some game thoughts | The Boneyard

some game thoughts

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Aug 27, 2014
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Not totally sure what to expect for the season opener tomorrow.

Uconn finished last year on a nice run and played well in some losses like Michigan. But then they got blown out by some teams and the defense played bad.

I don't know how the defense will look this year for Uconn. They're not well regarded generally, but Diaco is a defense minded coach, so hopefully the defense improves for the Huskies this season.

Diaco did a good job against BYU @ ND, but I think he likely had more talent to work with. ND gets a ton of talent, but they don't always utilize it. And I know Uconn has some talent also.

BYU tends to start out slow. Looking at Virginia last year-more people saw that game as kind of flukey-playing Virginia in a near monsoon and delay of game for 2 hours, wet field-BYU just trying to get the new offense going and not really knowing what to expect. Taysom not utilizing the passing game very well at all-not many passing yards and game losing/changing interception (bobble tipped pass from our RB) near the end which UVA scored one play after that.

I don't think BYU will play like that in this opener. I'd be suprised if BYU CAN"T put up at least 20 or 30 pts on Uconn.

The O-line wasn't that good last year and still trying to get used to pace of play with the hurry up tempo. BYU returns a good deal of starters at O-line and yes, some big bodies. I think the O-line is going to be a bit tougher this year and a little nastier.

Be suprised if BYU can't run for a couple hundred yards, despite the suspension of J Williams. There's still some good returning backs on the team that are pretty physical-Laskie and Hine.

I think the combo of the no huddle offense and the fact that BYU is pretty balanced-being able to run and pass the ball, along with more speed overall at WR this year and Tayson pretty much forcing defenses to account for him running-that's a lot to try and deal with for many teams.

Despite what people think-Taysom can throw the ball and hurt defenses-just look at Houston.

What's kinda interesting is how Uconn will match up with BYU on the run game. I read Uconn likes to run the ball. Well, that's what BYU loves to stop or try to-first. If you can stop the run, it makes it harder to throw the ball for whatever QB. And not only that, but BYU may have a better secondary this year.

BYU has some big LB's that can pick passes and make it hard for QB's to throw some stuff in their area-Kafusi-6'7, played basketball at BYU and Fua-6'5. Both pretty fast. BYU gets a good deal of polynesian talent on their team.

I think the defense could have a very good season. Top-15, maybe better.

I'm not sure how much Uconn likes to run the ball, but I think it will be a challenge against BYU. That's usually their strength on defense.

Anyway, hopefully it's a fun game and even a close game for Uconn fans, but hopefully not too close... :)

If the game does get out of hand, Bronco doesn't like or tend to run up the score on other teams. You wouldn't see a 50 or 60 pt type score, unless the game was close and BYU had to score a lot. If BYU was up by 2 or 3 TD's at the end, Mendenhall usually just runs the ball.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Well -
1. Our issues last year were coaching - not personnel. We couldnt even utilize TO's correctly.
2. Our QB threw for over 400 yards in last game last year - key on run game is ok by us.
3. Our receivers are our strength.
4. Our DB's are a strength.

I dont think you all know anything about us - your local paper reported we have a new OC named TJ Weist - not on our staff.
Us UConn fans arent really sure what to expect - practices have been closed to public and reporters.

Good luck

Jan 12, 2013
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Not totally sure what to expect for the season opener tomorrow.

I don't know how the defense will look this year for Uconn. They're not well regarded generally, but Diaco is a defense minded coach, so hopefully the defense improves for the Huskies this season.

Not well regarded generally may be a bad choice of words. Up until last year UConn was a very stout defensive unit. A unit that was ranked 9th nationally in total defense in 2012 and sent 8 players to the NFL in the last 3 years.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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My only thought is that both the BYU team and fans are looking way past us. I hope the team is ready to punch someone in the mouth because there will be openings. And I hope our secondary holds on to some of the overthrows that the QB will be chucking.
Aug 26, 2011
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I love this. We're back to where we were ten years ago, being totally overlooked. How many coaches will get fired for losing to Diaco's hungry huskies?
Aug 18, 2014
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My only thought is that both the BYU team and fans are looking way past us. I hope the team is ready to punch someone in the mouth because there will be openings. And I hope our secondary holds on to some of the overthrows that the QB will be chucking.
Neither the team nor the fans (the rational ones) are over-looking UConn, trust me. Most fans acknowledge that this will be a tough-fought, close game and the team is coming off of a year when they were beat in a fluke game on the road in their season opener by a TERRIBLE Virginia team (not to imply that UConn is terrible, simply that BYU will not take this game lightly). Coaches and players have BOTH referenced this game from last year and a renewed sense of focus to not let that happen again. BYU will be ready to play.
Aug 27, 2014
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It could be a tougher game than fans or players realize.

BYU doesn't always play that well on the road, but that's a common thing for most teams in CF.

There's the Nevada game from last year, which was closer than I thought it would be and the Virginia loss.

Is Uconn better than Nevada or could they replicate that type of thing? It's possible. Every team and game is different and poses different challenges.

I do think BYU should be better prepared for this season opener and focused, as opposed to last year's and experiencing a pretty sour taste in their mouths.

With Uconn's defense-I used those words mainly based off statistically-the defense wasn't that good last year. Maybe 2012-they were very good. I don't know where they are now. We'll find out tonight right? :)

BYU has had some stout defenses at times. Last year they were around 5oth in total D (yards), but #22 in scoring D. IMO the scoring D is the most important. The passing D was actually stronger than the rush-D, last year. It's usually the other way around.

I don't know how Uconn's O-line will handle BYU's defense tonight. Sounds like not much experience there. If BYU can get pressure or slow the run, getting the ball out to the WR's is going to be difficult and or risky perhaps. If Uconn can handle the BYU defense and rush some or vice versa-the other facet opens up.
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