Revenue up for all FBS Schools with new Playoff System | The Boneyard

Revenue up for all FBS Schools with new Playoff System

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Sep 23, 2011
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With all of the talk about the 4 team playoff (which personally I would like to see go to 8 teams), I found it interesting that revenue for all conferences including the G5 was up significantly.

The one exception is the American, as the prior Big East took in a much larger share prior to realignment. Hoping for the day that UCONN can cash in on the P5 money!
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Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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I never understood the "it's all about bowl money" argument against the playoff system. The amount of money an 8 team playoff system would generate is off the charts. Use the 4 BCS bowl sites as quarterfinal locations so you maintain college tradition. Sell the semis and championship locations to the highest bidder.
Aug 29, 2011
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I never understood the "it's all about bowl money" argument against the playoff system. The amount of money an 8 team playoff system would generate is off the charts. Use the 4 BCS bowl sites as quarterfinal locations so you maintain college tradition. Sell the semis and championship locations to the highest bidder.

The power struggle in intercollegiate football is something that has a very long history. It's pretty remarkable that we've gotten this far, and the optimist in me thinks that the major hurdle point of no return has already been crossed, and we will eventually arrive at true post season format that can arrive at legitimate national champion every year. The only thing that really still stands in the way - is Notre Dame. The Big East conference no longer is in the way, and the ACC, if they're not careful, will get sucked dry by the Notre Dame parasite too.

The power struggle, and the hierarchies and divisions, and levels of football have always been about competition level - which equals RECRUITING. It's no different now. The evoloution of the conference contract bowl system that started in the early 1990s to where it is now, is a product of the deregulation of television money contracts and the flood of all the division 1A independants into conference formats at the same time, and the end of the invitation bowl system. The determination of a national champion in college football has been a problem since the very first season so long ago.

What a true playoff system would entail, that would include say 16 teams, and involve the conference champion of every conference plus a few at larges (which is what they do in every other division of football anyway) - what that would do - is generate a TTT load of money - but also create a playing field in recruiting, that is as level as it can be nationally.

When UCONN football can demonstrate the same path to a national title, that Alabama can, and that would mean winning the conference championship, and then winning playoff games, or earning an at large bid into a playoff system - that includes the champions of all conferences - then when a recruiter goes into any living room in the country - it's much different than it is now. (Change those college names however you see fit)

The P5 membership will fight that tooth and nail to the death, and the independence of Notre Dame, is something they will try to maintain to prevent it from happening.

Money gaps are secondary.
Aug 28, 2011
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damn shame this sport we've loved over the years called college football gets messed up because people want it to become more of a cash cow than what it once was.... simply joyful to watch....
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