team by team on /a market | The Boneyard

team by team on /a market

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Aug 24, 2011
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what are your thoughts of who is doing what?

clemson-having the bot meeting today, they have been looking around for a while now. sources say they are in principle agreement with fsu going to the b12. fans are 90% all for b12, some are posting youtube vids about how much they hate tobacco rd and stuff, real funny.

fsu-same as clemson, high talking heads making tv claims, $$ is a issue. fans seem to want out also.

vt-rumors that they are in talks with both the sec and b12. they seem the easy asnwer as #15 for the sec.

unc-fan base is in complete denial of the acc falling apart. they are a easy lock for the b10 or sec if the acc does fall apart. are they quietly preparing for a move? cbs rumors that vt and unc could be a package deal to the sec to greatly improve there tv deal.

ncst- haven't heard much but there only option is the b12 if unc is looking at the sec. if unc goes north then i would think they are a lock for the sec because of the tv market. the b12 i think would grab them also for tv purposes to go with this eastern division they seem to be trying to form.

gt- seems to be all over the place but nothing chat wise from officials. we heard they contacted the b10 months ago and now the b12 recently. i think they fear of being left out and will go with fsu/clem.

duke and wake- are just crying knowing that the free paychecks are going away, they don't care as they know espn will make them a great bball conf and they can play unc in bball ooc 5 times a year if they want.

md-has some major $$ issues. things have been quiet mostly. the baylor insider reported that they did reach out to the b12 recently. its also rumored that if nd were to go to the b12 they want md for dc. they are a sleeper here in all this, they also fit very well into the b10's plans of going to 16.

uva- not alot of chat from officials but they will have there choice of b10 or b12 it seems. they fit the b10s ideal situation. they will split from vt it seems conf wise but it does seem that neither will make a move until both are all set(politics). this futhers the idea that the b12, sec and b10 are in this together to get to 16 each and kill off the acc, work together so no one gets the media outlash of being the 1 who did it all.

cuse- has been very quiet, they have yet to ask out of the be early. i think they have been left out and are now weighing acc vs. nbe.

miami- they went from quiet to rumors of b12 to quiet again. it was rumored by one insider that on a vote to get miami in with fsu and clemson 2 weeks ago that miami did not get enough votes thanks to baylor and texas tech. there have also been rumors that more bad stuff form the ncaa is on the way and that the program may get a smu type smack. this would fit them not being added. if they aren't picked up by the b12, then i think it becomes clear there is going to be a major ncaa issue there.

bc- has gone extremely quiet which scares me. they are rumored to be left out but with a slim chance that nd would want them in a conf with them because of the rival and new england market for its alum.

pitt- before the acc move which they now clearly regret they were in talks with the b12. i think at the time they weren't sold on the b12s rebirth. now that things have changed it seems that the rumors are wild. luck has said that a wvu rival close to wvu map wise will come with them. nd rumors point to them wanting pitt also. pitt has asked out of the be early unlike cuse. this leads some to believe that they are asking out early not for the acc but to make a move to the b12 as why would you be trying to get to the acc early at this point?

ark- they have been real quiet in all this. they are safe in the sec but we know that they have dreamed of joining the b12 before and theres the jerry factor. with the tv contract stuff all happening, could they be thinking about a move?

atm- has always wanted the sec, back in the 90s i think they explored it. they are happy but i wouldn't be suprised if they and the sec were interested in a second texas team for the market and a regional rival type deal

mizzu- they must feel like idiots. they would have been better off staying and hoping for that b10 invite one day. they are safe but there sports will never top sec fball or uk bball. good luck to ao next year btw...

uconn/ruty- we are praying for a b10 invite and it seems that we will have a decision to make in the future between the nbe and the ripped up acc if the invites don't come.

usf- has no been quiet in all this. they have been loud about making the nbe better(which i like) and they also are clearly trying to show they they could be a new acc member also. an example of this is they play in a pro stadium not to far from campus. its a good setup for them and nothing to frown on. they recently started letting rumors go about a on campus stadium and they have been loud about how it wont be a lego one like ucf built but a actual stadium. interesting as they may think with the chance of fsu/miami possibly leaving that they could be a acc target with uconn/ruty.

lville- they have had a invite for months now if u ask there fans. a new b12 rumor from them every day. but they might be getting passed over for move valuable acc teams. lville doesn't strike many as a add nd would want. lville overall is a great program growing faster than any. if they are left out they are some 1 uconn needs to be with. it would then be a nbe vs acc thing again.

cincy- has been very quiet, i think they know they have no shot at a big 4 invite. there were b12 rumors months ago but since then about 10 others teams have passed them in the pecking order. it will be a nbe vs acc thing for them also.

byu- alot of rumors not to long ago then now things have gone quiet. if nd goes to the b12 they could be a sleeper as they would be a big tv draw nd might want in its division. they seem to have a backup of the nbe with going also creating a west division in the nbe. i think the overall long term view is trying to get a pac16 invite down the road unless the b12 grabs them. i think if the b12 ever made a move for them they would take that to the pac and say invite or forever enjoy us on tv in the b12.

nd- nd never says things that make you scratch your head but this week they did. they basically confirmed rumors by stating that its happy about its bball in the nbe. weird. they are clealry #1 for everyone and it seems to be the b10 vs the b12. they have been rumored to be joining the b12 soon with fball to follow starting in 2016. if so they would craft the eastern division for that conf making certain schools more likely to get invites then others. i think we may be at the point where nd sees no way of staying indy with where the bcs/playoffs are heading in a couple years. to add to these rumors of the b12, why would nd put its puck in hockey east? if they were going to the b10 they would just sit tight with puck and have that included with bball starting next year and fball to join in 2016. this leads many to believe that the b12 talks are for real and that nd is looking to stach its puck with hockey east and its soccer in the mac with wvu and possibly others.

what other schools should be on here? what do u think of schools, there choices and what the rumors all means? where could schools go and with who?


Aug 26, 2011
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With the length of that post, I dub thee :



predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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With the length of that post, I dub thee :


If that doesn't earn you a minimum of 10 "likes", I don't know what will! I'm still laughing!


Aug 24, 2011
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Clearly I should have not bothered with this.
May 21, 2012
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I agree that Missouri looks pretty stupid for leaving now. It's like they are starting over their history for nothing now. Even if the Big 10 offers, they would look kind of flaky moving again so quickly and so probably would stay put.

Boston College is the perfect example of why you don't want to add a team just because they have "potential" because they are in a big market. They have just gotten worse at everything.
Aug 26, 2011
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Clearly I should have not bothered with this.
What are to talking about? You may be the best straight man on the Boneyard (straight as in comedy partner, not... Well, you know)
Jan 29, 2012
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the day ucf has a sniff sniff of getting into a big 4 league, i will add them.
Dude they are in the mecca of media markets, the all powerful, owner of ESPN, the DISNEY media market! I know reaching here but....
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