Solid/Functional/Smart Big Man | The Boneyard

Solid/Functional/Smart Big Man

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Apr 20, 2013
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I think we can all agree that the bigs we had/have really did most of, if not all they could do physically and athletically against a bigger and stronger Kansas line up. I am not sure what our program does from a strength stand point, but it's clear we need to change it up a bit, something Coach Ollie acknowledged after being asked about the physicality of KU's bigs. Having said that, it may not be the program's fault, but more the type of players we have either brought in or bringing in. Again, something I think we can all agree on.

By season's end, I can see and have noticed a slight change in the build of Enoch, but to change a body physically and speaking from experience as a trainer with a training/strength background, you need more than a basketball season to do so. That type of training needs to be done off season and with 100% of dedication, along with proper diet. It's hard to change a body type of say a Facey but not impossible. Overall, that's just not his body type. He can get stronger, add some size, but you can't turn his body into say a Shaquille O'Neil or Drummond. This team needs a solid serviceable good old fashioned BIG MAN, and I think Coach Ollie knows that and definitely saw that after tonight and throughout the season. I believe we will get there.

I again will say I am not sure what our in season and offseason strength program consists of, but would love to see it. I think we have a good strength guy and don't think we need to change there but if he's good and I suspect he is, he can and will adapt to what is asked of him. At the very least, I know I would be consulting Balis if they aren't already doing so. Again, speaking from experience and my athletic training background, we all have different specialities in the training world but a good solid trainer can adjust to their clientele, and I feel confident UCONN has those resources in place already and will make off season programming different moving forward. Once that is in place, it's up to the players to put the work in. At the end of the day, I don't care how good a strength coach you are, if your client or this case Athlete doesn't put the time in, there's no program that will make your bigs magically stronger/faster.

I like the size we have in Enoch and the talent coming, and feel good they can and will be special. Having said that, we have some work on the recruiting trail, of which I am sure Coach Ollie recognizes that and is working on it as we speak. He won't rest until we our the best, that I am sure of. Take pride in what our bigs did this season, they gave their all and to that I do not fault them, rather thank them. Thank you Phil, Kentan, Steve, Shonn and to an extent Omar (I know he wasn't a true big, but the guy has heart and toughness). We will be back, keep those heads up high Husky fans. Our future is bright and I am proud to be a fan and an alumnus of this great university. Go UCONN !!!
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