OT: Heart Disease in Women | The Boneyard

OT: Heart Disease in Women

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Aug 26, 2011
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Soooo, I am going to a cardiologist tomorrow. Long story short, I have been under chronic intense stress for the last year. On Monday, I was taken from work to the ER by ambulance - no lights and sirens, thankfully. Spent a lovely full day in the ER hooked up to EKG, having blood drawn, etc. No evidence of a heart attack, thank God! But, ER doc felt my symptoms were concerning and my PCP agreed that a stress test was in order. Tomorrow is the initial consult from which a stress test will most likely be scheduled.

I know women present heart disease differently than men, I have read all the web stuff, and I can understand why the ER doc wants a stress test. But are there any women posters who have had heart issues in the past that can share their personal experiences?

I am trying not to worry...but on Tuesday I had a far more painful "event" that was more typical of the classic chest pain. I didn't go to the ER - in hindsight Tuesday probably warranted it more than Monday but I had the classic "probably nothing and Monday was a false alarm so don't want to go through that again." Stupid, I know.

Damn...getting old is hard!


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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Thanks for sharing. Keep after the docs to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and they answer all your questions.

I've had my share of medical issues and have another surgery coming up in 5 weeks. Good things do happen.
Feb 5, 2014
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I, too was hauled in to the ER in an ambulance. In my case, I had been having some pain for a week or so, but it came and went. Then I had significant pain overnight that kept me from sleeping, so I called in sick to work. My regular doctor wasn't available so I went to a walk-in clinic. They hooked me up to an EKG. Then the doctor and nurse disappeared for a few minutes until they returned and the nurse held my hand while the doctor told me he had called an ambulance!:eek:
Once there I was monitored, blood drawn etc. They weren't overly concerned I thought and I was listening to the OD in the next bay when my mom & dad showed up. All of a sudden Nurses and doctors started coming over, making me nervous... then my dad started talking to me and the medical staff drifted away. You see, at the time dad bore a striking resemblance to Sean Connery! :D
Anyway, I was held overnight and did all the tests. They all came out fine. Turns out I have an odd EKG but it does not mean there is a heart problem as long as it is stable. My problem? Severe GERD and beginnings of an ulcer from H.pylori. Heart is still ticking along fine...
Aug 26, 2011
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Went to cardiologist today. Probably one of the nicest people I have ever me, let alone doctors. Youngish, early 40s. I think they are teaching bedside manner now in med school.

Anyway...while the ER visit on Monday I felt was unnecessary, he said I absolutely did the right thing so I feel better about that. Even though my EKGs and blood work were normal, I have symptoms that need to be further checked out. My mother had double bypass surgery in her early 60s and valve replacement surgery at 65. I am not quite there yet, but it isn't that far away either so family history is a factor. I have an echocardiogram and stress test scheduled, and came home with some nitroglycerin tablets - just in case.

Taking it day by day, trying to deal with the stress from work and the unknown about my health as well as I can. Xanax may become my new best friend - that is only half a joke.
Apr 14, 2013
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Hi uconnchapette,
You certainly will be in my payers. Iknow how you feel. About 3 weeks ago Iwas taken by ambulance to the ECU
Heart Ctr. Just before arriving I went into Ventricular Tachyardia, and had to be shocked back to life. It also happened in my hospital room on the day of my release. I came out of it and there were approx. 20 Drs. and nurses in my room, plus the chaplain was by my bedside. After becoming coherent I see the chaplain standing beside me and I say, "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE" ?! The room just went crazy.
I had never before had any health issues, and always kept myself in shape. So it scared the hell out of me. With medication and a defillibrator I should be able to live a long life.
Winlots posted on a thread yesterday, and many folks expressed their best wishes and prayers for me. It meant a lot to me. It was posted as Slimmer 56. I am HuskeySlim on my home computer, and Slimmer 56 on my office computer.
You be strong, and PLEASE keep us informed. You can be sure we are all rooting for you, and my wife and I will put you on our prayer line at church.
All the best buddy. Stay strong, and fight hard. We are all behind you !

Slimmer 56 / HuskeySlim / Kim Smith
Apr 14, 2013
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Hey UConnChap! Slimmer56/Husky Slim's wife here. Just a quick note to let u know what happened to me. I thought I was fine too until I was heading home (deep in the country) from work when the back of my head started feeling like a whole lot of pressure, pressure down my neck and my left arm felt weird. I thought I was having a stroke. by the time I got off the exit to head for the country, I sat at the stop sign and said to myself should I go right toward home or go left to the fire department and have them check my blood pressure and get their opinion as to what they thought was going on with me. I chose to go to the fire department. When the fireman took my blood pressure , she stated she thought it would be a good idea to call an ambulance to come and get an EKG. Ambulance showed up and hooked me up to an EKG and after they read the first reading they started hooking me up and strapping me down and told me that we were headed to a hospital 50 miles away not our local hospital because our local hospital didn't have the equipment to handle my situation. I asked them what situation? they said "Mrs. Smith you are smack dab in the middle of a heart attack and every minute counts!" I said ,But I don't have any insurance I can't afford the hospital! The EMT said You just want to die because you don't have the money? Are you crazy Ms. Smith?
We're not going to let you die, so lay back and try to relax.!" that happened on a Friday and I was discharged on Monday.
And for that 3 day escapade my stay cost me $150,000.Making that left saved my life! But I 'm alive and kicking and very thankful to all who helped me that day and will always be grateful to God for directing me to that fire department that day!
Don't worry your cardiologist will know what's best for you just have faith in him and try to do what they ask. And of course
say your prayers!:)


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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my mother died of heart disease 5 yrs ago... we were walking down the street, she collapsed and 60 minutes later she was gone. she was 71
Aug 26, 2011
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DC, so sorry for your loss. That must have been an awful experience to go through. My mother was 72 when she passed from COPD. Anymore that is just too young!

I am really hoping this is a false alarm and it is just what I think it is - work stress. I am making some major changes in my lifestyle. Out with the fast foods, cutting down on caffeine, and serious exercise (once I get the all clear!). I am carrying around about 75 pounds I do not need. My cholesterol is on the rise. If I want to be around to meet my future grandchildren (maybe? Someday?) I cannot wait to make the changes. It must happen starting right now. If nothing else, this scare has opened my eyes to what I have been doing to my body. If I don't take care of myself, no one else will.


Windy City Kitty
Aug 26, 2011
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Chapette - thinking of you and sending prayers that all will be well. Stay strong! Don't let the work B*****ds get you down.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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Am in Charleston (SC) visiting my mother-in-law due to her having had major open heart surgery after a heart attack of some sort. She had a carotid artery issue fixed, a leaky valve fixed, and 2 of 3 blockages bypassed.

She is 85 and appears to be on the road to recovery, possibly moving to rehab tomorrow.

So, prayers going your way, and hope you feel some encouragement from hearing all the stories of folks with minor and major problems who have seen their doctors and had their issues corrected. Had my Mother-in-law gone to the doctor when she wasn't feeling well, she may never have had the heart attack, so taking care of yourself is key.
May 28, 2014
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Take care of yourself, take nothing for granted and best of luck with your tests.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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my mother died of heart disease 5 yrs ago... we were walking down the street, she collapsed and 60 minutes later she was gone. she was 71
Sorry to hear that DC I can't imagine how tough that was. I'll say a prayer for her and for the Slims and Old Alum.

Chapette, I don't really know you, of course, but I enjoy your posts. Take care of yourself and know that you've already taken the biggest step by deciding to change your lifestyle. Take it one day at a time and let us know how it's going.
Aug 26, 2011
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Stress test today. But I feel like my life is a stress test every day at work that I fail miserably. Hope today is different


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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Stress test today. But I feel like my life is a stress test every day at work that I fail miserably. Hope today is different
Best wishes! I think you have a good self-diagnosis--stress test every day at work. Look at changing that, if possible.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, they let me go home. :D

Of course I don't have the "all is fine" but the cardiologist that did the quick look said I passed. One thing though. I got a little light headed after the treadmill was stopped. The tech said that was because my blood pressure dropped. When I said "that is normal, right ?" She shook her head and said it was not normal. No clue what that means, but the EKG part was apparently normal so home I went. I will ask my cardiologist about the blood pressure business when I see him next week and after the echo is done.

I appreciate you all listening to me worry. My birth family is long distance and while they know about the tests, I don't want to call them until all the tests are done. I don't want to cause them unnecessary worry. My mother, God rest her soul, self diagnosed herself with a multitude of diseases over her lifespan. She swore she had lupus at least three or four times. Listening to her reminded me of watching an episode of House. Maybe it is this? No? Maybe it is that? I am not putting my family through concern unless I know there is a reason for them to worry. Besides, I am still going under the assumption it is a head case issue - er, stress, I mean, - until my doctor tells me otherwise.
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Aug 27, 2011
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Work pressure and the feelings that you admit to are surely very detrimental to good health.

Finding a way to relax and feel good about yourself and your contribution might well go a long way to relieving you symptoms.

You might look for a psychologist who will hypnotize you and who can teach you to do it yourself.
Many, many years ago, I was going through a disastrous patch and such a provider was recommended to me.
To say that it changed my life, is an understatement.

Obviously the tests and excellent medical care are essential but dealing with your unhappiness is a close second.

And I didn't even stay at that hotel last night. :)
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