OT-OT ~ Parent Accuses Football Coaches of Bullying After 91-0 Win | The Boneyard

OT-OT ~ Parent Accuses Football Coaches of Bullying After 91-0 Win

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Aug 26, 2011
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"The parent of a North Texas high school football player has filed a bullying complaint against a rival team's coaching staff after a 91-0 loss."



I wanna see if Texas High School Football institutes a "Cochran rule" as a result.
Aug 24, 2011
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Bullying = absolutely no.

Terrible coaching by the winning team = absolutely yes.
Aug 24, 2011
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And what evidence do you have of that? The score?
Yes. He set a poor example.

One year, Holtz & NDame was blowing out Navy and the ND QB ran out of bounds at the 2 rather than score a TD. ... Not that I would've blamed them for scoring -- it's scholarship football. But even they had some sense of appropriate behavior.

But this was HS football. He should've and could've done more to limit his team's scoring.
Sep 27, 2011
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Yes. He set a poor example.

One year, Holtz & NDame was blowing out Navy and the ND QB ran out of bounds at the 2 rather than score a TD. ... Not that I would've blamed them for scoring -- it's scholarship football. But even they had some sense of appropriate behavior.

But this was HS football. He should've and could've done more to limit his team's scoring.

He took his first stringers out in the 1st quarter and had 3rd stringers in at the end. How are you going to tell those kids to not try to do well so they can get noticed? Frankly it's more insulting for someone to try not to score than to do what they did. Kids are coached to play their hardest till the whistle blows. The parent that complained is a poster child for why society today is filled with weenies.
Aug 26, 2011
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He should've and could've done more to limit his team's scoring.

Like what... kneel on every play/run out of bounds?


>>"Aledo rushed for 391 yards and eight touchdowns against Western Hills. One running back scored four touchdowns on four carries. Aledo quarterbacks attempted just 10 passes. Aledo also dominated Western Hills in special teams play, with one player returning consecutive punt returns for touchdowns.

Buchanan told the Star-Telegram he removed his offensive starters after 21 plays and both teams agreed to use a running clock in the second half."

Western Hills coach John Naylor told the Star-Telegram on Sunday that he was unaware of the report, and disagreed with the allegations. His team entered the Aledo game outmanned, dressing about 30 varsity players. “I think the game was handled fine,” Naylor said. “They’re No. 1 for a reason, and I know coach Buchanan. We’re fighting a real uphill battle right now.”<<

The problem is there are such mismatches in talent in Texas. Look @ some of these scores from the same area. http://www.maxpreps.com/news/nMEc-exO_0CXvdyetYb1bQ/maxpreps-texas-top-25-high-school-football-scoreboard.htm
Aug 26, 2011
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Yes. He set a poor example.

One year, Holtz & NDame was blowing out Navy and the ND QB ran out of bounds at the 2 rather than score a TD. ... Not that I would've blamed them for scoring -- it's scholarship football. But even they had some sense of appropriate behavior.

But this was HS football. He should've and could've done more to limit his team's scoring.
Or maybe the losing team is just not very good...with disgruntled parents looking for someone to blame.

@ Seagoville (Dallas, TX)
Location: Seagoville High School
61 - 7Loss
Brewer (Fort Worth, TX)
Location: Western Hills High School
62 - 10Loss
Denton (Denton, TX)
Location: Western Hills High School
63 - 0Loss
Trimble Tech (Fort Worth, TX)
Location: Western Hills High School
9 - 7Loss
@ Southwest (Fort Worth, TX)
Location: Southwest High School
35 - 7Loss
Granbury (Granbury, TX)
Location: Western Hills High School
49 - 30Loss
@ Aledo (Aledo, TX)
Location: Aledo High School
91 - 0Loss
Aug 27, 2011
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That parent has a loser's mentality and I fear it will spread to his son. From the reports I read the other coach did everything he could to soften the blow. Only 10 passes and pulled starters in the first quarter.
Sep 21, 2011
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I played for a high school team where the final score was 93-7. Our coach removed the starters early in the game and eventually got to the 3rd string. There was no 'crying' in football, i.e. complaining = threats to file a lawsuit for bullying. Goodness help those parents when their kid doesn't get into Texas or Texas A&M. Life is full of setbacks... some you learn from and some...
p.s. I've also been on the losing end in the real world of work sometimes. You get over it and move on. Just remember...Illegitimi non carborundum.
Aug 26, 2011
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Wah wah wah. Everybody is great, no one loses, everyone gets a trophy. BS.

Getting schlocked 91-0 is good for those kids. It teaches them a valuable lesson about life.

Sep 3, 2011
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Actually I'd prefer if the School District and the Superintendent declined to pursue the matter and dismissed it as baseless. Patronizing these types of parents and allowing them to use bullying policies to such a convoluted end simply encourages other parents to behave in a similar fashion. Besides school officials have plenty of IMPORTANT work that demands their time and attention. I'd be delighted if the sum total of their efforts in this case was a quick email to the complainant telling them basically "go flog yourself and take junior with you".


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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The term "bully" needs to be reserved for serious bullying situations. This is not one of them.
Aug 13, 2013
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What is a coach to do?

No mercy rule in place...he benches his first and second string, only runs 35 plays (almost all rushes) with every third play a touchdown. After running back punts for a TD he instructs his kids to to fair catch every ball.

What to do...Take three knees and punt? What does that say?
Aug 13, 2013
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I blame Texas...they redistricted a real power program into a very weak district last year.
Aug 27, 2011
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22 running plays at nearly 20 yards a carry. They should have been able to do better than that by simply falling to the ground on defense and hoping the RB's trip over them. A good alternative for this team is to forfeit the rest of the season since they can hardly field a team, are getting crushed and have sensitive parents filing bullying charges. As a coach I would never tell a 3rd string player to take it easy or to stop playing. Those are kids who are JV level at best and may never get another chance to play at the varsity level let alone score a touchdown.
Aug 28, 2011
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the losing coach didn't think the other team was running up the score so the parents should STFU and get an life. Kids need to learn to go through adversity and this is a good lesson for them your kids are in highschool where they need to learn how to become men and not little boys.
Aug 28, 2011
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22 running plays at nearly 20 yards a carry. They should have been able to do better than that by simply falling to the ground on defense and hoping the RB's trip over them. A good alternative for this team is to forfeit the rest of the season since they can hardly field a team, are getting crushed and have sensitive parents filing bullying charges. As a coach I would never tell a 3rd string player to take it easy or to stop playing. Those are kids who are JV level at best and may never get another chance to play at the varsity level let alone score a touchdown.

Exactly your gonna tell kids who are pretty much career scout team players to not go hard, those kids play just as hard as the 1st stringers and get beat up by those guys in practice and always have to give the 1st team a good look of what the upcoming team's plays are.
Aug 26, 2011
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Bullying complaint dismissed... http://www.khou.com/news/texas-news/229070131.html

From another source: "A copy of the complaint obtained by The Associated Press quoted a parent, whose name was redacted by the Aledo school district, who said: "we all witnessed bullying firsthand."

"Picking up my son from the fieldhouse after the game and taking him home was tough," the complaint read. "I did not know what to say to my son on the ride home to explain the behavior of the aledo (sic) coaches for not easing up when the game was in hand."

One section of the complaint asks to list the names of any witnesses to the bullying. Wrote the parent: "everyone in the football stadium."
Aug 26, 2011
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The coach of the losing team should have forfeited the game. His team wasn't prepared to play a game that probably should never have been scheduled. Playing the game proved nothing and taught nothing and was dangerous for his kids. If anybody should have been sued it would have been him for child abuse. (take it easy just being facetious maybe sued for stupidity)

The losing coach didn't think the other team was running up the score so the parents should STFU and get an life. Kids need to learn to go through adversity and this is a good lesson for them your kids are in highschool where they need to learn how to become men and not little boys.

No I can't see how being fed to the wolves is a good lesson. I played football too. 91-0 is no lesson at all.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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The coach of the losing team should have forfeited the game. His team wasn't prepared to play a game that probably should never have been scheduled. Playing the game proved nothing and taught nothing and was dangerous for his kids. If anybody should have been sued it would have been him for child abuse. (take it easy just being facetious maybe sued for stupidity)

No I can't see how being fed to the wolves is a good lesson. I played football too. 91-0 is no lesson at all.
Disagree. I've coached on both sides of one-sided games. Once when we had only 7 players due to injuries and conflicts for travel soccer in 90 + degrees on a humid day. He had 18 kids at the game and played his full 11 (which I have no objection to him doing.) We scored first and kept it a game for a while but in the end the other team prevailed. (Even after it was decided he kept sending his guys up and pressing - kind of jerky but that doesn't seem like that's what happen in the football game.) In any event, I made sure our guys kept their heads up and played hard for the full 90 minutes. At the end of the game the got a standing O by fans of both teams. To this day when I see one of the guys, they still list this game, this loss, as one of their favorite memories, right up there with winning their flight on multiple occasions.

Sometimes life hands you a raw deal. You can either bitch about it or deal with it. That's the lesson.
Aug 26, 2011
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Disagree. I've coached on both sides of one-sided games. Once when we had only 7 players due to injuries and conflicts for travel soccer in 90 + degrees on a humid day. He had 18 kids at the game and played his full 11 (which I have no objection to him doing.) We scored first and kept it a game for a while but in the end the other team prevailed. (Even after it was decided he kept sending his guys up and pressing - kind of jerky but that doesn't seem like that's what happen in the football game.) In any event, I made sure our guys kept their heads up and played hard for the full 90 minutes. At the end of the game the got a standing O by fans of both teams. To this day when I see one of the guys, they still list this game, this loss, as one of their favorite memories, right up there with winning their flight on multiple occasions.

Sometimes life hands you a raw deal. You can either bitch about it or deal with it. That's the lesson.

Soccer is not football. I've also been involved in start-up mens hockey teams where we got killed the first couple seasons as new players learned the game. It is still not the same as HS tackle football. The physical risk and humiliation given the score are worlds apart. Adversity is missing your top player or being down 3 scores in the fourth. Not showing up for a huge public mismatch. Still disagree but that's ok I guess.

A similar situation currently playing itself out at Immaculate HS has just led to the "resignation" of Coach Tom Taylor but the specific circumstances haven't gone public.


"The issue (with forfeiture) was definitely the safety of the players," said Immaculate coach Tom Taylor, who was hired in 2012 to help resurrect the once-proud program, as he had at other stops in a decorated career that saw him previously serve at SWC schools Brookfield and New Milford. "Everybody was on board with that decision, right across the board."
Nov 25, 2012
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I blame Texas...they redistricted a real power program into a very weak district last year.

That was my first thought. How are these teams even playing each other?
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