Scenario where B12 expands (without us) that actually may leave us slightly better off | The Boneyard

Scenario where B12 expands (without us) that actually may leave us slightly better off

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King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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Here goes: if the B12 grabs the two Florida schools, I don't think we are losing too much. Here's why: UCF has only had one or two good seasons in their entire history, USF is about a 6-7 win program, and they both stink at basketball (which are precisely the reasons why the B12 won't add them, but I digress). You might think that losing Florida would hurt TV money, but not so if the two replacements are the following: Air Force (all sports) and Army (football-only).

Pros: 10-team basketball league with only 3 bad teams (, Tulane, ECU) as opposed to 4 (RPI won't take as much of a hit)
Military games all stay within conference, leading to better money in the TV department
AAC actually represents what it stands for which will help with branding
We lose two directionals

Con: We lose the Florida recruting market (ok, I realize this hurts)

Obviously, I would rather UConn got picked by the Big 12 (and I honestly think it will be us and Cincy), but I believe the two Florida schools leaving and Army/ coming on board would be better than the status quo.
Aug 26, 2011
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Aug 26, 2011
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Here goes: if the B12 grabs the two Florida schools, I don't think we are losing too much. Here's why: UCF has only had one or two good seasons in their entire history, USF is about a 6-7 win program, and they both stink at basketball (which are precisely the reasons why the B12 won't add them, but I digress). You might think that losing Florida would hurt TV money, but not so if the two replacements are the following: Air Force (all sports) and Army (football-only).

Pros: 10-team basketball league with only 3 bad teams (, Tulane, ECU) as opposed to 4 (RPI won't take as much of a hit)
Military games all stay within conference, leading to better money in the TV department
AAC actually represents what it stands for which will help with branding
We lose two directionals

Con: We lose the Florida recruting market (ok, I realize this hurts)

Obviously, I would rather UConn got picked by the Big 12 (and I honestly think it will be us and Cincy), but I believe the two Florida schools leaving and Army/ coming on board would be better than the status quo.

I thought you were asked nicely to PLEASE do not start threads. You are roadkill on insight.
Aug 24, 2011
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I stopped reading when the OP started talking about performance on the field. Like that matters.
Feb 13, 2014
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This dude is so low key trolling right now it's not even funny. Throwing shat at the walls of the CR board and just watching us smell the fumes. Bravo


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Not losing much?? How does $20-$50M/yr in TV revenue sound?
May 27, 2014
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Why would the B12 take TWO FL directionals? Yes, that would be better for us than losing Cincy and Memphis/UCF/USF. But never happening.
Oct 8, 2015
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A) We will never be better off as long as we are in the G5. We're losing money every year without P5 revenue.
B) The scenario you list is completely irrelevant because the Big 12 is not going to pick one of UCF/USF, let alone both of them.

The only way we are not hurt by Big XII expansion (outside of being picked) is if they pluck Florida State or Clemson and the ACC tabs us as a replacement.
Jun 17, 2013
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Here goes: if the B12 grabs the two Florida schools, I don't think we are losing too much. Here's why: UCF has only had one or two good seasons in their entire history, USF is about a 6-7 win program, and they both stink at basketball (which are precisely the reasons why the B12 won't add them, but I digress). You might think that losing Florida would hurt TV money, but not so if the two replacements are the following: Air Force (all sports) and Army (football-only).

Pros: 10-team basketball league with only 3 bad teams (, Tulane, ECU) as opposed to 4 (RPI won't take as much of a hit)
Military games all stay within conference, leading to better money in the TV department
AAC actually represents what it stands for which will help with branding
We lose two directionals

Con: We lose the Florida recruting market (ok, I realize this hurts)

Obviously, I would rather UConn got picked by the Big 12 (and I honestly think it will be us and Cincy), but I believe the two Florida schools leaving and Army/ coming on board would be better than the status quo.
Here goes: if the B12 grabs the two Florida schools, I don't think we are losing too much. Here's why: UCF has only had one or two good seasons in their entire history, USF is about a 6-7 win program, and they both stink at basketball (which are precisely the reasons why the B12 won't add them, but I digress). You might think that losing Florida would hurt TV money, but not so if the two replacements are the following: Air Force (all sports) and Army (football-only).

Pros: 10-team basketball league with only 3 bad teams (, Tulane, ECU) as opposed to 4 (RPI won't take as much of a hit)
Military games all stay within conference, leading to better money in the TV department
AAC actually represents what it stands for which will help with branding
We lose two directionals

Con: We lose the Florida recruting market (ok, I realize this hurts)

Obviously, I would rather UConn got picked by the Big 12 (and I honestly think it will be us and Cincy), but I believe the two Florida schools leaving and Army/ coming on board would be better than the status quo.

You are a consonant away from being named perfectly...
Aug 2, 2013
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I think shizzle787 is Dennis Dodds. They are both equally clueless on the subject of CR.
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