Patience Is A Virtue. UConn Will Sell Itself. | The Boneyard

Patience Is A Virtue. UConn Will Sell Itself.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3149
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Deleted member 3149

Once the practice facility is constructed and KO proves himself- UConn will sell itself.

With all biased thoughts aside, kids that chose schools like VCU or NC State over UConn are plain old clueless. They are thinking about the moment instead of the future. Realistically, yes...Kevin Ollie hasn't "proven himself". Sure, that's true. But these kids have to realize that Coach Ollie was handed the program by none other than Jim Calhoun. We are a 3 time national title school since 1999 with a young and enthusiastic coach.

I had this argument with some friends the other day. If you could play for one coach, who would it be? 10 times out of 10 I'd choose Kevin Ollie and UConn. Run n' gun basketball, passionate guy, top tier program, brand new practice facilities, NBA reputation, school spirit. Nothing beats this; not the Duke's of the world, the Kentucky's of the world, or even the North Carolina's of the world. It's simple- we have the most titles since any 2015 recruit has been born.

I understand picking a school like Oregon because the shine that the football team gets is a sales pitch in and of itself. If the basketball team ever reaches that level, they'll have something special over on the west coast. If there was a school that has the same "new money" flair as UConn, it'd have to be Oregon. I understand they haven't achieved squat, but you know that the Nike appeal has a huge affect on these kids.

In my opinion, this upcoming season is the biggest in UConn history. If Kevin Ollie can perform like he did last year, it can change the program for the future. Recruits will see that KO means business and that he's not a cheap man's Calhoun. In addition, the practice facility will be completed just around the same time that the season finishes up.

If you're a 2015 recruit, in the new facility, after UConn came off a deep tournament run with a young passionate coach.....Forget about it.

Instead of worrying about losing recruits, let's focus on this year. We have something really exciting to look forward to and we should be looking forward to the ride. My eyes are on title #4 and that's all I care about.
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