??? Come again? How did you figure this? There is a direct correlation between seats and resources. Even in faculty teaching contracts, we have a minimum number of seats and a maximum. I would argue it's the very basis upon which we are paid. Funds flow to departments based on seats, and practically every single department decision is made with seats in mind. I would say that each and every body is considered in any calculation.
I sat on the board of my kids school for two years and had a nice long talk with the treasurer, about scholarships, during a budget meeting.
See, we had a "scholarship fund" and for whatever reason it simply seemed to accrue. We never expended a lot of effort seeking out scholarship students.
We figured out that, unless we were actually displacing a paying student from the classroom, filling an available seat with a scholarship student actually cost us nothing.
It didn't cost us an extra teacher, classroom, building....no extra electricity or heat....nothing.
So, we could move the cash from the scholarship fund (where it was just sitting around and getting all dusty and everything) and instead put it to good use in our budget for the upcoming school year, as cash flow.
But, the important thing we learned is that, even if the scholarship fund was exhausted, the kids on scholarship cost us nothing (unless and until we had a waiting list of paying students, that were being displaced).
Now, UConn is a pretty big operation, and frankly, in one of those big ass 100's level lectures down in Von Der Maden, you probably won't notice whether there are 900 or 950 students attending. The same with some Chem 100s level course with 350 kids in a lecture hall...
To a great extent, the 100s level courses are pretty elastic, and the 200s level courses are sometimes not entirely full....
UConn has around 18,000 undergrads in Storrs.....somehow I feel that the additional 18 scholarship hockey players (plus the mandatory 18 "offset" for women's scholarship athletics) doesn't upset the apple cart too much....and they probably will not have to increase staffing in too many departments to absorb this sudden influx.
At least....that's my reasoning.
Oh....and I agree with you, up front, about this being about bean counters....cost shifting around, between departments is what it is all about...
But at the top level, the actual cost to the school?
Aproaches zero...