Saturday was a microcosm of the whole season... | The Boneyard

Saturday was a microcosm of the whole season...

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Aug 26, 2011
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The weather was tolerable for the most part.
the rain held off until the 4th quarter.
Those few of us who attended were left wondering why we bothered.
The tone was set when Diaco had the team lined up to try & make a 1st down just past midfield on 4th & a foot. He then let the clock run down, called timeout, & sent in the punting team. For Christ sake Coach, it was the last game of the SEASON, you were up by 14 at that point & it was time to stick a fork into the opposition. Instead , you lost your own team with your vote of no confidence.
Stadium management didn't get any points for customer service either. On the drive to the RENT, we listened to Ray Dunaway's pregame show. He interviewed the new manager of the facility who was extolling the virtues of the new concession offerings like the pizza stand & his vision for the future. How about serving the people that actually showed up on Saturday. At halftime, my buds & I went to multiple beer kiosks to get a designer brew for a last toast on the tailgating season (Sierra Nevada, Guinness, Two Roads) We were told that concession management had only allowed for one keg per variety & the kiosks had sold out mid-second quarter. But we were told that they had ordered plenty of the "diet" beers (the concession attendant's exact words).
I had an inkling that this would be the case when, during the radio interview, the stadium manager made the comment that concessions would be transitioning from beer to hot chocolate. I didn't buy anything from the food kiosks, but I wonder if they were short supplied also due to Saturday being the last game of the season.
I've put this season behind me. Too many important things to do with the holiday season & the little princess's wedding in January. I may start getting the juices flowing again @ National Signing Day, but Saturday's game experience left me completely drained.
Aug 26, 2011
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Drained is the perfect word for this season. I didn't expect much in terms of wins and losses this year truthfully. We had WTF win, a win over an FCS team and four games that we realistically had a shot at in Army, SMU, Tulane, and USF. Winning those four would have meant bowl eligibility, which with this schedule, I thought we would have been in the hunt for toward the end of the year. This season drained you of fun, and of hope. All I really wanted was to see a team/program to move away from the total disfunction of the past regime. You know things like wasting time outs because you can't get the play in. Nope we got more of the same. Diaco ran the ball three times and punted on our second position of the second half up one score. Yep, last game of the year in a meaningless game against a winless opponent, and the coach that talks about developing players being more important than winning a game here or there didn't want to dare let the guy he has called the QB of the future throw the ball.

I'd feel better if I thought a foundation was being set. Diaco keeps telling us that, but the team that was ultra competitive in tough losses to Boise, ECU and beat UCF regressed as the season went on.

My expectations are so low right now, that if next season Bob Diaco doesn't blame the previous regime for whatever sheetshow he conjures up, I will consider the season a success.
Aug 29, 2011
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Coach, bravo for attending. I've missed games and Rentschler before, and I will miss them again in the future. I just couldn't justify another day at that stadium to my family for this product. I never earned the perfect attendance award in school (but I got good grades).

I didn't go to this game. The guys that I do know that went, basically stopped in for a beer on their way to Cabela's.

My only thoughts, are that the management at Rentschler were prepared for the smallest crowd in the history of the venue, when it came to stocking the beer. The attendants that work at Rentschler? Well, there are many things about today's society that worry me about the future, and the relative levels of education, productivity from the general population, skills, etc......well, the people that work at Rentschler, don't help my concerns about all that from the parking lots all the way in to the concessions.

I have not watched the game, and what you write, about that in-game situation screams to me that Diaco lost this team. That's bad. Hopefully, there is a core of players that he has not lost, and there is a plan that makes some sort of sense going forward.

Choosing to play it safe, and not go for broke, on senior day against the worst team in Division 1 (Prior to completing the game against us?) Oh man, Coach Bobby........(shaking my head no, no, no)

The season is over, the results have been achieved, we are the worst in division 1. From a BCS conference champ in December 2010, to worst in division 1 in December 2014.

What a crappy ride the past few years have been. I have no doubt that in a few months, the anticipation of a new season will override the feelings I have now, and I'll get jacked up again. No doubt. But we are what our record says we are - until we change our record.

Good luck with wedding!


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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I remember when fans cheered for and supported their teams. Now it's "product".
Aug 29, 2011
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I remember when fans cheered for and supported their teams. Now it's "product".

When it's a team that appears to me to actually be trying to win, then I'll call it a team. For now, it's product in development, as has been made clear over and over again.


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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I've NEVER been as dissappointed in a UConn team than I was on Saturday. Ever. The worst game at The Rent I've ever been to (that includes the 0-41 game against Cincy). The weather blew, the game expirence blew, the team gave up and sat their asses down on the heated benches in the 3rd and 4th quarters instead of supporting their teammates like SMU did. It was a complete disaster. Much like our 2014 season... Glad this is behind us, and we can start on the recruting trail.
Aug 27, 2011
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After Diaco called that timeout I turned to the guy behind me and said if he brings out the punting unit I'm leaving. I should've stayed true to my words.

Also went for a Yeungling and was 3rd in line when the keg crapped out.

Went to retrieve the poncho from the trunk this morning to find it full of ice. Good times.
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