Pres. Herbst State of UConn address makes zero (0) mention of realignment/expansion | The Boneyard

Pres. Herbst State of UConn address makes zero (0) mention of realignment/expansion

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Sep 2, 2011
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This is a few days old, but Pres. Herbst gave a state of UConn address wherein she outlined where UConn is at present, and where she sees it in the future.

Lots of talk about getting the UConn brand more fully known, how great UConn has become, and how much better it can be if all work together, diligently and with passion. Basically what you expect any university president to say.

However, on a topic which consumed her for weeks in Sept/October, thete was nothing. No vague allusions, cryptic bones thrown to realigners. Nada.

What that means, who knows? But its sheer absence is disheartening, unless you're inclined to believe that the New New Big East is the best and most proper home for UConn athletics.

Be forewarned, the following link is a .pdf file.
Aug 26, 2011
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I wouldn't read into it. It could be just the opposite. There comes a time where you just stop talking about something when nothing is imminent. That doesn't mean there isn't anything going on.

I find the move to Hockey East to be another small step in the direction of making ourselves even more "big time". She expects to move on and is making all kinds of little changes that will culminate in something very good.


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Aug 25, 2011
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Cuse and Pitt had zero comments about the ACC before their moves were announced.

I don't think she should comment on conference realignment. She needs to stick to the topics and issues that UConn can control.
Sep 17, 2011
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She is the president of the university and there is a whole lot more to the university than athletics. And if she had to mention re-alignment, then she would have to mention the BB situation too. And given the context in which she was speaking, neither fit. Fact is, she hired a new AD and he probably has all of his goals and agenda from Herbst in front of him 24 hours a day. She has moved that item from her to do list and is probably very confident that she made the right hire, so there was nothing to talk about.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm sooooo glad that Herbst mentioned the endowment as a point of emphasis. UConn's endowment is weak right now. If it gets to 1 billion (like she wants it) in the next 10-15 years...just wow. I don't think it's possible...but you never know.

Pretty good speech. I like everything she had to say. She's really an asset to the university, regardless of the whole realignment process. If she stays here for 15+ years, I would be surprised to see UConn crack the top 10-15 public universities by the end of her tenure.
Aug 28, 2011
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i think it'd be idiotic for her to allude to us leaving a conference. like everybody else, she'll talk about it when it's done. to do so even a minute before that would be irresponsible and potentially damaging. if we talk about leaving it could hurt current BE TV talks, which would not only hurt our pocketbook, but could open us to litigation.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm sooooo glad that Herbst mentioned the endowment as a point of emphasis. UConn's endowment is weak right now. If it gets to 1 billion (like she wants it) in the next 10-15 years...just wow. I don't think it's possible...but you never know.
Likely? Hard to say, but CT's rapidly aging population includes a LOT of people with a LOT of money. Some are Connecticut alumni, UConn parents, and many have hired, employed, and benefited from UConn alumni employees and consumers.

In recent years, UConn began building relationships, more professionally schmoozing, and gradually stepping up in asking for big commitments. Commitments, not necessarily immediate donations. In a professional manner, it's about time the school's building such commitments. Within a decade, I expect the result will see UConn hit and exceed $1 bn in endowment assets.
Aug 30, 2011
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This is a few days old, but Pres. Herbst gave a state of UConn address wherein she outlined where UConn is at present, and where she sees it in the future.

Lots of talk about getting the UConn brand more fully known, how great UConn has become, and how much better it can be if all work together, diligently and with passion. Basically what you expect any university president to say.

However, on a topic which consumed her for weeks in Sept/October, thete was nothing. No vague allusions, cryptic bones thrown to realigners. Nada.

What that means, who knows? But its sheer absence is disheartening, unless you're inclined to believe that the New New Big East is the best and most proper home for UConn athletics.

Be forewarned, the following link is a .pdf file.

Why feed the zealots, fanatics and nut cases that lurk in the rumor factories? She's already been pilloried by segments of the media for what they (the media) perceived, or wish to have perceived, as "begging." She knows what the issues are, how they impact UCONN, and the requirements for the school's athletic future. She's working on IT.

Sometimes, quiet is good.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm sooooo glad that Herbst mentioned the endowment as a point of emphasis. UConn's endowment is weak right now. If it gets to 1 billion (like she wants it) in the next 10-15 years...just wow. I don't think it's possible...but you never know.

Pretty good speech. I like everything she had to say. She's really an asset to the university, regardless of the whole realignment process. If she stays here for 15+ years, I would be surprised to see UConn crack the top 10-15 public universities by the end of her tenure.
I hope you meant wouldn't.
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