Actually, forever and for all time Burt said he hated the movie and really did not like working with Anderson and he fired his agent after the film was in the can.
"Speaking with
The Guardian to promote his upcoming book, Reynolds said he “hates” the film and “hated” working with Anderson, despite the fact that he admits he’s still never watched the whole movie. Indeed, while Reynolds’ displeasure during production has been well covered, Anderson was ready to let bygones be bygones, offering the actor a part in his epic drama follow-up
Magnolia, which Reynolds declined by saying:
“I’d done my picture with Paul Thomas Anderson, that was enough for me.”
Burt Reynolds Still Hasn’t Seen ‘Boogie Nights’; “Hated” Working with Paul Thomas Anderson
Burt Reynolds turned down role in 'Boogie Nights' seven times, fired agent after filming