OT - NFL Instant Replay | The Boneyard

OT - NFL Instant Replay

Aug 26, 2011
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I do agree with the incomplete pass call against the Steelers, made instant replay look brilliant, but Kelvin Benjamin's second foot clearly dragged on the grass and had total control of the ball. Bills should have had the lead at halftime. What's the deal? More controversy? The NFL assisting the Patriots would be something new. I'd like to see Riveron explain this call with himself on the video, so we can see his face.
Aug 26, 2011
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The NFL is over officiated in my opinion. You can't have a kickoff without a penalty, which kills potentially exciting plays. You seemingly can't have a pass play without some sort of a defensive penalty, all while offensive linemen get away with murder in the name of protecting the QB. But the worst, to me anyway, is what is a catch and what isn't. I would also love to hear an explanation about that play and why it was not a catch. It will probably be some nonsense about the ball moving a micron or two in the receiver's hands. Total nonsense.
Sep 1, 2011
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The NFL is over officiated in my opinion. You can't have a kickoff without a penalty, which kills potentially exciting plays. You seemingly can't have a pass play without some sort of a defensive penalty, all while offensive linemen get away with murder in the name of protecting the QB. But the worst, to me anyway, is what is a catch and what isn't. I would also love to hear an explanation about that play and why it was not a catch. It will probably be some nonsense about the ball moving a micron or two in the receiver's hands. Total nonsense.
For several reasons, last NFL game I watched from start to finish was like 4 or 5 years ago. Can't get enough of college football, not perfect either, but way better than a rigged pro league where owners and GM's no longer have control of their personnel. Still a baseball fan though, it's the one pro team sport that is still relatively honest.


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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In every sport it’s has ruined the game, slows it down! Just a bunch of micromanaging mofos,can’t wait til they ruin baseball with the electronic strike zone! By the way Butch it was a catch and football move to the end zone, but let’s keep splitting hairs on every call pretty soon every game will be an all day event. The sound you hear is America shutting off its TVs, happy holidays boneyarders!
Sep 1, 2011
Reaction Score
In every sport it’s has ruined the game, slows it down! Just a bunch of micromanaging mofos,can’t wait til they ruin baseball with the electronic strike zone! By the way Butch it was a catch and football move to the end zone, but let’s keep splitting hairs on every call pretty soon every game will be an all day event. The sound you hear is America shutting off its TVs, happy holidays boneyarders!
Electronic strike zone??? Won't the umpires union have something to say about that? Only way that happens is if owners all think it's a great idea to reduce ticket sales 30%.
Aug 26, 2011
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In every sport it’s has ruined the game, slows it down! Just a bunch of micromanaging mofos,can’t wait til they ruin baseball with the electronic strike zone! By the way Butch it was a catch and football move to the end zone, but let’s keep splitting hairs on every call pretty soon every game will be an all day event. The sound you hear is America shutting off its TVs, happy holidays boneyarders!
I refer you to Eli Manning. What he says about the Steelers' TD being overturned is exactly the rule. A rush and a catch are different plays, thus judged differently. You do have to complete a catch if you're going to score. Makes no sense to be bobbling as you cross the goal line.

The TE had control until the very end, when he lost control of the ball as it somehow twitched in his hands enough to lose control. Both knees were not down by that time either. That was unreal. He lost control of it because the ground pushed against his arm that was going down first.
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Nov 30, 2013
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I refer you to Eli Manning. What he says about the Steelers' TD being overturned is exactly the rule. A rush and a catch are different plays, thus judged differently. You do have to complete a catch if you're going to score. Makes no sense to be bobbling as you cross the goal line.

The TE had control until the very end, when he lost control of the ball as it somehow twitched in his hands enough to lose control. Both knees were not down by that time either. That was unreal. He lost control of it because the ground pushed against his arm that was going down first.

Exactly, the Jesse James catch isn't One of those times the refs had it right. Blame the rule not the refs on that one. Benjamin's catch was a touchdown. Plain and simple and I'm a Pats fan.
Aug 26, 2011
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Exactly, the Jesse James catch isn't One of those times the refs had it right. Blame the rule not the refs on that one. Benjamin's catch was a touchdown. Plain and simple and I'm a Pats fan.
I think the rule is very reasonable. Complete the damn catch. Can't understand the drama over that. The move James tries to pull by extending his arms out was just not a good idea, given the physics his body was about to undergo.

If it was a more obvious loss of control, fans wouldn't be complaining about the James TD being overturned. This may be micromanaging, yes. A lot of officiating will probably be determined by computer chips in a matter of time.
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Nov 30, 2013
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I think the rule is very reasonable. Complete the damn catch. Can't understand the drama over that. The move James tries to pull by extending his arms out was just not a good idea, given the physics his body was about to undergo.

If it was a more obvious loss of control, fans wouldn't be complaining about the James TD being overturned. This may be micromanaging, yes. A lot of officiating will probably be determined by computer chips in a matter of time, probably.

And fans will still figure out a way to complain about how the refs are screwing their team haha


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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And fans will still figure out a way to complain about how the refs are screwing their team haha
Never mind the teams the integrity of the game is lost one day their will be no officials... sad


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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Electronic strike zone??? Won't the umpires union have something to say about that? Only way that happens is if owners all think it's a great idea to reduce ticket sales 30%.
It’s coming their talking about as we speak
Aug 26, 2011
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The problem is many fans are babies when their team is not winning. This Patriots dynasty is proof. Our freaking basketball board is proof.

In the long run, this Patriots run will be good for the NFL. Easier to market internationally than small cities in the US.


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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The problem is many fans are babies when their team is not winning. This Patriots dynasty is proof. Our freaking basketball board is proof.

In the long run, this Patriots run will be good for the NFL. Easier to market internationally than small cities in the US.
I could give a duck less about my team winning it’s about integrity of the game
Aug 26, 2011
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I could give a less about my team winning it’s about integrity of the game
We have 2 Patriots fans saying the Bills should have been up at halftime in their last game. There's no disagreement that there's something wrong here.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I do agree with the incomplete pass call against the Steelers, made instant replay look brilliant, but Kelvin Benjamin's second foot clearly dragged on the grass and had total control of the ball. Bills should have had the lead at halftime. What's the deal? More controversy? The NFL assisting the Patriots would be something new. I'd like to see Riveron explain this call with himself on the video, so we can see his face.

Riveron explained the call. He said they showed that his foot was off the ground when he got his hands on the ball.

You can also argue easily that it is overofficiating.

But I wouldn't say this is case closed because you have 2 Patsfans here saying it was a catch. After all, you have Patriots hating Ryan Clark on ESPN breaking down the timing on the catch and saying it's the right call.

Although I disagree with Clark when he emphasizes that it was incomplete by the letter of the law, because getting two feet down in bounds has always been the standard as far back as I can remember watching football. There is no controversy here about the rule, as far as I know, except maybe in Clark's mind. This isn't like the Jesse James play where the wording was changed after the Dez Bryant play. Two completely different things.

I will agree though that an easy argument can be made for overofficiating.

If I were on the rules committee, I would change the rule that every TD is reviewed. I would instead give teams an extra challenge, but the 3rd challenge can only be used for end zone plays AND you do NOT lose a timeout if you challenge the play.

I would also have them do the XP AFTER the commercial break so that coaches can have plenty of time to decide if they want to challenge the ruling.

That way you don't have any of the more technical rulings (and, like Ryan Clark, I've agreed with every single one so far). The guys in NY looking at those angles and splicing them together should get a little credit. The only real question is, "Do you want replay looking that intently at plays on review?" And, if you answer "no" then you have to allow for some subjectivity into the system, because if you ask the NFL reviewers, they'll say it was a clearcut ruling, just as Clark said it.
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Aug 27, 2011
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In the end, all of these arguments about “getting it right” revolve around betting. Millions of dollars are at stake and the NFL wants to avoid screwing that up. With that in mind there will be hell to pay after tonight’s Eagle-Raider game. The Eagles failed to try and kick the extra point at games end. With the Eagles a 10 Point favorite, the miracle scoop and score gave them a 9 pt lead. Now kicking the point would give all the thousands of Eagles bettors a push in a game they all thought they had lost. The Eagles came back on the field as league rules require—lined up for the extra point —but took a knee. Now all of the fans who supported the Eagles have lost their bets. There will be a huge backlash against that coaching decision to take a knee. The NFL brass will need to react. Screwing your fan base is never a good idea.
Aug 26, 2011
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Riveron explained the call. He said they showed that his foot was off the ground when he got his hands on the ball.
I know that. That's why I said with Riveron on video explaining so we can see his face. :rolleyes:

If you couldn't see that Kelvin Benjamin's left shoe actually left a line in the grass from even light dragging, I don't know what to say. Get your eyes checked?
Aug 22, 2016
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In the end, all of these arguments about “getting it right” revolve around betting. Millions of dollars are at stake and the NFL wants to avoid screwing that up. With that in mind there will be hell to pay after tonight’s Eagle-Raider game. The Eagles failed to try and kick the extra point at games end. With the Eagles a 10 Point favorite, the miracle scoop and score gave them a 9 pt lead. Now kicking the point would give all the thousands of Eagles bettors a push in a game they all thought they had lost. The Eagles came back on the field as league rules require—lined up for the extra point —but took a knee. Now all of the fans who supported the Eagles have lost their bets. There will be a huge backlash against that coaching decision to take a knee. The NFL brass will need to react. Screwing your fan base is never a good idea.

Aug 26, 2011
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I know that. That's why I said with Riveron on video explaining so we can see his face. :rolleyes:

If you couldn't see that Kelvin Benjamin's left shoe actually left a line in the grass from even light dragging, I don't know what to say. Get your eyes checked?

He didn't have the ball when his toe was kicking up those pebbles. When they did the split screen, it was pretty clear.

Let me ask you: do you agree that AFTER his toe left a line in the grass, it came up and didn't come down again in bounds?
Aug 26, 2011
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He didn't have the ball when his toe was kicking up those pebbles. When they did the split screen, it was pretty clear.

Let me ask you: do you agree that AFTER his toe left a line in the grass, it came up and didn't come down again in bounds?
I guess you have a point there. That is actually some impressive instant replay officiating. Very astute observations.
Aug 26, 2011
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I guess you have a point there. That is actually some impressive instant replay officiating. Very astute observations.

Well, like I said, they can avoid the hypertechnical stuff and move the game along by giving coaches a single challenge without penalty while we're in a commercial. But as long as they have the video technology and replay, it is going to be hard to tell them to ignore the details when a call is really close. I'm sure they are doing this to avoid po'd owners.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm sure they are doing this to avoid po'd owners.
And fans think owners want to scheme them through instant replay.

At least Steelers fans (on their message board) have come to peace with the call. Buffalo fans will get there, too.
Aug 26, 2011
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And fans think owners want to scheme them through instant replay.

At least Steelers fans (on their message board) have come to peace with the call. Buffalo fans will get there, too.

Over the years, that competition committee has gotten an earful from several owners. Not all of them, but for instance Irsay regularly reamed them. I'm sure Riveron and the ref administrators in NY field calls from the owners all the time.

Cris Carter has a good take here:

Again, I don't see the need for totally invasive instant replay, and I think you can avoid it, as long as the fans don't freak out over video evidence of close plays called the other way. But while we have IR for every end zone play, I can't see how they can just subjectively decide, "This was a bang-bang play, and though we have some good evidence, it was so close we'll go with the call on the field." Tough to explain to the team on the wrong side of the call if they did that.
Aug 26, 2011
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Owners seem to think totally invasive replay is the way to go. I am fine with it myself. Less room for error.

I think we're looking at the possibility of computerized officiating, so might as well start now.

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