Part of the process | The Boneyard

Part of the process

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formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Just rewatched the mizzou game and ended up far more encouraged than I was in the immediate aftermath of the game. On that last drive, when the offense came to the line with over a minute left and was looking to the sidelines for a play, you could feel Mizzouri feel it slipping away. It changed with the timeout, maybe to the point of not mattering what we did. A team that's been through the wringer, has that call ready, especially after a third down draw. Get to the line and get a play called -- go, go, go, while their on their heels. I absolutely feel that this team (including the staff) is learning as it goes -- 200 level football. They're gonna get there.
Jan 13, 2014
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Part part of the learning is not what to do in a given situation, it is what to do in THIS situation with THIS team at THIS point in time.

We are much better this year than last and have more options on O but how many critical down goto guys do we have in that situation that can do what we need with this O line?

HCBD said in hindsight he would have brought the O back out and not fake kicked. Hindsight is great. He was able to see clearly the dropoff between BS and TB particularly with the game on the line. TB "can make all of the throws" just not in a game and not on a critical play. A bullet pass from TB, if it is not batted down, at least hits Bloom and is not picked. The fake gave him 1 second free. The touch pass was easy picking for Mizzou. In any case, low, low chance for success.

I think coach knows now with THIS team right now and game on the line your best option is put the ball in BS hands if you want a chance to win.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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I just think, more important than the call (about which I agree with you), was not having a play ready when they were back on their heels. The timeout squandered momentum and allowed the defense to gather itself. If you watch the replay, the O was at the line looking for a playcall for about 15 seconds before we went to the timeout.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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I just think, more important than the call (about which I agree with you), was not having a play ready when they were back on their heels. The timeout squandered momentum and allowed the defense to gather itself. If you watch the replay, the O was at the line looking for a playcall for about 15 seconds before we went to the timeout.

I was incredibly disappointed when they called the timeout. I knew the were going to make the first down there, if they went for it. Somebody said it earlier... just think Diaco over-thought the situation.

I agree completely though... first time head coach... you're going to get some growing pains.


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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Only three more days to talk about this last play ;)


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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SeoulHuskyFan said:
I just think, more important than the call (about which I agree with you), was not having a play ready when they were back on their heels. The timeout squandered momentum and allowed the defense to gather itself. If you watch the replay, the O was at the line looking for a playcall for about 15 seconds before we went to the timeout.

It's not as easy as you think having a call ready. This isn't the NFL 2 minute drill with Brady or Manning. This is a team that last season didn't really know how to play basic football.

Down, distance, and personnel make a difference and it changes greatly. If BS picks up 2 more yards then it's 4th and 2, if he picks up three less it's 4th and 7 from the 28. From those spots on the field with that kicking performance there is no go to answer. We were debating it before the drive starred in the game chat. We were thinking about, so I'm sure they were. We also had no idea what to do.

We all would have voted against the fake, any other choice would have been fine.

Joe D probably had the right idea yesterday. Run out the O, with 12 personnel then shift into the 5 wide empty backfield. Both tight ends and Newsome presumably, would have mismatches and Noel would be one on one. Find the most open guy and throw it to him. Any catch nets you the 4 yards. That's a lot to come up with in 30 seconds.

As for the TO, Missouri is calling one anyway. I wouldn't worry about it.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Not saying it's easy to have a call ready, I'm saying it's mark of a team that's a little more developed than we are at this point. Even conceding your point about personal groupings, you'd still expect the staff to know what their go-to five yard play is against a given defense. I'd also feel much better about forcing the defense to call a timeout than us taking it for them. It's about dealing with the situation with confidence and focused aggression. The way we handled that end of game situation looked a little panicky to me and I think that will carry over to execution no matter what you run.. I really don't mean that as criticism, I just think it's another reflection of the youth of the team and staff and something else to look forward to them getting better at.
Aug 27, 2011
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Just rewatched the mizzou game and ended up far more encouraged than I was in the immediate aftermath of the game. On that last drive, when the offense came to the line with over a minute left and was looking to the sidelines for a play, you could feel Mizzouri feel it slipping away. It changed with the timeout, maybe to the point of not mattering what we did. A team that's been through the wringer, has that call ready, especially after a third down draw. Get to the line and get a play called -- go, go, go, while their on their heels. I absolutely feel that this team (including the staff) is learning as it goes -- 200 level football. They're gonna get there.

Like Temple did to us in the OT loss at home.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Well I'm not really talking about the play, per se. (testing the theory that 'per se' excuses anything...)
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