OT: General knowledge test #558A | The Boneyard

OT: General knowledge test #558A

wire chief

Sep 12, 2011
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Please no not hit "reply", nor discuss politics, nor do research,

1..What is the medical condition akathisia?

2..Susan Sarandon & Kevin Costner do take me out to the ball game.

3..Bob Rodgers cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette makes the news, why?

4..Rand Paul & Doc play neighborhood tackle. Explain.

5..Abe says what "cannot stand"?

6.. When Tevye sings, "If I were a rich man..", he employs unusual grammar. Explain.

7..Only 2 elements from the periodic table are liquid at room temp. Which?

8..In 1579 an Englishman(?) arrives in California.

9..The ship Isere brings us..?

10..Tom Hanks' wife and actor son?

11..What steed most fits the adage, "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride"? Explain.

12..The last year Italy won the World Cup?

13..What country occupies 1% of the world's land mass and 6% of all the world's mammals and reptiles?
Aug 26, 2011
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1. It is a condition by which a person is constantly changing their name/alias/aka. Akathisia is a clinically extreme case of alias acquisition/inhabiting.
2. Bull Durham. If the year has to be guessed, it would be around 1993 +/- 2 years. It is the movie during the taping of which Ms Sarandon and Tim Robbins became a couple.
3. He got fired for editorial cartoons unfavorable to the current president.
4. Rand Paul's neighbor, a doctor, attacked him at the their common boundary over some sort of border dispute. Neither one is talking much. Stay tuned.
5. A house divided(pretty sure that came out of the Bible)
6. To this day I have not seen any version of Fiddler on the Roof, but believe it is about the Yiddish, thus the reason for the unusual grammar.
7. Mercury and Iodine
10. Rita Wilson, ???
11. Alydar, came in second in all three triple crown races in 1977(?)
13. Indonesia
Aug 26, 2011
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2. Bull Durham

5. A divided nation

7. Mercury and Bromine

8. Francis Drake


Mad Man
Aug 28, 2011
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1..Restles leg syndrome, watch the infomercial.
2..Bull Durham
6.. I don't think it's unusual. If I was a rich man would be wrong.
7..I only know the easy one: mercury
9..The Statue of Liberty
10..Once again, I only know the easy one: Rita Wilson
Aug 26, 2011
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2. Bull Durham
3. He was first suspended and then fired for being "too negative" on Trump
5. "A house divided against itself cannot stand" -- Abe Lincoln in a speech while running for the Senate
10. Rita Wilson (wife); Colin Hanks (son)
11. Alydar -- for coming in a very close second to Affirmed in all three Triple Crown races
12. 2006 (who can forget the ZZ head butt)
Aug 2, 2015
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2. Bull Durham
3. Was fired by the paper; believed (as of whenever I read the story) he was fired because of his political cartoons about President Trump
4. Rand Paul's neighbor tackled him while he was doing yard work. Have the sense it was over yard trash or boundary dispute or something.
5. A house divided against itself cannot stand.
7. Mercury and...
20. The son is Colin Hanks I think. I can't come up with the wife. She was in that comedy about the peace core with him, I think. John Candy was in that one as well.


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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2. Bull Durham

3. Bob Rodgers editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette was fired for just cause. He was not fair and balanced in his work.

5. “A house divided against itself, cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free.”

6. When Tevye sings, "If I were a rich man." I is first person singular and should be used with was form of the irregular verb be. But “If I were.” just sounds better.

7. Mercury and bromine assuming room temperature is still 70°F. Gallium and cesium are a “close call at second base.” (Quoting Albert - Stephen Furst - in Dream Team).

8. The Dragon – Sir Francis Drake

10. Tom Hanks' wife is Rita Wilson and actor son is ???????


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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5. A house divided(pretty sure that came out of the Bible)

Matthew 12:22-28
"But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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2. Bull Durham

3. Bob Rodgers editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette was fired for just cause. He was not fair and balanced in his work.
Political Cartoonists do not have to be fair and balanced. Most have a point of view. Likewise columnists do not need to be balanced.

However, no newspaper has to employ someone who's political point of view doesn't agree with theirs as a cartoonist or columnist.


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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Political Cartoonists do not have to be fair and balanced. Most have a point of view. Likewise columnists do not need to be balanced.

However, no newspaper has to employ someone who's political point of view doesn't agree with theirs as a cartoonist or columnist.

We live about 45 miles from Pittsburgh but we don't take the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. So I am not familiar with Rodger's work. Why he was fired is a bit of a mystery to me since Pittsburgh votes Democratic party and voted as such in the last presidential election. The Post backed Clinton. So there must be something more going on behind the scenes.

Bama fan

" As long as you lend a hand"
Jan 11, 2017
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We live about 45 miles from Pittsburgh but we don't take the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. So I am not familiar with Rodger's work. Why he was fired is a bit of a mystery to me since Pittsburgh votes Democratic party and voted as such in the last presidential election. The Post backed Clinton. So there must be something more going on behind the scenes.
The publisher, J.R.Block, recently installed a new supervising editor. His name is Keith Burris and he does not appear to share the same views as his cartoonist. The city of Pittsburgh has traditionally been a Democratic stronghold, but the surrounding area ,served by the PG, is far more likely to vote more conservatively. The move to fire Rogers has inspired the editorial staff, and the reporting unit ,to pen a letter bemoaning the firing. As a former resident of the area, and as a guy whose first job was delivering that newspaper, I keep up with it as much as I can. Rumors of subscription cancellations arising from this action have been circulating rapidly.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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2. Durham Bulls stadium. What do you believe in?
5. A house divided cannot stand. (stole it from Jesus.)
10. Rita Wilson and Colin Hanks
11. I assume you mean Alydar who Placed (barely) to Affirmed in the Triple Crown races.


That's big-boo-TAY
Dec 16, 2016
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2..Bull Durham

3.. He was fired for being too critical of President Trump

4..Rand Paul and his neighbor got into fisticuffs, resulting in Sen Paul breaking a few ribs and the neighbor being arrested for battery

6.. I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but there are so many nonsense syllables that many of the sentences are not complete. Lines like "All day long I'd biddy-biddy-bum if I were a wealthy man" are not grammatically correct.

7..Mercury (metal) and bromine (halogen) are liquids at standard room temperature (25 C). We had some cooling problems at work yesterday, and gallium might very well have been a liquid, too (around 29 C)

11..Alydar was second to Affirmed in every Triple Crown race. In most other years, Alydar would have won the Triple Crown

13..I gotta think it's Indonesia

wire chief

Sep 12, 2011
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1..Fairview is closest; it refers to any condition where the body must stay in motion, can't sit still.

2..Zanz leads off oodles of you with Bull Durham

3..SVC in a divided household. The 2 responses seem contradictory. I guess Ms. SVC wrote one. Anyway we know SVC is notoriously unfair and unbalanced (don't let him hold your fine china), so who is he to grouse?
See Bama for fine detail.

4..The VAUC Quartet is up on neighborhood disputes. Rand won a decision here.

5..Give it to SVC for the completeness. He says Jesus is suing.

6..It is unusual in the sense that 90% + of the time one writes or speaks, "I was". And it is not just a case of it sounds better; it only sounds better, cause you got used to Tevye singing it repeatedly. Weren't you mugs paying attention in grammar school, when Sister Mary-of-the-Five-Wounds instructed you about the subjunctive case? For hypotheticals, fantasy, wishing one says, "If I were, If I be etc".

7..ED4, SVC & Big know more about chemistry than we. They bear watching.

8..Ed4 & SVC give us Francis Drake, history's most famous male duck. Well, maybe 2nd to Donald.

9..Well done, Fair, bringing it out of anonymity like that.

10..K9 and meyers the 1, 2 punch here.

11..Again we get The VAUC Quartet, lost winnings for putting their money on him to show.

12..K9's amazing memory. Actually, I too can still picture it. That's what you get when you insult a mother.

13..South Africa
Aug 26, 2011
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6. I was thinking that, but checked myself because there is nothing grammatically incorrect about I was. And, I do not hold it against my English teachers for not hipping me to the subjunctive case of hypothetical fantasy wishing. May be I was absent or, worse, skipping class that day.

wire chief

Sep 12, 2011
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6. I was thinking that, but checked myself because there is nothing grammatically incorrect about I was. And, I do not hold it against my English teachers for not hipping me to the subjunctive case of hypothetical fantasy wishing. May be I was absent or, worse, skipping class that day.

I think you went bowling.

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