OT - Bankruptcy Advice | The Boneyard

OT - Bankruptcy Advice

Nov 30, 2013
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If this is in the wrong spot, please move it to the proper forum.

Long story short I lost my job back in August of last year and have had a terrible time landing a job in my field. I currently work at Costco full time to not even make ends meet. So in order to save my home from foreclosure, I have to file for bankruptcy. Problem is now I run into the issue of paying my utilities to have lights and gas or paying the lawyer and get my electric and gas turned off. Is there anyone that can give me some advice or recommend a lawyer that doesn't cost 75% of every pay check until the lawyer and court fees are payed for?

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Very sorry about your financial problems. Maybe you should put your house on the market and tell us what field you are in case someone here knows of a good opportunity.
Nov 30, 2013
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Very sorry about your financial problems. Maybe you should put your house on the market and tell us what field you are in case someone here knows of a good opportunity.

I'm a chemical engineer. I'm running into the problem where I have just enough experiences to be "over qualified" for entry level positions and too little experience to be an engineer II.

I'd like to put my condo on the market, but I can't afford to move anywhere else. Especially with closing costs and how high rent it for apartments. Bright side is that I do have a roommate that would like to move in within the next couple weeks, so that's going to help with utilities and whatnot. Unfortunately, I'm still so far behind on my bills that even with that added income, bankruptcy is the really the only way to get out.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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I'm a chemical engineer. I'm running into the problem where I have just enough experiences to be "over qualified" for entry level positions and too little experience to be an engineer II.

I'd like to put my condo on the market, but I can't afford to move anywhere else. Especially with closing costs and how high rent it for apartments. Bright side is that I do have a roommate that would like to move in within the next couple weeks, so that's going to help with utilities and whatnot. Unfortunately, I'm still so far behind on my bills that even with that added income, bankruptcy is the really the only way to get out.

A roommate is a good plan. I should defer to a bankruptcy attorney, but my guess is that if you have equity in your condo (ie owe the bank less than its worth net of transfer taxes and brokerage fees) it might be very hard to hold off the bank from foreclosure.

Chemical Engineering seems like a somewhat narrow field. I would open your search up nationally and be sure to tell any prospective employers you would move tomorrow. As I am sure you know, Boston, Philly/NJ and Texas ought to have some opportunities. Best of luck and don't give up on getting back into your field.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Can't help you on the bankruptcy front however, look for jobs in Boston assuming you live in CT and be willing to commute for as long as you can. It'll suck for sure, but I'm sure it'd be better than bankruptcy. Getting a job in CT is incredibly difficult, I've been looking for a new job in CT for a while and I work in healthcare finance and it hasn't gone well.
Aug 28, 2011
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Can't offer any bankruptcy advice, just wanted to add that I agree you may need to expand your job search nationally. Good luck!
Sep 2, 2011
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Contact your mortgage lender ASAP and inquire of them about a mortgage modification.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Can't offer any bankruptcy advice, just wanted to add that I agree you may need to expand your job search nationally. Good luck!

Yeah, final 2 cents - its imperative you take the next opportunity back in your field, even if it means moving far from CT. All of our forefathers at one point (or at many points) moved for economic advantage. No reason our generation should stop.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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It's shocking to me that a chemical engineer can't find a job. Certainly I would think those jobs are in demand in and around Boston and Worcester, in biotech. Should be in demand in oil and gas as well.
Nov 21, 2012
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I'm a chemical engineer. I'm running into the problem where I have just enough experiences to be "over qualified" for entry level positions and too little experience to be an engineer II.

I'd like to put my condo on the market, but I can't afford to move anywhere else. Especially with closing costs and how high rent it for apartments. Bright side is that I do have a roommate that would like to move in within the next couple weeks, so that's going to help with utilities and whatnot. Unfortunately, I'm still so far behind on my bills that even with that added income, bankruptcy is the really the only way to get out.
Are in CT? I know someone who does probono bankruptcy work (unbelievable I know) now that has basically retired from full time practice. He is in Boston though.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm a chemical engineer. I'm running into the problem where I have just enough experiences to be "over qualified" for entry level positions and too little experience to be an engineer II.

I'd like to put my condo on the market, but I can't afford to move anywhere else. Especially with closing costs and how high rent it for apartments. Bright side is that I do have a roommate that would like to move in within the next couple weeks, so that's going to help with utilities and whatnot. Unfortunately, I'm still so far behind on my bills that even with that added income, bankruptcy is the really the only way to get out.

Have you tried Airbnb for your extra room? You may find that you can get 1.5 - 2x more vs. a monthly rent. Could be a stronger supplement.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Can't help you on the bankruptcy front however, look for jobs in Boston assuming you live in CT and be willing to commute for as long as you can. It'll suck for sure, but I'm sure it'd be better than bankruptcy. Getting a job in CT is incredibly difficult, I've been looking for a new job in CT for a while and I work in healthcare finance and it hasn't gone well.

And not just Boston. There is a big biotech corridor in Worcester, which is more reasonable as a commute to most of CT.

Bankruptcy stays with you a long time. It would take a very long time to repair your credit rating.
Nov 21, 2012
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Did you try the Patent Office? That's where a CE I know ended up.
I agree on this. I am patent attorney and we have had a number of attorneys leave the firm to become examiners because of the flexibility (work from home, government hours, ect.).


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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The problem with selling the condo is that unless it is 50% owner occupied in the complex, the buyer might not be able to get a mortgage. If you have tried a modification and have failed, then the state might still have a program to help you paying the amount you owe to get back in good standing. I do not know the name of the program. HAMP maybe?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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For a while at least fracking created a boom in Oklahoma and other big fracking states. I did a quick google search and there seem to still be Chem E jobs there. The advice to go wherever the jobs are is good. Get off the east coast and I suspect you will be in higher demand. You can work your back once you have more experience.

Good luck.
Aug 26, 2011
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Sorry to hear about your issues....just a few thoughts. Most law schools have clinical programs where students work with faculty pro bono to help out people...call the law schools to see if they offer help. Try a loan modification if you can. will keep your credit cleaner.


Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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I DM'd this to you but I completely agree with others about leaving the east coast to find a job. You'd be shocked how well respected a degree from UConn is once you get outside of New England/Mid Atlantic area. Look in NE/OK/TX and I guarantee you you can get some interviews set up (especially since you have experience) sooner rather than later
Nov 30, 2013
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Contact your mortgage lender ASAP and inquire of them about a mortgage modification.

The mortgage company isn't the problem here. It's my HOA who has been completely unwilling to work with me since I lost my job in August. They have given me a lot of attitude and no movement or help in anyway even though I've been perfectly upfront with them and communicated with them every step of the way.
Nov 30, 2013
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I have been looking outside of CT. I've been looking up and down the east coast and applied to positions in Texas, Mississippi, California, Washington, Oregon, Alabama, Georgia and more. The most frustrating part about applying for jobs is its extremely difficult to get any sort of communication from the companies you apply for now. I've called and emailed several HR representatives and I get some generic response of "if your profile matches what we are looking for we will contact you again. In the mean time.feel free to apply to other positions that interest you"

I've gotten to the point where I'd like to just get a job that pay enough to cover my bills then go back to school for my masters to help my candidate profile.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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For a while at least fracking created a boom in Oklahoma and other big fracking states. I did a quick google search and there seem to still be Chem E jobs there. The advice to go wherever the jobs are is good. Get off the east coast and I suspect you will be in higher demand. You can work your back once you have more experience.

Good luck.

I was going to offer the same advice - thanks CL82
Those Rocky Mtn states are going crazy with fracking, oil and natural gas exploration etc
I would think it would be a haven for chem engrs

Also How much is condo worth vs what you owe? What % of the complex is owner occupied? Do you have PMI on the loan now? Have you asked for a modification and/or a workout that allows you to pay interest only or 1/2 payments for a 6-12 month period? No bank wants to be in the real estate selling mode - they would rather negotiate a deal that makes sense for both lender and borrower BUT are more apt to work with you IF you have been forthright and in constant communication with them
Sorry for your position but now is the time to seek out of state work and work with your bank
Best of Luck


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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The mortgage company isn't the problem here. It's my HOA who has been completely unwilling to work with me since I lost my job in August. They have given me a lot of attitude and no movement or help in anyway even though I've been perfectly upfront with them and communicated with them every step of the way.
Can you appeal to the board? Do you know anyone on the board or someone who knows someone on the board?

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