HORRID before they got the nod to the ACC. Louisville, prior to the past 2 years was equally as bad. Rutgers has been meh and brings NOTHING in any other sport. Pitt football has been bad. UCONN really was the 3rd best Big East team out of the group.
All true and it matters not. Those are all flukes because of Pasqualoni pushing us to the brink of death. Diaco is going to fix this but I don't know how quickly he can. Then once it's fixed we need sustained excellence. Our margin for error is non existent.
Nov 30, 2013
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What school had a better football program taking into account the past 10 years than UCONN?

West Virginia
South Florida

I could argue and be right that only West Virginia and Cincy had a better track record than UCONN during those 10 years.

2 conference titles - check
1 BCS Bowl appearance - check

This perception thing is ridiculous. Syracuse was HORRID before they got the nod to the ACC. Louisville, prior to the past 2 years was equally as bad. Rutgers has been meh and brings NOTHING in any other sport. Pitt football has been bad. UCONN really was the 3rd best Big East team out of the group.

I would say UConn and Louisville are pretty much equal over the last 10 years. Yes Louisville had some bad years under Kragthorpe, but they were really good with Petrino the first time. I fully believe the only reason Louisville was selected over UConn was because PP ruined the image of the football team. UConn was and still is miles above Syracuse. Wish ESPN and BC didn't decide to conspire against us, but thus is life. As long as UConn stays the course, I think UConn will be in a much better situation than Syracuse, Pitt or Louisville.


1972,73 & 98 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Aug 24, 2011
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I would say UConn and Louisville are pretty much equal over the last 10 years.

That is crazy talk. UofL has been to 3 BCS Bowls and won 2.
Aug 28, 2011
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sdhusky said:
That is crazy talk. UofL has been to 3 BCS Bowls and won 2.

Agreed. I think people forget Louisville per Kragthorpe.

UCONN the last two years has been abysmal.

I still think it would have been wiser for the ACC to take UCONN over Louisville though.
Jan 13, 2014
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We'll get there. We have Bobby Football and they don't.

In Bob we trust.
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