Steve Sarkisian Fired as per ESPN | The Boneyard

Steve Sarkisian Fired as per ESPN

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Aug 27, 2011
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I was at the last USC game on Thursday against UoW. The crowd was ready to put Sark's head on a spike. The offense was a disaster and the defense left a few UoW players wide open, if the QB for Washington was half way decent, the score could have been much worst than it was. The writing was on the wall and his latest alcoholic fueled blunder was the final straw and the perfect excuse that Pat Haden needed to boot him as HC.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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ThayerEvansSI 5:14pm via Echofon
Possible targets for USC: Bryan Harsin, Tom Herman, Chip Kelly, Gary Patterson & Kyle Whittingham.

ThayerEvansSIOct 11, 1:37pm via Twitter Web Client
Possible Maryland targets: Chip Kelly, Rich Rodriguez, Greg Schiano, Dino Babers & Matt Rhule.

Tom Herman is the best candidate in college football IMO, but I bet Chip Kelly lands at SC. The Maryland folks think UA is going to bring him out there, but SC is 1000x more attractive. Herman will hold out at least another year before landing somewhere.


Back to Basics!
Jul 14, 2015
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No way that anyone of Kelly or Rodriquez's caliber go to Maryland... Kelly is sticking to the NFL for another 2 years at the least because he has to prove his way works. Rodriquez in a sweet spot at Arizona where he has no accountability if they keep winning 9-10 games.

They should take a mid major riser at this point because no coach of any merit will walk in there as low level B1G school. Shiano is another Edsall. Barber and Rhule may be good fits but alumni didn't want someone of Edsall's pedigree from the beginning they won't take another P5 candidate if they can help it!

I always am impressed that anyone can throw out names with the hopes of something sticking... a.k.a. the Dude.
Aug 24, 2011
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No way that anyone of Kelly or Rodriquez's caliber go to Maryland... Kelly is sticking to the NFL for another 2 years at the least because he has to prove his way works. Rodriquez in a sweet spot at Arizona where he has no accountability if they keep winning 9-10 games.

They should take a mid major riser at this point because no coach of any merit will walk in there as low level B1G school. Shiano is another Edsall. Barber and Rhule may be good fits but alumni didn't want someone of Edsall's pedigree from the beginning they won't take another P5 candidate if they can help it!

I always am impressed that anyone can throw out names with the hopes of something sticking... a.k.a. the Dude.

1. Schiano is not of Edsall's pedigree. Schiano was a head coach on Sundays. He may not be a better college coach than Edsall, but coaching on Sundays puts him in a different league.

2. Maryland is a tougher job than Arizona, but money talks. There is a dollar amount which you would have to pay Rich Rod, but you'd also have to give him time and control over his direction. Given that at Michigan he was not given time to put it together his way, or the freedom to do so, he will not make that mistake again.


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Aug 25, 2011
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Isn't alcoholism covered under the ADA? If the cause of his work impairment is alcoholism, does he have a case against USC?
Aug 26, 2011
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Isn't alcoholism covered under the ADA? If the cause of his work impairment is alcoholism, does he have a case against USC?

It is covered under ADA but it's not a "get out of jail free" card. An employer can discipline or even terminate an alcoholic whose use of alcohol adversely affects job performance or conduct. Employers also may prohibit the use of alcohol in the workplace and can require that employees not be under the influence of alcohol and violations are subject to discipline. You have to treat alcoholics the same as non-alcoholics. As someone noted above, some of the conditions placed on Sarks employment and subsequent violations may never see the light of day due to privacy concerns.
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Aug 28, 2011
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It is covered under ADA but it's not a "get out of jail free" card. An employer can discipline or even terminate an alcoholic whose use of alcohol adversely affects job performance or conduct. Employers also may prohibit the use of alcohol in the workplace and can require that employees not be under the influence of alcohol and violations are subject to discipline. You have to be have to treat alcoholics the same as non-alcoholics. As someone noted above, some of the conditions placed on Sarks employment and subsequent violations may never see the light of day due to privacy concerns.

This. I have to think that this is not the first time this has been addressed (and it is possible adminstrators met with him after his conduct at the booster dinner, and placed some strict conditions on him).
Aug 26, 2011
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Isn't alcoholism covered under the ADA? If the cause of his work impairment is alcoholism, does he have a case against USC?

There's employees and then there are contract employees. All coaching contracts have "Don't embarrass the University and don't be a jerk, bag or idiot clause".


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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More spitballing
Ten candidates to replace Steve Sarkisian at USC

C Kelly, B Kelly, Sumlin, Fisher, Stoops, Fitzgerald, Gundy, T. Calhoun. Mullen Fuente.
I find these lists amusing...why would Sumlin move from A&M to USC? IMO that's a step down. Kelly move from ND to USC? Another step down.

USC isn't a huge player anymore. Yes they're bigger then a lot of P5 programs and still in the top tier, but they aren't the sweet landing spot they used to be. I think they'll get a big name but not sure they'll have their choice like they may have 5 years ago
Sep 22, 2011
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I don't think that Brian Kelly ends up at Southern Cal, but you are kidding yourself if you think that the Trojans will be down for long.

One good coaching hire and they will be back on top and I say this as an Irish fan who has despised Southern Cal for fifty years.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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I find these lists amusing...why would Sumlin move from A&M to USC? IMO that's a step down. Kelly move from ND to USC? Another step down.

USC isn't a huge player anymore. Yes they're bigger then a lot of P5 programs and still in the top tier, but they aren't the sweet landing spot they used to be. I think they'll get a big name but not sure they'll have their choice like they may have 5 years ago

USC isn't a step down from many places....and it definitely isn't a step down from TAMU. ND is a step sideways...but coaches would do it because it is much harder to recruit at ND with there academic requirements. Supposedly that's why Urban Meyer turned them down before going to Florida. Harder to compete when you can't bring in quality people like Aaron Hernandez ;)
Aug 26, 2011
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schadjoeOct 13, 10:56pm via Tweetbot for iΟS
Steve Sarkisian didn’t answer Pat Haden’s calls b/c he was on a plane, en route to an out-of-state treatment facility

schadjoeOct 13, 10:58pm via Tweetbot for iΟS
Steve Sarkisian was fired by USC for cause and the school believes it won’t have to pay the remaining 3+ years of his five-year deal

schadjoeOct 13, 10:58pm via Tweetbot for iΟS
Steve Sarkisian learned he had been fired when he read an e-mail and text messages from friends expressing sympathy.

schadjoeOct 13, 11:02pm via Tweetbot for iΟS
So, basically, Pat Haden fired Lane Kiffin at an airport, and Steve Sarkisian while he was on a plane

I'm a bit calloused so this made me laugh it's so sad.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't think that Brian Kelly ends up at Southern Cal, but you are kidding yourself if you think that the Trojans will be down for long.

One good coaching hire and they will be back on top and I say this as an Irish fan who has despised Southern Cal for fifty years.

It only takes the right coach at places like that. They still have to hire the right guy though. Remember, they were pretty pedestrian throughout a good stretch in the 80'2 and 90's before Carroll showed up.
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