Some observations | The Boneyard

Some observations

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Aug 27, 2011
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Was stupid enough to go today. It was cold and wet and miserable. It's perfect weather for a North vs South game. You wouldn't know which was from the North today.

Overall, every phase played poorly. Missed kicks, missed tackles and turnovers. Graham Stewart is a simply terrible. He has no feel for the game. Missed tackles, poor reads, and over ran fills. The D line has no instinct to get to the QB. None can feel where the QB is or is headed. There is no contain capability.

The offense is dysfunctional at every level. Tim
Boyle is horrendous. He has no accuracy and cannot follow progressions. Foxx may have speed and some talent, but he makes horrendous mistakes continually. The offensive play calling is pathetic. You cannot run screens without setting up screens with effective pass play. The run read is not a viable option. It requires talent and field vision.

Overall, the team is a disaster. It has regressed farther than I thought even possible. All of this goes on Diaco and staff. I'm sorry to say I have lost all confidence in Diaco. I don't think we would be where we are with Wiest. Some times we must recognize mistakes and move on. Giving him one more season I am understand, but it better be with clear objective bars of success. Anything less than .500 and he must go. The OC must go now.

I cannot convey the level of disappointment with this program and once again there are crickets from the school's leadership.
Sep 2, 2011
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Not only was Stewart bad again, but Vann took several bad angles today and missed far too many tackles. Foxx was horrific as the Punt returner this year but never lost the job. How many times did he let the ball drop and cost us 20 yards when he should have ran up and caught it and then times where he should let the ball drop inside the 10, he catches it??? What ever happened to Lemelle on PR's? I don't think Newsome is the answer on KR going forward. He never hits the hole hard. Just very hesitant. I would much rather see Marriner in that role moving forward. Just no adjustments or changes by the coaches as the season moved along is puzzling to me.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not only was Stewart bad again, but Vann took several bad angles today and missed far too many tackles. Foxx was horrific as the Punt returner this year but never lost the job. How many times did he let the ball drop and cost us 20 yards when he should have ran up and caught it and then times where he should let the ball drop inside the 10, he catches it??? What ever happened to Lemelle on PR's? I don't think Newsome is the answer on KR going forward. He never hits the hole hard. Just very hesitant. I would much rather see Marriner in that role moving forward. Just no adjustments or changes by the coaches as the season moved along is puzzling to me.

Stewart just sucks. He had what, 5 turnovers today at least.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Was stupid enough to go today. It was cold and wet and miserable. It's perfect weather for a North vs South game. You wouldn't know which was from the North today.

Overall, every phase played poorly. Missed kicks, missed tackles and turnovers. Graham Stewart is a simply terrible. He has no feel for the game. Missed tackles, poor reads, and over ran fills. The D line has no instinct to get to the QB. None can feel where the QB is or is headed. There is no contain capability.

The offense is dysfunctional at every level. Tim
Boyle is horrendous. He has no accuracy and cannot follow progressions. Foxx may have speed and some talent, but he makes horrendous mistakes continually. The offensive play calling is pathetic. You cannot run screens without setting up screens with effective pass play. The run read is not a viable option. It requires talent and field vision.

Overall, the team is a disaster. It has regressed farther than I thought even possible. All of this goes on Diaco and staff. I'm sorry to say I have lost all confidence in Diaco. I don't think we would be where we are with Wiest. Some times we must recognize mistakes and move on. Giving him one more season I am understand, but it better be with clear objective bars of success. Anything less than .500 and he must go. The OC must go now.

I cannot convey the level of disappointment with this program and once again there are crickets from the school's leadership.

I agree with all your points. OC must go now.

When they run a full series with Fox, you have to laugh at the fact we send out wide receivers. I understand why, but gee-whiz there is no chance in hell Fox is going to chuck it and if he is, then even better.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Just saying... I might take the Weist apologistas a little more seriously if they knew how to spell his name. But other than that I can't disagree with anything BlueDogs wrote here.
Aug 27, 2011
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Just saying... I might take the Weist apologistas a little more seriously if they knew how to spell his name. But other than that I can't disagree with anything BlueDogs wrote here.
Weist, Wiest or the Worst. I'll take either of the first two over Fiasco. I really believed he could transform things and even up through the last two games I still tbought he might show something. Truth is the team is worse than ever. Not a single thing is better than when the season started and most are noticeably worse. Diaco simply is not a good coach by objective measures of performance.
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