Someone needs to be fired ... | The Boneyard

Someone needs to be fired ...

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Aug 26, 2011
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mea culpa ...

I was not quick on the uptake. Many here were back in August when we realized that new AD had "processed" through the 2 year Extension on Bob Diaco's contract. With the buyout being raised from $1.7 (prior 1/1/2017) and $600k to $5.0m (prior to 1/1/2017) and $3.4m. And I commend the notion that Red Flag should have been raised and shook at what the possible worst case scenario could be if Diaco far underachieved. We ALL had high expectations for a year (with lots of experience on Defense and good playmakers on Offense) and none of us saw a sub-.500 production.

And whatever agent that represented Bob Diaco should not be allowed on a UConn campus again.

There was no market for this guy that forced this Extension. Rutgers? Elsewhere? Could you really see him advancing far if he was 8-4 this year? That contract simply is NOT market for him; it wasn't in May 2016.

and that worst case? How about the ripple effect of cutting the legs out throughout the UConn Athletic Department? Carl Spackler wants to trim staff and cut sports for the $5m. And frankly, that is not as outrageous as it seems. We simply are not a AD funded by donors that can raise near the smaller amount ($3.4m) AND I would surmise -given my view of the landscape - that Diaco was highly replaceable. You actually can get a damn good HC for probably $1m - that's a savings of $2-3m over time.

So beyond the Assistants (sheesh). Is this a President Herbst problem (as whaler11 poses)? I think not. A University President is structuring a massive push forward for the school in major ways; I think the Football coach is not near the top priority given $100s of million in Capital improvements going on and new structure on 5 campuses etc etc. But ... Susan? There, I know, several law firms that are on retainer and on Boards at UConn. All need to be reviewed: who gave this advice on that contract and why wasn't this on the table for a worst case? Larry McHugh - presumed he is in on all this conversation because he is a former Xavier HC - and the Pasqualoni issue still stinks; since his term is up in May 2017, his role needs to be part of the discussion. Warde Manuel? He is long gone. But, this was a bonehead "agency problem" as Diaco was his guy; Manuel is highly suspect in this and I think this is the permanent stain on his tenure here. David Benedict? Very recent hire when executed. This is your sewer now - boy. I like some of what you have done since arriving in Connecticut; however, your capacity to lead us through here is now the priority of your seat in UConn AD.

This is a major Statewide problem. They aren't going to get any bodies for games in 2017. When seen through that lens ... and the ripple effect into Donors and how this effects other sports and UConn activities, I would say: Let's not accept this "conventional wisdom" of keeping Diaco. What really are the alternatives? Is there a hard conversation on the table now?
Aug 26, 2011
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Pudge, as I said in another thread, how Benedict handles this surreal black hole will define his tenure as A.D. Though the contract extension wasn't his doing, he's on the clock to clean this mess.
Aug 27, 2011
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Pudge, as I said in another thread, how Benedict handles this surreal black hole will define his tenure as A.D. Though the contract extension wasn't his doing, he's on the clock to clean this mess.
This is true, though that clock can't start until at least the end of next season since his hands are clearly tied behind his back with the buyout. He does not have unilateral authority to override the BOT/president/whoever told him the buyout cannot be paid at this time. I'm of the belief that if DB was calling the shots, BD would've been fired 15 minutes after the Tulane game ended but the powers that be upstairs put the kibosh on that. Therefore he has to make due with what he's got. That means cleaning house at the coordinator positions and making the best of the upcoming year. If Diaco fails again, and we have no reason to believe he won't, then he should have the open door to make the change. At that point is when the decisions fall at DB's footsteps.
Sep 18, 2011
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Unfortunately, there was nothing Benedict could do as I think his hands were tied. No donor was going to pony up the buyout and the athletic department is in no position to pay the buyout given their financial situation.

Guess what, the contract extension was even worse than has been discussed. Not only did the contract increase the buyout UConn must pay if they fired him, they lowered the payout that Diaco would have to make if he left for another job! Who is responsible for this contract?

What a cluster.


Aug 26, 2011
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mea culpa ...

This is a major Statewide problem. They aren't going to get any bodies for games in 2017. When seen through that lens ... and the ripple effect into Donors and how this effects other sports and UConn activities, I would say: Let's not accept this "conventional wisdom" of keeping Diaco. What really are the alternatives? Is there a hard conversation on the table now?
The Yard is on board for dumping Diaco. We don't accept the conventional wisdom. Now what?


Block C Bozo
Aug 30, 2011
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How many have already contacted the AD stating their rejection of the Diaco regime and their intention to withdraw support from the program if he stays? How do we go forward in "not accepting" this move? Benedict has made his move, and instead of doing something extraordinary, like finding a solution to the money problem and truly solving the football problem, he has chosen the path of least resistance to the long term detriment of the program and the school.
Aug 26, 2011
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Another poster did the math of number of donors needed. I'd throw a G in the pot if it was seriously discussed. I get he is coming back, but really this is worst than bringing P back to start year 3. We all know it, and know the only reason to bring him back is the albatross of a buyout.

Regardless he is on borrowed time and the crowds next year will be worst ever unless we surprise with a fast start but with his coaching I just don't see it.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
mea culpa ...

I was not quick on the uptake. Many here were back in August when we realized that new AD had "processed" through the 2 year Extension on Bob Diaco's contract. With the buyout being raised from $1.7 (prior 1/1/2017) and $600k to $5.0m (prior to 1/1/2017) and $3.4m. And I commend the notion that Red Flag should have been raised and shook at what the possible worst case scenario could be if Diaco far underachieved. We ALL had high expectations for a year (with lots of experience on Defense and good playmakers on Offense) and none of us saw a sub-.500 production.

And whatever agent that represented Bob Diaco should not be allowed on a UConn campus again.

There was no market for this guy that forced this Extension. Rutgers? Elsewhere? Could you really see him advancing far if he was 8-4 this year? That contract simply is NOT market for him; it wasn't in May 2016.

and that worst case? How about the ripple effect of cutting the legs out throughout the UConn Athletic Department? Carl Spackler wants to trim staff and cut sports for the $5m. And frankly, that is not as outrageous as it seems. We simply are not a AD funded by donors that can raise near the smaller amount ($3.4m) AND I would surmise -given my view of the landscape - that Diaco was highly replaceable. You actually can get a damn good HC for probably $1m - that's a savings of $2-3m over time.

So beyond the Assistants (sheesh). Is this a President Herbst problem (as whaler11 poses)? I think not. A University President is structuring a massive push forward for the school in major ways; I think the Football coach is not near the top priority given $100s of million in Capital improvements going on and new structure on 5 campuses etc etc. But ... Susan? There, I know, several law firms that are on retainer and on Boards at UConn. All need to be reviewed: who gave this advice on that contract and why wasn't this on the table for a worst case? Larry McHugh - presumed he is in on all this conversation because he is a former Xavier HC - and the Pasqualoni issue still stinks; since his term is up in May 2017, his role needs to be part of the discussion. Warde Manuel? He is long gone. But, this was a bonehead "agency problem" as Diaco was his guy; Manuel is highly suspect in this and I think this is the permanent stain on his tenure here. David Benedict? Very recent hire when executed. This is your sewer now - boy. I like some of what you have done since arriving in Connecticut; however, your capacity to lead us through here is now the priority of your seat in UConn AD.

This is a major Statewide problem. They aren't going to get any bodies for games in 2017. When seen through that lens ... and the ripple effect into Donors and how this effects other sports and UConn activities, I would say: Let's not accept this "conventional wisdom" of keeping Diaco. What really are the alternatives? Is there a hard conversation on the table now?

Even the worst case would be wrong and incomplete. What happens 4-5 seasons down the road after Diaco is gone and we are winning again and we still can't fill the stadium because irreparable harm was done. Is peak UConn Football in the AAC as appealing as peak UConn Football in the Big East?
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