Refusing to Lose | The Boneyard

Refusing to Lose

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Aug 29, 2011
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I'm reminded now, of somethign that I often go back to when finding roots as to what it means to compete in sport and win. It's something I quite literally have not paid a fleeting moment of thougth toward to, since back in 2010, when this football program suffered a major low point in losing 26-0 to Louisville, adn was sitting with a record of 3-4 after the midway point of the season, with a coach that seemed uninspired, and a team that seemed uninspired. We all know what happened from there. The players on the field strung together the run that put us in Fiesta Bowl.

So the phrase "Refuse to Lose". THe concepts of toughness, winning. WHere does it come from? Arguments can be made, but from me - it goes to a specific date in time before the vast majority of people that are reading this, or will read it, were born. A little under 60 years ago now. September 17, 1954. Location: Yankee Stadium, Bronx, New York.

Marciano v. Charles II rematch of the 15 round decision that went to Marciano 3 months to the date earlier. Never was Marciano's undefeated record more in doubt, than that day - 9/17/54.

I've thought about, and written about this before, I'm sure I will again in the future at some time. It happens when I get that feeling where things really are on the ropes.

Marciano, had gone 15 long rounds with young Ezzard Charles, and won on decision. The fight was so good, so close, so much so, that they fought again 3 months later, in front of packed stadium.

My memory is a little unspecific here without going back to the actual news accounts, but I believe it was somehwere around round 5 or 6, where Marciano came out of one his typical close., low, body blow encounters with a nose spouting blood. Marciano said he was hit with an intentional elbow, Charles said he hit him clean in the nose. Wasn't the first time Charles had drawn blood from Marciano.

It was ugly, somehow the fight managed to go on. It wasn't called. Too many people watching, too much money on the line I suppose to be called for that, I suppose, but it wasn't going 15 rounds with that blood. THe man's nose, was split open.

So the trainer did what he could, but after the next round it was clear that the fight wasn't going to last, it would be called. THe blood was flowing freely.

What did Marciano do? he came back in round 8, and quite literally unleashed the most ferocious attack he'd ever laid down in the boxing ring. His undefeated record was on the line, and it was because he was bleeding, not beaten.

He knocked Charles out in the 8th round, maintaining his undefeated heavy weight record. He did it with his nose split in two.

THat's what it means to refuse to lose. That's what i means to stand your ground toe to toe with somebody in sport, and win. That's what we need from all 11 guys on the field at any time. That's what it takes to win.

I'll be looking for it Saturday night, it's come back to it again.


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Aug 26, 2011
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Agree with Zoo, here. Cliches have worn thin. I just want to see this team play balls to the wall this Saturday.
Aug 29, 2011
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The message there, and what Rocky Marciano did in his boxing career, and what that phrase - "refuse to lose" means, I guarantee, means something to people that have ever stepped into any kind of ring and actually cared about it,and it's timeless, and it's real. Beyond the people in the rings, for people that want to see real competitors, it means a hell of a lot too.

You guys have let the negative energy sump pump that an internet message board can be - overcome everything that can be a positive motivation. Sad.

I won't let it be for me, and I hope that it doesn't seep into that locker room either. These players need to find their positive sources of inspiration. I think people in general need to find a source of inspiration to keep going in the daily grind, and finding new sources, and returning to old ones, is a healthy thing to do.

Rocky Marciano is no cliché. Rocky Marciano is the definition of a fighter.

You guys have something better? Let's read it. Something more modern? Let's read it. You want to sit back and be dejected and hopeless and defeated with your attitudes? I got no time for you.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm guessing Carl also believes in "momentum".
Aug 26, 2011
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You can't expect Carl/YankeeGhost to stop being himself just cause of Pasqualoni people, come on. ;)
Aug 29, 2011
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I believe in that the true nature of what a person is, come out when the worst of circumstances arises, whatever it may be. I am a UCONN football fan. This is only a sport, but it means something to me, and if my time has run out here in this sump pump that this message board has become, so be it. It always amazes me how people can think that the ability to be "balls to the wall" can just be flipped like a switch. It's not something you turn on and off like a switch, and no I don't have to believe in momentum, because momentum isn't something you believe in, it's mass x velocity. Right now we are a giant turd sitting at rest. I want to see that turd start moving with some velocity - which means acceleration, and the only way you get acceleration is by applying force. Because acceleration by definition is the change in velocity.
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Aug 26, 2011
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I believe in that the true nature of what a person is, come out when the worst of circumstances arises, whatever it may be. I am a UCONN football fan. This is only a sport, but it means something to me, and if my time has run out here in this sump pump that this message board has become, so be it. It always amazes me how people can think that the ability to be "balls to the wall" can just be flipped like a switch. It's not something you turn on and off like a switch, and no I don't have to believe in momentum, because momentum isn't something you believe in, it's mass x velocity. Right now we are a giant turd sitting at rest. I want to see that turd start moving with some velocity - which means acceleration, and the only way you get acceleration is by applying force. Because acceleration by definition is the change in velocity.

"Balls to the wall"

Also a slogan.
Aug 26, 2011
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Look no one is suggesting it could be "flipped on like a switch". But your win one for the gipper speeches on the boneyard aren't gonna affect the outcome of the game one iota. This team, led by its coaches and captains, in practice need to be getting ready to go balls to wall. If they're looking for motivation, inspiration, or confirmation on the boneyard were more flucked than I thought. Besides, refuse to lose was part of Calipari's bull spitt at UMass. He can keep it the slogan/cliche.
Aug 26, 2011
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"Balls to the wall"

Also a slogan.

Yeah, but in fairness, I introduced that slogan to this thread. Play like their hair is on fire? Slogan also? I give up.
Aug 29, 2011
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Balls to the wall is also one of those killer 80's heavy metal anthems by a German band called 'Accept' with a diminutive, gnome like lead singer named Udo Dirkschneider, whom when you saw in person, could not believe the voice came out of.

Aug 29, 2011
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Yeah, but in fairness, I introduced that slogan to this thread. Play like their hair is on fire? Slogan also? I give up.

It's not that easy to inspire others to run through a wall is it? I can do it. I've done it. I still do it. I would still run through walls myself if my knees weren't totally shot, now I just move really slowly with a gimp and keep hitting dully, until the repetitive motion knocks the wall down. Younger people, can generate the speed and force necessary to blow the wall into tiny bits in one shot.
Aug 27, 2011
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I believe in that the true nature of what a person is, come out when the worst of circumstances arises, whatever it may be. I am a UCONN football fan. This is only a sport, but it means something to me, and if my time has run out here in this sump pump that this message board has become, so be it. It always amazes me how people can think that the ability to be "balls to the wall" can just be flipped like a switch. It's not something you turn on and off like a switch, and no I don't have to believe in momentum, because momentum isn't something you believe in, it's mass x velocity. Right now we are a giant turd sitting at rest. I want to see that turd start moving with some velocity - which means acceleration, and the only way you get acceleration is by applying force. Because acceleration by definition is the change in velocity.

All the power to you Carl. I actually admire your ability to remain upbeat. But please with the hyperbole nonsense......

"I believe in that the true nature of what a person is, come out when the worst of circumstances arises, whatever it may be."

This is an internet message board with UConn football fans posting. We all care. But it's not life or death. Be happy people are still here. I haven't seen Bizlaw since the Towson debacle. Thankfully not one of us here will have any affect on the outcome of the game Saturday night. Getting us pumped up isn't going to make Smallwood or Davis run faster or Stephen hit harder. If the reality of the situation we find ourselves in is too much to handle, I don't know what to tell you. This isn't a good football team right now. It's actually very normal to not be as jazzed up for the games now. It happens at the "Big Boy Schools" too. See Auburn, 2012.
Aug 29, 2011
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I completely disagree Jimmy. The fans in that stadium and there are people that read and write here that will be in that stadium, will have a direct impact on the outcome of that game.

The direct effect is how the crowd affects the players on the field. it's a rare, rare individual, that can take a playing field and be able to truly ignore the environment.
Aug 26, 2011
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Did you notice that in your example is a guy who always refused to lose, not something you can turn on/off/on just because. Does help to have a few skiiiiiiiiiills to go along with refusing. Not sure all the refusing in the world would help UConn when they have running LM up the middle or CW running into sacks; at some point you are who you are.
Aug 29, 2011
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Did you notice that in your example is a guy who always refused to lose, not something you can turn on/off/on just because. Does help to have a few skiiiiiiiiiills to go along with refusing. Not sure all the refusing in the world would help UConn when they have running LM up the middle or CW running into sacks; at some point you are who you are.

Oh - are we a talent deficient team now? Do the coaches play the game? F*(ck the coaches. I want to see football players.
Aug 29, 2011
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1993. NFL Week 18. Dallas @ New York. Playoff [positioning/appearance on the line. All time NFL career leading rusher Emmit Smith signature game. It wasn't about yardage, it was about how you respond to pain. They kept calling Emmit's number, and he delivered. Even if you are a Cowboys hater, and Emmitt hater, this game is undeniable.

Aug 27, 2011
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Tony Montana also refused to lose, although he was shot up quite a bit by the end of the movie. Jou kidding me? We need some of dat chit. Say hello to my little Lyle McCombs jou turtle piece of chit.

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