Two years ago the women won the National Championship and S.I. had a one page summary of what was probably a short phone interview with Geno. The next year another win and another one pager with a black and white file photo of Geno. Yesterday I saw Stewie on the cover and thought I would find a good article. Nope, just a stat sheet not even a complete sentence. S.I. ignores women's sports. This sends a message to it's young male readers. Girls don't count. The only time S.I. features women is at championship tennis time. Probably because it is slow time for baseball (early season) and all the winter sports are done. The bikini issue does feature some players but not for their accomplishments. As a teacher from the 60s I have seen the change in girls self confidence as a result of Title Nine. S.I. works against this trend. They do not seem to realize that their daughters ate affected as well. S.I. misses huge market by staying in the past. They could really help women's sports.